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Fish Amino Acid

Ingredients and Materials needed:
 Raw fish scraps: Any kind, including guts, bones, or head.
 Brown sugar: Equal in the volume to the fish scrap used.
 Large-mouthed jar: Big enough to accommodate fish & sugar with room to spare.
 Paper towel or cloth: To cover the opening of the jar and secure with rubber band.
1. Collect your fish scraps. You can grind or chop scraps to accelerate breakdown,
but it’s also fine to leave carcasses whole.
2. Fill your jar. Alternate layers of fish scraps and brown sugar. Top the contents
with a “cap” of packed brown sugar so that no fish parts are exposed to the air.
Only fill to ⅔ volume, to allow for bubbling during the fermentation process. 
3. Cover the opening of the jar with a paper towel or cloth, secured with a rubber
band. Do not seal the jar until the fish has fermented.
4. Store in a cool, dark place that does not go through a lot of temperature changes.
Do not refrigerate, that will stop the fermentation process.
5. After 7 to 10 days, you can screw a cap on the jar. FAA is now ready to use, stable
for storage or further breakdown. FAA remains shelf-stable for years in a cool,
dark storage environment.
6. Notice that the fish has partly liquified due to the brown sugar. It can take around
6 months, but eventually the solid parts will actually fully dissolve. Don’t be
afraid to check on the smell throughout fermentation and storage for a pleasant
surprise - brown sugar effectively neutralizes any offensive odors and your
mixture should be only vaguely reminiscent of fish, like an oyster cooking

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