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Xavier Myo S.

Mariño BSCS 1A

Midterm Practical Examination

Communication and Globalization

Communication skill development has always been an important factor in business success, but
the impact of globalization and cross-cultural interaction in recent decades has had a dramatic
impact on the types of communication skills required. Entrepreneurs can no longer afford to
simply communicate well within their own homogeneous cultures. People today need to
understand the dynamics of long-distance collaboration, the impact of culture on speaking and
body language manners, and how to use technology to communicate with people on the other
side of the world. Understanding the impact of globalization on each of these factors can help you
choose the most useful communication skills development programs for yourself or your
Globalization has introduced virtual communication and collaboration as a significant half of
workplace dynamics. Fashionable entrepreneurs ought to perceive the strengths and limitations
of different communications media and the way to use every medium for the most effective. For
example, communicating via email to distant team members needs an explicit prescript, and
shade is not necessarily needed in face-to-face interactions. Holding virtual conferences
requires an identical modification approach, and folks who are unaccustomed to human action
in teams in virtual settings will find themselves lost, confused, or unable to share their input.
Once selecting a communication skills training program, search for courses that address the
challenges of virtual interactions.

The advent of world collaboration introduces another new dynamic to communication skills they
have to be compelled to communicate and share information with individuals across many time
zones. Once people collaborate with others on the opposite facet of the globe, their
counterparts are sometimes reception asleep while they are at work. Today’s communication
skills development programs ought to address the nuances of overcoming this challenge by
teaching people to know the knowledge desires of their colleagues, in step with the
communication forms of completely different countries or cultures. Having the ability to
effectively share information between shifts will build or break the productivity of a
geographically dispersed team, creating this an important issue for several corporations

Cultural and Gender Sensitivity

Cultural sensitivity enables us to respond to different types of people respectfully and

appropriately that recognizing and affirming their worth, regardless of their cultural background.
Helping professionals such as doctors, psychologists, and nurses requires cultural sensitivity.
Research shows that gender difference remains a serious issue in tutorial science, nonetheless,
academic societies might function as underappreciated Associate in nursing effective avenues
Xavier Myo S. Mariño BSCS 1A

for promoting feminine leadership. That is, society membership is usually self-selective, and
board positions are electoral (with a high turnover compared to institutions these characteristics,
among others, may therefore produce a setting tributary to gender equality. We tend to
therefore investigate this potential mistreatment and an information-theoretic approach to
quantify gender equality (male: female ratios) in zoological science society boards around the
world. we tend to compare various models to research however society characteristics might
predict or correlate with the proportion of female leaders, and find that a cultural model,
including as we tend toll as together with} society age, size of board Associate in Nursing
whether or not or not a society had an outward commitment or statement of equality, was the
foremost informative predictor for the gender quantitative relation of society boards and
leadership positions. This model was a lot of informative than alternatives that considered, for
instance, geographic location, the discipline of study, or compartmentalization focus. Whereas
ladies were more extremely drawn to society leadership than to institutional tutorial leadership,
this illustration was still way in need of an equal thirty percent therefore additionally offering a
listing and suggestions for societies to contribute to international gender equality in science.

Societies and cultures are not static. They are living entities that are continually being renewed
and reshaped. As with culture more generally, gender definitions change over time. Change is
shaped by many factors. Cultural change occurs as communities and households respond to
social and economic shifts associated with globalization, new technologies, environmental
pressures, armed conflict, development projects, etc. For example, in Bangladesh, changes in
trade policies allowed for the growth of the garment industry, which drew large numbers of
women into the urban labor force. This process has involved a reinterpretation of the norms of
purdah (female seclusion) by the women.

Etiquette and Ethics in Communication

Communication ethics is the use of language, media, journalism, and the formation of
relationships that are guided by an individual's morals and values. These ethics take into
account being aware of the consequences of one's behavior and consequences; it is to "respect
other people's points of view and tolerate disagreement."
Ethics is important in the communications field because if the public perceives someone to be
untrustworthy, it can jeopardize a profession's reputation. A fulfilling life is also the result of
developing trusting and caring relationships with others, which comes from making ethical

Ethics in the communications field is important because if the public views someone as not
trustworthy, it can compromise a professional reputation. A satisfying life also develops as a
result of developing trusting and caring relationships with others and that comes from making
ethical choices. So we need to identify the problems that we see right now, Ask yourself if the
problem is a regulatory issue or a process issue related to regulatory requirements.

Ethics and communication are very important to us. Etiquette allows us to be considerate
approximately our conduct, it allows us to be privy to the emotions and rights of others. Etiquette
Xavier Myo S. Mariño BSCS 1A

allows us to get in conjunction with others, it promotes appreciation. Etiquette promotes

appreciation for human beings of different cultures, etiquette is culturally bound.

