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Cheddar Dog Treats

Any pampered pup will be lucky to fetch these goodies for Christmas. The yummy strips are made with real cheese, which most dogs cant resist.Lydia Driscoll, Milwaukee, WI

36 ServingsPrep: 15 min. Bake: 15 min. + standing

1 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded cheddar cheese 1 tablespoon butter, softened 1/3 cup milk

In a small bowl, combine flour and cheese. Stir in butter until combined. Gradually add milk just until moistened. Turn onto a lightly floured surface; knead 8-10 times. Roll dough into a 12-in. x 9-in. rectangle; cut into 3-in. x 1-in. strips. Place on ungreased baking sheets. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Let stand in the oven with the door slightly open until cooled completely. Store in an airtight container. Yield: 3 dozen.

Taste of Home 2012

Ingredientes 1 taza de harina para todo uso 1 taza (4 onzas) de queso cheddar rallado 1 cucharada de mantequilla, ablandada La leche 1/3 taza instrucciones En un tazn pequeo, combine la harina y el queso. Revuelva en la mantequilla hasta que combinados. Aadir poco a poco la leche hasta que se humedezca. Gire a una superficie ligeramente enharinada, amasar 8-10 veces.

Estirar la masa en un 12-in. x 9-in. rectngulo, cortado en 3-en. x 1 pulg. tiras. Coloque en bandejas para hornear sin engrasar. Hornear a 350 durante 15 minutos o hasta que estn doradas. Deje reposar en el horno con la puerta ligeramente abierta hasta que se enfre completamente. Conservar en un recipiente hermtico recipiente. Rendimiento: 3 docenas.

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