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Goldener Schnitt


Construction of a golden rectangle: 1. Construct a unit square (red). 2. Draw a line from the midpoint of one side to an opposite corner. 3. Use that line as the radius to draw an arc that defines the long dimension of the rectangle.

Goldenes Dreieck: AB = AC => ABC = BCA; CX: Winkelhalbierende von BCA => BCX = XCA = CAB = ; BCA = ABC = 2; 180 = ABC + BCA + CAB; => 180 = 2 + 2 + = 5 => a = 36; BC = XC = AX = b; XB = 1 => AB = b + 1; AB / BC = BC / XB; => (b+1)/b = b/1 b^2 b 1 = 0 => b = ( 1+ sqrt(5) ) / 2 = Goldener Schnitt Pentagramm: Die farbigen Seiten stehen im Verhltnis des Goldenen Schnittes zueinander. = sin(108) / sin(36) =sqrt( 2 * ( 1 cos(108) ) )

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