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Job Satisfaction A Case Study of the Late Mrs. S. B.

Mote Sub District General Hospital, Shegaon

INTRODUCTION Job satisfaction is a specific subject of attitudes. ones attitude towards a job. Attitudes reflect ones feelings towards individuals, organizations and objects. Job satisfaction refers to Attitudes refer to predisposition to respond but Attitudes are long lasting, but satisfaction relates to the performance factors.

satisfaction is dynamic and it keeps on changing. It can decline even more quickly than it developed. Thus, managers need to pay attention to job satisfaction constantly. In simple words, job satisfaction can be defined as the extent of positive feelings or attitudes that individuals have towards their jobs. When a person say that he has high job satisfaction, it means he really likes his job, feels good about it and values his job highly. Job satisfaction is the end feeling of a person after performing a task. To the extent that a persons job fulfills his dominant needs and in consistent with his expectations and values, the job will be satisfying. The feeling would be positive or negative depending upon whether need is satisfied or not. 1.1 Definitions Job Satisfaction is a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experience. E. A. Locke Job satisfaction is the set of Favorable or unfavorable feelings with which employees view their work. Keith Davis & Newstown Job satisfaction is defined as the amount of overall positive affect or (feeling) that individuals have towards their jobs. Field Man Arnold Job Satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job. If you like your job intensely, You will experience high job satisfaction. If you dislike your job intensely, you will experience job-dissatisfaction. Andrew Brin

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Factors Contributing to Job Satisfaction Evans and Laseau (1950) found the following factors affecting job satisfaction in order of preference: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Income Interesting and important job Pride in company Fellow workers Immediate boss Management Working conditions Security Chance to get ahead Benefit plants Safety and medical facilities

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Job Satisfaction A Case Study of the Late Mrs. S. B. Mote Sub District General Hospital, Shegaon


The Sai Bai Mote District Sub Hospital comes under Public Health Department of Government of Maharashtra. It is situated in the heart of Shegaon city. It was started long back in 1912 . Mote family had donated their land for this hospital. In the memory of Mrs. Sai Bai Mote, the name given to the hospital is Sai Bai Mote Sub District Hospital, Shegaon. It comes under the 100 Beded Capacity Sub District Hospital. The total strength of the hospital is 85 employees, working at various levels in the organization. Sr.No. 1 2 3 4 Category of The Employees Class I Class II Class III Class IV Number 1 11 50 23

There are 10 medical officers who are working under the supervision of the Medical Superintendent. There is one Administrative Officer to look after the administrative affairs. There are 50 class III employees and 23 class IV employees. The various services and facilities which are provided at this hospital are shown in following chart.

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Services provided at Sub District Hospital, SHEGAON Specialities available SDH - 100 Physician Surgeon Anesthetist Paediatrician Gyneocologist Dental Surgeon Optholmologist Orthopeditian Added Facility Blood bank Physiotherphy Dietician Services Laboratory Investigations X - Ray facility ECG Treatment of medical conditions All major & minor surgeries Administration of Anesthesia as required Treatment of children upto the age of 14 including new born intensive care unit All diseases pertaining to women including major & minor surgeries Normal delivery & complecated labour Treatment of all dental problems including dental surgeries Treatment of all optholmic diseases & surgeries Treatment of diseases related to bones & joints including surgeries & trauma care. Availability of blood bank, determining blood groups, testing the blood for 4 hazardous diseases, receiving blood donations, storage of blood samples, issue of blood units to needy patients

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Availability of physiotherapy services Availability of services of dieticians, consultaion of diet & prescription on various diets

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HISTORY OF JOB SATISFACTION The term job satisfaction was brought to lime light by hoppock (1935). He revived 35 studies on job satisfaction conducted prior to 1933 and observes that Job satisfaction is combination of psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances. That causes a person to say. I m satisfied with my job. Such a description indicate the variety of variables that influence the satisfaction of the individual but tell us nothing about the nature of Job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has been most aptly defined by pestonjee (1973) as a job, management, personal adjustment and social requirement. Morse (1953) considers Job satisfaction as dependent upon job content, indentification with the co., financial and job status and priding group cohesiveness. One of the biggest preludes to the study of job satisfaction was the Hawthorne study. These studies (1924-1933), primarily credited to Elton Mayo of the Harvard Business school, sought to find the effects of various conditions (most notably illumination) on workers productivity. These studies ultimately showed that novel changes in work conditions temporarily increase productitity (called the Hawthorne Effect). It was later found that this increase resulted, not from the new conditions, but from the knowledge of being observed. This finding provided strong evidence that people work for purposes other than pay, which paved the way for researchers to investigate other factors in job satisfaction. Scientific management (akaTaylorism) also had a significant impact on the study of job satisfaction. Fredrick Winslow Taylors 1911 book, Principles of Scientific Management, argued that there was a single best way to perform any given work task. This book contributed to a change in industrial production philosophies, causing a shift from skilled labor and piecework towards the more modern approach of assembly line and hourly wages. The initial use of scientific management by industries greatly increased productivity because workers were forced to work at a faster pace. However, workers

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became exhausted and dissatisfied, thus leaving researchers with new questions to answer regarding job satisfaction. It should also be noted that the work of W. L. Bryan, Walter Dill Scott, and Hugo Munsterberg set the tone for Taylor;s work. Some argue that Maslows hierarchy of needs theory, a motivation theory. Laid the foundation for job satisfaction theory. This theory explains that people seek to satisfy five specific needs in life- physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization. This model served as a good basis from which early researchers could develop job satisfaction theories.

