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Arab Culture

Where is the Arab World?

Who is Arab?
An Arab is not a person of a particular race or lineage. To be an Arab (like an American), is a cultural trait rather than racial. The Arab world includes Muslims, Christians and Jews. Although not the only characteristic, a person who adopts the Arabic language is called an Arab.

Arab Perspective
Family- Center of everything. Friends- Periphery.

Honor- very important and will be defended and protected at all costs.
Time- more related approach to time and deadlines than in the West. Religion- Central to all things. Society- Family tribe is most important.

Government- most government are secular, but still emphasize religion. Age and Wisdom honored. Wealth honored.

Eating Etiquette
Pork and alcohol is forbidden by Muslim faith. The staple of the Arab diet is dark pita bread.

Lamb is the most common meat.

When eating, offering food, drinking or passing use right hand only. The left hand is considered unclean.

Not eating everything on ones plate is considered a compliment. It is a sign of wealth.

Guest invited for dinner should leave shortly after dinner.

Arabic Script
Arabic is written from right to left. There are 28 letters in the alphabet (only two more than in English alphabet). There are no capital letters. Words are spelled as they sound.

The letters are joined up. One cannot print a word as one can in English.

baab- door

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