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Authentic Roman Garum Fish Sauce


1 kg (about 2 lbs) small raw fish, thoroughly washed and drained but WHOLE; Pilchard, sardines, grunion, etc. You can make just one pound if that is what your incubator/fermenter will hold. pickling or sea salt to 20% of drained fish weight, do not scrimp here. 1 Tbs, dry leaf oregano, optional. An incubator/fermenter. How to make it

1. Thoroughly rinse and then drain the fish

2. Weigh the fish and then measure out 20% of that weight in pickling or sea salt, if you error make it on the plus side, a little extra salt wont hurt.

3. Mix the salt, fish and oregano, if using, completely as in really good; let stand, covered 30 minutes. See Photo

4. Mix the fish /salt mixture again, get some salt everywhere.

5. Put the mixture in the incubator/fermenter, Make sure its turned and have a beer or glass of wine.

6. Stir the fish/salt mix once each day for at least 7 days and longer if you can handle it; I did a month.

7. The fish will completely dissolve and only the bones will be left.

8. Now start straining. First use a coarse strainer or colander to remove all the larger bits and pieces, then strain the liquid several times through a kitchen cloth until the liquid is clear. Place in a sterilized, covered bottle in the fridge.

Because of the salt content it will last for years in the fridge. Again, Garum should be a clear amber color. If it turns turbid (cloudy), throw it away.

Change to a clean toga, call Baucus and enjoy.

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