FACTORS INFLUENCING JOB SATISFACTION There are a number of factors that influence job satisfaction. A number of research studies have been conducted in order to establish some of the causes that result in job satisfaction. These studies have related consistent correlation of certain variables with the job satisfaction. These factors can be explained with the help of the following chart give below Sources of job satisfaction

Organizational Factors

Work Environmental Factors

Work Itself

Personal Factors

Salaries And wages Promotion Changes Company Policies

Supervision Work Group Working Conditions

Job Scope Variety Autonomy and Freedom Role Ambiguity and Role conflict Interesting Work

Age and Seniority Tenure Personality

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These factors can be discussed In detail as follows: A. ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Some of the organizational factors which affect job satisfaction are : 1. Salaries and Wages Wages and salaries play a significant role in influencing job satisfaction. This is basically because of a few basic reasons. Firstly, money is an important instrument in fulfilling ones needs. Money also satisfies the first level needs of Maslows model of satisfaction. Secondly employees often see money as a reflection of the managements concern for them. Thirdly, it is considered a symbol of achievement since higher pay reflects higher degree of contribution towards organizational operations. None monetary benefits are also important, but they are not as influential. One reason for that that is that most of the employees do not even know how much they are receiving in benefits. Moreover, a few tend to under values there benefits because they do not realize their monetary value. The employees, generally, want a pay system which is simple, fair and in line with their expectations. 2. Promotion Chances Promotional chances considerably affect the job satisfaction because of the following reasons: Firstly, Promotion indicates an employees worth to the organization which is highly morale boosting. This is particularly true in case of high level jobs. Secondly, Employee takes promotion as the ultimate achievement in his career and when it is realized, he feels extremely satisfied. Thirdly, Promotion involves positive changes e.g. higher salary, less supervision, more freedom, more challenging work assignments, increased responsibilities, status and like.

3. Company Policies D.B.A.R., S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon Page # 8

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Organisational structure and policies also play an important role in affecting the job satisfaction of employees. An autocratic and highly authoritative structure causes resentment among the employees as compared to a structure which is more open and democratic in nature. Organisational policies also govern the human behaviour in the organizations. These policies can generate positive or negative feelings towards the organization. Liberal and fair policies usually result in more job satisfactions. Strict policies will create dissatisfaction among the employees because they feel that they are not being treated fairly and may feel constrained. Thus, a democratic organizational structure with fair and liberal policies is associated with high job satisfaction. B. WORK ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS The work environmental factors include the following important factors : 1. Supervision Supervision is a moderately important source of job satisfaction. There are two dimensions of supervisory styles which affect the job satisfaction. First is Employee Centeredness. Whenever the supervisor is friendly and supportive of the workers there is job satisfaction. In this style, the supervisor takes personal interest in employees welfare. Second is Participation. The superiors who allow their subordinates to participate in decisions that affect their own job, help in creating an environment which is highly conducive to job satisfaction. Thus, the supervisors who establish a supportive personal relationship with subordinates and take personal interest in them, contribute to the employees satisfaction. 2. Work Group The nature of the work group or team will have effect on job satisfaction in the following ways i) A friendly, and co-operative group provides opportunities to the group members to interact with each other. It serves as a source of support comfort, advice and assistance to the individual group members. If on the D.B.A.R., S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon Page # 9

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other hand, the people are difficult to get along with, the work group will have a negative impact on job satisfaction. ii) The work group will be even a stronger source of satisfaction when members have similar attitudes and values. In such a group, there will less friction on day to day basis. iii) Smaller groups provide greater opportunity for building mutual trust and understanding as compared to larger groups. Thus, the group size and quality of interpersonal relations within the group play a significant role in workers satisfaction. 3. Working conditions Good working conditions are desirable by the employees, as they lead to more physical comfort. People desire that there should be a clean and healthy working environment. Temperature, humidity ventilation, lighting and noise, hours of work, cleanliness of the work place and adequate tools and equipment are the features which affect job satisfaction. While the desirable working conditions are taken for granted and may not contribute heavily towards job satisfaction, poor working conditions do become a source of job dissatisfaction. discomfort and physical danger. Simply because they lead to physical

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Moreover, all the employees are not satisfied or dissatisfied by favourablle or unfavourable work environment as shown in the figure.