Distinguishing Textual Biases

Bias may be a disproportionate weight in favor of or against an inspiration or thing, typically in

an exceedingly manner that's closed-minded, prejudicial, or unfair. Biases may be innate or
learned. Individuals might develop biases for or against an individual, a group, or a belief. In
science and engineering, a bias is a systematic error. It's important to understand bias when
you are researching because it helps you see the purpose of a text, whether it's a piece of
writing, a painting, a photograph anything. You need to be able to identify bias in every source
you use.
The study of biased news reporting has a long tradition in the social sciences going back at
least to the 1950s. In the classical definition of Williams, media bias must both be intentional,
reflect a conscious act or choice, and must be sustained, represent a systematic tendency
rather than an isolated incident In this article, we thus focus on intentional media bias, which
journalists and other involved parties implement purposely to achieve a specific goal This
definition sets the media bias that we consider apart from other sources of unintentional bias in
news coverage. Sources of unintentional bias include the influence of news values throughout
the production of news and later the news consumption by readers with different backgrounds
Examples of news values include the geographic vicinity of a newsworthy event to the location
of the news outlet and consumers or the effects of the general visibility or societal relevance of a
specific topic
Various definitions of media bias and its specific forms exist, each depending on the particular
context and research questions studied. Mullainathan and Shleifer define two high-level types of
media bias concerned with the intention of news outlets when writing
articles: ideology and spin Ideological bias represents if an outlet biases articles to promote a
specific opinion on a topic. Spin bias is present if the outlet attempts to create a memorable
story. The second definition of media bias that is commonly used distinguishes between three
types: coverage, gatekeeping, and statement Coverage bias is concerned with the visibility of
topics or entities, such as a person or country, in media coverage. Gatekeeping bias, also called
selection bias or agenda bias, relates to which stories media outlets select or reject for
reporting. Statement bias, also called presentation bias, is concerned with how articles choose
to report on concepts. For example, in the US elections, a well-observed bias arises from
m editorial ant in which the editorial position on a given presidential candidate affects the
quantity and tone of a newspaper’s coverage. Further forms of media bias can be found in the
extensive discussion.
Effects of biased news consumption
Media bias has a strong impact on both individual and public perception of news events, and
thus impacts political decisions Despite the rise of social media, news articles published by well-
established media outlets remain the primary source of information on current events hues, if
the reporting of a news outlet is biased, readers are prone to adopting similarly biased views.
Today, the effects of biased coverage are amplified by social media, in which readers tend to
Xavier Myo S. Mariño BSCS 1A

“follow” only the news that conforms to their established views and beliefs On social media new
thus encounter an “echo chamber,” where their internal biases are only reinforced. Furthermore,
only consult a small subset of available news outlets as a result of information overload,
language barriers, or their specific interests or habits.
Nearly all news consumers are affected by media bias which may, for example, influence voters
and, in turn, influence election outcomes Another effect of media bias is the polarization of
public opinion which complicates agreements on contentious topics. These strong negative
effects have led some researchers to believe that media bias challenges the pillars of our
democracy If media outlets influence public opinion, is the observed public opinion the “true”
public opinion? For instance, a 2003 survey showed that there were significant differences in
the presentation of information on US television channels. Fox News viewers were most
misinformed about the Iraq war. Over 40% of viewers believed that weapons of mass
destruction were in n Iraq, which is the reason used by the US government to justify the war.
According to social science research, the three key ways in which media bias affects the
perception of news are priming, agenda-setting riming theory states that how news consumers
tend to evaluate a topic is influenced by their (prior) perception of the specific issues that were
portrayed in news on that topic. Agenda setting refers to the ability of news publishers to
influence which topics are considered relevant by selectively reporting on topics of their
choosing. News consumers’ evaluation of topics is furthermore based on the perspectives
portrayed in news articles, which are also known as frames, Journalists use framing to present a
topic from their perspective to “promote a particular interpretation”
To address this issue we need to identify how the heavily opinionated or one-sided. Pretends to
present facts, but offers an only opinion. Uses extreme or inappropriate language.

The Impact of Technology on Communication

Previous studies have shown a relationship between the employment of engineering and well-being,
significantly mediated through its impact on personal relationships. However, there's some dialogue
over whether or not this effect is positive or negative. The current study explored this issue further,
examining whether the effect varies reckoning on the sort of communications technology, and
therefore the nature of the private relationship. A web survey was conducted with 3,421 participants
in 3 countries (Australia, the kingdom, and the US). It examined the use of 10 communication
methods, overall satisfaction with life, and satisfaction with four completely different types of
relationships (close and extended family, and shut and distant friends). Results indicate that richer
communication ways, that embrace non-verbal cues, were related to each overall satisfaction with
life and satisfaction with relationships. These methodologies enclosed face-to-face communication,
and phone and video calls. Conversely, a lot of restricted methods, comparable to text electronic
communication and instant messaging, were negatively associated with both variables. Social
networking was negatively associated with overall satisfaction, but not with satisfaction with
relationships. The strength of the association between a communications method and satisfaction
with a relationship varied reckoning on the type of relationship, however whether or not it was
positive or negative failed to change.

Technological advancements in the modes of communication have promoted faster decision-

making and led to the development and progress of the world. Video conferencing has played a
Xavier Myo S. Mariño BSCS 1A

considerate role in promoting faster decision-making. Most businesses depend on technology

for communication.

A major reason for this tendency is the accumulated frequency of communication through texting
and chatting on websites. The result on nonverbal communication: Technological means that have
additionally affected nonverbal communication. Lack of face-to-face interaction has reduced the
nonverbal grasping power of people. Better time management because of productivity apps.
Improved health thanks to quick access to fitness routines, biometric devices, and diet management
software. Easier and cheaper communication with friends and family. Increased job opportunities
because of the introduction of remote working.

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