As shown in the figure, all the four employees are dissatisfied when the working conditions are unfavorable. However, as the working conditions start becoming favourable, the job satisfaction of employee A and B increases sharply while employees C and D have only minor increase in satisfaction. C. WORK ITSELF The content of the work itself plays a major role in determining the level of job satisfaction. Some of the aspects of the work which affect job satisfaction are : 1) Job Scope It provides the amount of responsibility, work pace and feed back. The higher the level of these factors, higher the job scope and higher the level of satisfaction. 2) Variety A moderate amount of variety is very effective. Excessive variety produces confusion and stress and a tool little variety causes monotony and fatigue which are dissatisfiers. 3) Lact of Autonomy and Freedom D.B.A.R., S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon Page # 11

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Lack of autonomy and freedom over work methods and work pace can create helplessness and dissatisfaction. Employees do not like it when their every step and every action is determined by the supervisor. 4) Role ambiguity and Role Conflict Role ambiguity and role conflict also lead to confusion and job dissatisfaction because employees do not know exactly what their task is and what is expected of them. 5) Interesting work A work which is very interesting and challenging and gives status, provides satisfaction to the employees as compared to work which is boring and monotonous. D. PERSONAL FACTORS Personal attributes of individuals also play a very important role as to whether they are satisfied at the job or not. Pessimists and people with negative attitudes will complain about everything including the job. They will always find something wrong in every job to complain about. Some of the important persona factors are; 1) Age of Seniority With age, people become more mature and realistic and less idealistic so that they are willing to accept available resources and rewards and be satisfied about the situation. With the passage of time, people move into more challenging and responsible positions. People who do not move upto at all with time are more likely to be dissatisfied with their job. 2) Tenure Employees with longer tenure are expected to be highly satisfied with their jobs. Tenure assures job security, which is highly satisfactory to employees. They can easily plan for their future without any fear of losing their jobs. 3) Personality

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Some of the personality traits which are directly related to job satisfaction are self assurance, self esteem, maturity, decivisiveness, sense of autonomy, challenge and responsibility. Higher the person is on Maslows needs hierarchy, the higher is the job satisfaction. This type of satisfaction comves from within the person and is a function of his personality. Accordingly, in addition to providing a healthy work environment management must ensure that the employee is happy with himself and has a positive outlook on like. CONSEQUENCES OF JOB SATISFACTION Research has concluded that there is a relationship between job satisfaction and performance of the employees. Thus, job satisfaction or job dissatisfaction is an important concern of the management. High job satisfaction may lead to improved productivity, decreased turnover, improved attendance, reduced accident, less job stress and less unionization. Job dissatisfaction produces low morable among workers and low morale at work is highly undesirable. In examining the outcomes of job satisfaction, it is important to break down the analysis into a series of specific subtopics. The following subtopics explain the outcomes of job satisfaction. 1. Job Satisfaction and Productivity Is there any positive relationship between satisfaction and productivity? This controversy has been there over a number of years. Although, majority of people believe that there is a positive relationship, but research evidence concludes that there is not strong relationship between these two. According to the research findings of VROOM conducted in 1964, the median correlation between satisfaction and performance is only 0.14. LAWLER and PORTER found that there is more evidence Employees Perception of to suggest that job performance leads to job satisfaction their and not the other way round rewards the following figure developed by these two explains this point. Extrinsic rewards Performance Rewards Intrinsic rewards D.B.A.R., S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon Page # 13 Lawler-Proter Model of performance and satisfaction Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction A Case Study of the Late Mrs. S. B. Mote Sub District General Hospital, Shegaon

This figure explains that good job performance will lead to rewards, both intrinsic and extrinsic which will lead to satisfaction. An employee who is a poor performer will get less rewards and will be less satisfied with his job experience. However, the saying that A happy worker is a productive worker is not always wrong. It people receive rewards which have both intrinsic and extrinsic value and they feel that these rewards are equitable, they will be satisfied and this will lead to greater job performance. Moreover, research also indicates that job satisfaction may not necessarily lead to improvement of individual performance but it does lead to departmental and organizational level improvement. 2. Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Unlike the relationship between satisfaction and performance, research has concluded a moderate relationship between job satisfaction and turnover. High employee turnover is a matter of concern for the management as it disrupts the normal operations and continuous replacement of employees who leave the organization is costly and technically undesirable. Managerial concern is mostly for the turnover which arises because of job dissatisfaction. The employees, thus, tries to keep the employees satisfied on their jobs to minimize the turnover. will definitely increase the employee turnover. Though, high job satisfaction in itself cannot keep the turnover low, but considerable job dissatisfaction

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The employee turnover is affected by certain other factors also, in addition to job satisfaction. Commitment to the organization is one such factor. Some employees, however dissatisfied they are with their jobs, cannot imagine themselves working anywhere else. Another important factor is the better opportunities of If no other employment. Even if the people are highly satisfied with their jobs, they are willing to leave if there are better opportunities available anywhere else. dissatisfaction. On the overall basis, we can say that there is an important role played by job satisfaction in employee turnover. 3. Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism It has been conclusively proved that there is an inverse relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism. When satisfaction is high, absenteeism is low and when satisfaction is low, absenteeism is high. Less satisfied employees are more likely to be absent from work due, to avoidable reasons. This is known as voluntary absenteeism as against unavoidable absenteeism which is due to illness or other emergency reasons. Management must be concerned with voluntary absenteeism, because it is related to job satisfaction. Absenteeism can be modified by certain factors. Research has found that people who believe that their work is important have lower absenteeism as compared to those who do not feel that way. Moreover, it is important to remember that while high job satisfaction will not necessarily result in low absenteeism (because of unavoidable absenteeism). 4. Job Satisfaction and Union Activities It has been proved that satisfied employees are generally not interested in unions and they do not perceive them as necessary. Job satisfaction has proved to be the major cause of unionization. The employees join the unions because they feel that individually they are unable to influence changes which would eliminate the causes of job dissatisfaction. The level of union activities is related to the level of job dissatisfaction. Low level of dissatisfaction results in only grievances while higher levels of dissatisfaction will result in employee strikes. D.B.A.R., S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon Page # 15 opportunities are available, the employees will stay where they are, irrespective of

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5. Job Satisfaction and Safety When people are dissatisfied with their jobs, company and supervisors, they are more prone to experience accidents. An underlying reason for this is that dissatisfactior takes ones attention away from the task at hand and leads directly to accidents. A satisfied worker will always be careful and attentive towards his job, and the chances of accidents will be less. Here, we are discussing about the avoidable accidents and not the unavoidable ones. 6. Other effects of Job Satisfaction In addition, there are a number of other effects brought about by high job satisfaction. Highly satisfied employees tend to have better physical and mental health, learn the new job related tasks easily, have less job stress and unrest. Such employees will become more co-operative such as helping coworkers, helping customers etc. such behaviour will improve unit performance and organizational effectiveness. To conclude, we can say that job satisfaction results from the employees perception that the job content and context actually provide what an employee values in the work situation. Organizationally speaking, high level of job satisfaction reflects a highly favourable organizational climate resulting in attracting and retaining better workers. THEORIES OF JOB SATISFACTION The main theoretical approaches to job satisfaction are as follows: 1. Need fulfillment theory 2. Equity theory 3. Two factor theory 4. Discrepancy theory 5. Equity discrepancy theory 1. NEED FULFILLMENT THEORY According to this theory a person is satisfied when he gets from his job what he wants. The more he wants something or the more important it is to him, the more satisfied he is when he received it. In other words, job satisfaction will vary directly D.B.A.R., S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon Page # 16

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with the extent to which those needs of an individual which can be satisfied are actually satisfied. Vroom views satisfaction is positively related to the degree to which ones need are fulfilled. The fulfillment theory suffers from a major drawback. Satisfaction is a function of not only what a person receives but what he feels he should receive. What may satisfy one individual may not satisfy the other due to difference in their expectations. The strength of an individuals desire or his level of inspiration is an important determinant of job satisfaction. Thus, job satisfaction is a function of the degree to which the employees needs are fulfilled in the job situation. Fig. A need fulfillment model of jobs, needs, attitudes and behaviours

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2. EQUITY THEORY Under this theory, it is believed that a persons job satisfaction depends upon his perceived equity as determined by his input-output balance in comparison with the input-output balance of others. Every individual compares his rewards with those of a reference group. If he feels his rewards are equitable in comparison with others doing similar work, he feels satisfied. Job satisfaction is thus a function of the degree to which job characteristics meet the desires of the reference group. For example, one study of the effects of community features on job satisfaction revealed that workers living in a well to do neghbourhood felt less satisfied that those living in poor neighbourhood.

Perceived Personal Inputs

A Perceived Outcomes Actually Received

Perceived Inputs of comparison Others

Perceived Outputs of comparison Others

B Perceived Personal Outcomes that should be Received

A= B Satisfaction A<B Dissatisfaction A>B Guilt Discomfort

Fig. Equity Theory of Job Satisfaction

Equity theory takes into account not only the needs of an individual but also the opinion of the reference group to which the individual looks for guidance. 3. TWO FACTOR THEORY Frederick Herzberg and his colleagues developed the two factor theory. According to this theory satisfaction and dissatisfaction are interdependent of each other and exist on a separate continuum. One set of factors known as hygiene factors (company policy, administration, supervision, pay, working conditions and interpersonal relations) act as dissatisfiers. Their absence causes dissatisfaction but their presence does not result in positive satisfaction. The other set of factors known D.B.A.R., S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon Page # 18

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as satisfiers (achievement, advancement, recognition, work itself and responsibility). Lead to satisfaction. Hygiene Factor Dissatisfiers Company policy Administration Supervision Pay Working conditions interpersonal relations Satisfiers Achievement Advancement Recognition Work itself and responsibility

4. DISCREPANCY THEORY According to this theory job satisfaction depends upon what a person actually receives from his job and what he expects to receive. When the rewards actually received are less than the expected rewards it causes dissatisfaction. In the words of Locke, job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are functions of perceived relationship between what one wants from ones job and what one perceives it is actual offering. In other words, satisfaction is the difference fails to reveal whether over-satisfaction is or is not a dimension of dissatisfaction and if so, how does it differ from dissatisfaction arising out of the situation when received outcomes are less that the outcomes one feels he should receive.
B Perceived Outcomes Received

Outcomes one Feels B He should Receives

A=B Perceived satisfaction A>B Perceived Dissatisfaction A<B Perceived over Satisfaction

Fig. Discrepancy Approach to Job Satisfaction

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5. EQUITY-DISCREPANCY THEORY This is a combination of equity and discrepancy theories. Lawler has adopted the difference approach of discrepancy theory rather than the ration approach of equity theory. From equity theory the concept of comparison has been selected to serve as an intervening variable. Under this theory satisfaction is divined as the difference between the outcomes that one perceives he actually received and outcomes that one feels he should receive in comparison with others. When the individual feel that when he actually received is equal to what he perceives he should receive there is satisfaction. Thus, an individuals reception of his reward is influenced by more than just the objective amount of that factor. Because of this psychological influence the same amount of reward often can be seen quite differently by two people, to one it can be a larger amount, while to another person it can be a small amount. This model reveals that a persons perception of what he should receive is influenced by the inputs and outputs of others. If his inputs are similar to those of referent groups but his outcomes are less he is likely to be dissatisfied. Lawler suggests that those individuals are likely to be more satisfied who perceive: a) Their inputs are low; b) Their jobs are less demanding; c) Their refrence groups have less favourable input-output balance; d) They are receiving a high outcome level; and e) Their referent groups are receiving less outputs.

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Perceived Personal Job Inputs Perceived inputs and Outcomes of Different Groups

Perceived Amount that A should be Received A= B Satisfaction A> B Dissatisfaction A< B Guilt inequity Discomfort

Perceived Outcomes of Different Groups Perceived Amount Received B Actual Outcomes Received Fig. Determinants of Job Satisfaction 6. SOCIAL REFERENCE GROUP THEORY

Reference group defines the way an individual looks at the world. According to this theory job satisfaction occurs when the job meets the interest, desires and requirements of a persons reference group. In other words, job satisfaction is a function of the degree to which the job meets the approval of the group to which the individual looks for guidance in evaluating the world and defining social reality. The social reference group theory is similar to the need fulfillment theory except that it takes into account not the desires, needs and interests of the given individual but rather the point of view and opinions of the groups to whom the individual looks for guidance. This theory is an incomplete explanation to the extent some people are independent of group opinions and group pressure.

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Modern Method of measuring job satisfaction a) Rating scale : It is one of the most common methods of measuring job satisfaction. The popular rating scales used to measure job satisfaction is include: Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ): It helps to obtain a clear picture of pertinent satisfactions and dissatisfactions of employees. Job Description Index (JDI): It measures job satisfaction on the dimension identified by Smith, Kendall and Hulin. Porter Need Identification Questionnaire (PNIQ) : It is used only for management personnel and revolves around the problems and challenges faced by managers b) Critical Incidents: This method of measuring job satisfaction was popularized by Fredrick Herzberg and his associates. It involves asking employees to describe incidents on the job when they were particularly satisfied or dissatisfied. Then the incidents are analysed in terms of their contents and identifying those closely related aspects responsible for the positive and negative attitudes. c) Personnel Interview : This method facilitates an indepth exploration through interviewing of job attitudes. The main advantage in this method is that additional information or clarifications can be obtained promptly. d) Action Tendencies: By this method, job satisfaction can be measured by asking questions and gathering information on how they feel like behaving with respect to certain aspects of their jobs. This method provides employees more opportunity to express their indepth feeling.

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In his study on American employees, Hoppock identified six factors that contributed to job satisfaction among them. These are as follows 1. The way individual reacts to unpleasant situations 2. The facility with which he adjusts himself to other persons. 3. His relative status in the social and economic group with which he identifies himself. 4. The nature of the work in relation to the abilities, interests and preparation of the worker. 5. Security 6. Loyalty Because human resource managers often serve as intermediaries between employees and management in conflicts, they are concerned with job satisfaction or general job attitudes of the employees. Philip Applewhite has listed the five major components of job satisfaction as (i) attitude towards work group; (ii) general working conditions; (iii) attitude toward company; (iv) monetary benefits; and (v) attitude toward supervision. Other components that should be added to these five are the individuals state of mind about the work itself and about life in general. The individuals health, age, level of aspiration, social status, and political and social activities can all contribute to the job satisfaction. A persons attitude toward his or her job may be positive or negative.

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To study the following:1. The concept of Job Satisfaction. 2. The need of Job Satisfaction for organizational as well as individual growth. 3. The factors contributing to Job Satisfaction. 4. The factors affecting Job Satisfaction. 5. The problems faced by the individual employee and organization. The organization which was selected to carry out the research was The Late Mrs. Sai Bai Mote District Sub Hospital, Shegaon.

RATIONALE BEHIND THE STUDY Hospitals form a major and intense type of emotional work contexts. Employees working in Hospitals are confronted daily with human suffering, and in many cases intense pain and death. Such stressful environments under which these employees work, largely contribute to a huge number of syndromes including role stress, burnout, emotional exhaution, decreased levels of Job Satisfaction and overall Life Satisfaction. This study focuses on various factors contributing to job dissatsfaction (mainly the substandard working conditions)and finds the job satisfaction level among these professionals.

A Statement of hypothesis When a person says that he has high job satisfaction, it means that he really likes his job, feels good about it and values his job highly. Generally, employees job satisfaction is adversely affected by substandard working conditions.

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In simple words, research can defined as a systemized effort to gain new knowledge. A research is Carried out by different methodologies which have their own pros & cons. Research is a systematic study with specific objectives based on relevant and controlled data, which is useful in understanding the nature of selected system. We can also say that Research Is a careful search systematic investigation, towards increasing the sum of knowledge. Research Methodology is the systematic way for solving research problem. Methodology is a way to study & solve problems along with logic behind them so that the end results of the research are capable of being evaluated. In short ,research consists of formulating a hypothesis, collecting the facts & regarding certain generalization for some formulation. In Research Methodology, the various steps that are generally adopted to study the research problem, are studied, with the logic behind them so that research results are capable of being evaluated. All research problems require their own special emphases and approaches since every research problem is unique in some ways the research procedure is usually custom tailored. There is a sequence of step called the marketing research process the below chart shows the different stages in research process.

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Formulate Problem

Determine Research Design

Determine Data Collection Method

Design Data Collection Form

Design Sample and Collect Data

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Prepare the Research Report

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Figure: Research Process

Type of Research: This research is regarding Job Satisfaction i.e. it is dealing with attitude or opinion of employees. It is a Conclusive research following the Causal approach. In this research analysis of primary data is quantitative and the findings may be used as input into decision making.

Data source: Information can be gathered through primary and secondary sources. Secondary data are data were collected for another purpose and already exist somewhere. Primary data are gathered for a specific research project.

Primary Data Sources Primary sources are those which are collected afresh and for the first time. The data collected is the original one 1) Questionnaire/schedule method 2) Interview method.

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Job Satisfaction A Case Study of the Late Mrs. S. B. Mote Sub District General Hospital, Shegaon

3) Observation method According to the results obtained from Primary sources, research is carried out Secondary Data Sources These are already collected ones, by someone else for other purpose. Secondary data is mere compilation of existing data. Research approach The most suitable approach for this study was the survey method. Survey usually includes research instrument, sampling plans and contact methods.

Research instruments: Questionnaire/ Data Collection Form: A questionnaire consists of a set of questions presented to the respondent for getting their responses. The questionnaire prepared was short and to the point. In this survey, questionnaire was prepared on the basis of following parameters.

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The basic objective of this study was to find out the job satisfaction level of employees with their work. It has been already mentioned that there were two major sources of required data. Primary data was collected through survey and secondary data was collected through various Text Books, Hospital Gazette and other related documents. For this study ,I have chosen The Sai Bai Mote Sub-District general Hospital in Shegaon, as the Population. After collecting the data through survey questionnaires, the next step is to analysis and interpreted the data to draw the conclusions. The analysis is performed question wise. The answers are tabulated and the meaningful result is the outcome.

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Facilities a) Infrastructure Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Response Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied No of Respondents 0 2 6 26 16 % of Respondents 0 4 12 52 32


Graph showing satisfaction of employees regarding infrastructure






strongly satisfied and 12% are partially satisfied with infrastructural facility and only 4% employees are dissatisfied.

D.B.A.R., S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon

No of Empl oyees

6 2

0 Strongly Dissatisfied


Partially Satisfied


Strongly Satisfied


Above table and graph shows that 52% employees are satisfied, 32% are

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b) Work place (regarding Cleanliness and Hygiene) Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Response Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied No of Respondents 20 22 1 3 4 % of Respondents 40 44 2 6 8

Graph showing satisfaction of employees regarding workplace (cleanliness and Hygiene)


Satisfied 8%
Satisfied 6% Partially Satisfied 2% Strongly Dissatisfied 40% Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied

Dissatisfied 44%

Interpretation: Above graph shows that 44% employees are dissatisfied with the work place regarding cleanliness and hygiene and 40% are strongly dissatisfied, strongly satisfied employees are 8%, Satisfied employees are 6% and Partially satisfied employees are 2%. .

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c) Basic Amenities Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Response Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied No of Respondents 13 31 2 1 3 % of Respondents 26 62 4 2 6

Graph showing satisfaction of employees regarding basic amenities 35 31 30 25 No of Re spo nde nts 20 15 10 5 2 0 Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfaction Level Satisfied Strongly Satisfied 1


Interpretation: Above table and graph shows that 62% employees are dissatisfied with the work place regarding cleanliness & hygiene,26% are strongly dissatisfied & overall 12 % employees are satisfied.

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Working conditions a) Working Hours Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Response Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied No of Respondents 23 22 3 2 0 % of Respondents 46 44 6 4 0

Graph Showing Satisfaction of Employees Regarding Working Hours

25 23 22 20



Interpretation: The above graph shows that 46 % employees are strongly dissatisfied,44% employees are dissatisfied with the working hours. Overall 10% employees are satisfied only. b) Work load Sr. No. 1 Response Strongly Dissatisfied No of Respondents 20 % of Respondents 40 Page # 33

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No of Respondents
5 3 2 0 0

Strongly Dissatisfied


Partially Satisfied


Strongly Satisfied

Satisfaction Level

Job Satisfaction A Case Study of the Late Mrs. S. B. Mote Sub District General Hospital, Shegaon

2 3 4 5

Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied

28 2 0 0

56 4 0 0

Graph Showing Satisfaction Of Employees Regarding Work Load

30 28





No of Respondents
10 5 2 0 0 0

Strongly Dissatisfied


Partially Satisfied Satisfaction Level


Strongly Satisfied

Interpretation: As per above graph,56% employees are dissatisfied,40%employees are strongly dissatisfied regarding the workload. Only 4%employees were partially satisfied.

c) Resources Availability Sr. No. 1 2 Response Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied No of Respondents 22 17 % of Respondents 44 34 Page # 34

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Job Satisfaction A Case Study of the Late Mrs. S. B. Mote Sub District General Hospital, Shegaon

3 4 5

Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied

6 3 2

12 6 4

Graph Showing Satisfaction of Employees Regarding Availability of Resources 25



10 No of Respondents 5 0 Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied Satisfaction Level










dissatisfied,34%employees are dissatisfied & Overall 22% employees are satisfied regarding the workload.

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Supervision a) Nature of Supervision Sr. No. Response 1 Strongly Dissatisfied 2 Dissatisfied 3 Partially Satisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Strongly Satisfied

No of Respondents 0 18 20 12 0

% of Respondents 0 36 40 24 0


Graph Showing Satisfaction of Employees Regarding Nature of Supervision


20 18

15 12 10 No of Respondents 5 0 0 Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfaction Level Satisfied 0 Strongly Satisfied

Interpretation: dissatisfied.








satisfied,24%employees satisfied regarding the workload while 36%employees were

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Work Group a) Interpersonal Relations Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Response Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied No of Respondents 0 2 4 20 24 % of Respondents 0 4 8 40 48

Graph Showing Satisfaction of Employees Regarding Interpersonal Relation 30 25 20 15 10 5 2 0 0 Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied 20



satisfied,40%employees are satisfied ,8%employees are partially satisfied & Only 4%employees are dissatisfied regarding the interpersonal relations.

D.B.A.R., S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon

No of Respondents 4 Satisfaction Level








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b) Communication Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Response Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied No of Respondents 0 4 4 30 12 % of Respondents 0 8 8 60 24

Graph Showing Satisfaction of Employees Regarding Communication 35 30 25 20 15 12 No of Respondents 10 5 0 30

4 0 Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied

Partially Satisfied


Strongly Satisfied

Satisfaction Level

Interpretation: As per above graph,60% employees are satisfied,24 % employees are strongly satisfied ,8% employees are partially satisfied regarding the workload.Only 8%employees are dissatisfied.

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c) Team Spirit Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Response Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied No of Respondents 0 14 18 14 4 % of Respondents 0 28 36 28 8

Graph Showing Satisfaction of Employees Regarding Team Spirit 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 No of Respondents 6 4 2 0 0 Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied 14 14 18

Satisfaction Level









satisfied,28%employees are satisfied,8% are strongly satisfied while 28% employees are dissatisfied regarding team spirit.

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Work Itself a) Job Scope Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Response Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied No of Respondents 10 16 10 12 2 % of Respondents 20 32 20 24 4

Graph Showing Satisfaction of Employees Regarding its Scope 18 16 14 12 10 8 No of Respondents 6 4 2 0 Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied 2 10 10 12 16

Strongly Satisfied

Satisfaction Level

Interpretation: As per above graph,32% employees are dissatisfied,20%employees are strongly dissatisfied while 24%,20%and 4%employees are satisfied, partially satisfied & strongly satisfied respectively.

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b) Variety Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Response Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied No of Respondents 18 26 4 2 0 % of Respondents 36 52 8 4 0

Graph Showing Satisfaction of Employees Regarding Job Variety 30 26 25 20 15 10 5 0


Interpretation: As per above graph,52% employees are dissatisfied,36% employees are strongly dissatisfied regarding the variety of work and overall 12 % employees are satisfied.

D.B.A.R., S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon

No of Respondents 4 2 Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied 0 Strongly Satisfied Satisfaction Level

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c) Autonomy and freedom Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Response Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied No of Respondents 18 24 8 0 0 % of Respondents 36 48 16 0 0

Graph Showing Satisfaction of Employees Regarding Autonomy and Freedom 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 Satisfied 0 Strongly Satisfied



Interpretation: As per above graph,48% employees are dissatisfied,36% employees are strongly dissatisfied regarding the autonomy and freedom while 16% are partially satisfied.

D.B.A.R., S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon

No of Respondents Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied

Partially Satisfied

Satisfaction Level

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Organizational Factors a) Salaries and Wages

Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5

Response Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied

No of Respondents 0 4 16 28 2

% of Respondents 0 8 32 56 4

Graph Showing Satisfaction of Employees Regarding Salary and Wages 30 25 20 16 15 10 5 0 0 Strongly Dissatisfied 28

No of Respondents 4 2 Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied Satisfaction Level

Interpretation: As per above graph, 56% employees are satisfied,32 % employees are partially satisfied regarding the opportunities of promotion,2% are strongly satisfied & 8% are dissatisfied.

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b) Opportunities of promotion Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Response Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied No of Respondents 0 32 4 12 2 % of Respondents 0 64 8 24 4

Graph Showing Satisfaction of Employees Regarding Opportunities of Promotion 35 32 30 25 20 15 12 No of Respondents 10 5 0 0 Strongly Dissatisfied 4 2 Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied Satisfaction Level

Interpretation: As per above graph,64% employees are dissatisfied and overall 36% employees are satisfied regarding the opportunities of promotion.

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c) Policies of government Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Response Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied No of Respondents 0 8 20 20 2 % of Respondents 0 16 40 40 4

Graph Showing Satisfaction of Employees Regarding Policies of Government 25





10 No of Respondents 5 0 0 Strongly Dissatisfied

2 Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfaction Level Satisfied Strongly Satisfied

Interpretation: As per above graph,40% employees were satisfied & 40% employees were partially satisfied & 4% are strongly satisfied with the policies of the Government while only 16% employees are dissatisfied.

D.B.A.R., S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon

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Job Satisfaction A Case Study of the Late Mrs. S. B. Mote Sub District General Hospital, Shegaon

a) Organizational Discipline Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Response Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied No of Respondents 6 26 6 12 0 % of Respondents 12 52 12 24 0

Graph Showing Satisfaction of Employees Regarding Organizational Discipline 30 26 25 20 15 12 No of Respondents 6 5 0 0 Strongly Satisfied 6 Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfaction Level Satisfied 10

Interpretation: The graph shows that 52% employees are dissatisfied & 12% are strongly dissatisfied regarding discipline while 24%employees are satisfied & 12% employees are partially satisfied.

b) Code of conduct Sr. No. Response No of Respondents % of Respondents Page # 46

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Job Satisfaction A Case Study of the Late Mrs. S. B. Mote Sub District General Hospital, Shegaon

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied

4 30 12 4 0

8 60 24 8 0

Graph Showing Satisfaction of Employees Regarding Code of Conduct 35 30 25 20 15 12 No of Respondents 10 5 0 30

4 0 Strongly Satisfied

Strongly Dissatisfied


Partially Satisfied


Satisfaction Level

Interpretation: The graph shows that 60% employees are dissatisfied regarding code of conduct, while 8% are strongly dissatisfied. Overall 32% employees are satisfied only.

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1. This research comes under Attitudinal research. Job Satisfaction one of the two work attitudes. In Organizational Behavior, perhaps the attitude of greatest interest is the general attitude of employees towards their job, often called job satisfaction. It does not often happen that individuals behaviors are consistent with their attitudes at the workplace. So it is very difficult to measure attitudes and attempt to predict the subsequent behaviors accordingly. 2. This research is related to Human Beings and human beings are bound to change in course of time. Hence the validity of the data collected, observations, conclusions are bound to undergo changes.. 3. There are many variables, which are important from the point of view of theoretical treatment. But these variables need not be of much practical usage in managerial decision making. 4. .Resources and circumstances limit the utility of research to certain extent.

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All the conclusions are drawn based on the analysis and interpretation of the primary data regarding the Job Satisfaction of the employees of THE LATE SMT.SAI BAI MOTE SUB DISTRICT GENERAL HOSPITAL,SHEGAON.

From table No. of the analysis and interpretation, it is concluded that most of the employees are satisfied with the Infrastructure and only few employees are dissatisfied, which are negligible in number. It means the infrastructure of this organization is good or satisfactory. From table No. ,it is concluded that most of the employees are dissatisfied

with the workplace regarding cleanliness and hygiene. This is because of the unhygienic conditions i.e. improper lighting, humidity, ventilation, lavetories and poor maintenance of the facilities in the hospital. A very few employees are satisfied. Good working conditions are desirable by the employees as they lead to more physical comfort. From table No. ,it is concluded that most of the employees are dissatisfied with basic amenities provided by the hospital. This is because, there are very few staff quarters for employees, canteen facility is not available, there is no provision of Creche for the children of Women employees. This contributes to dissatisfaction.

Working Conditions
From table No. of the analysis and interpretation, it is concluded that most of the employees are dissatisfied with the working hours and only few employees are satisfied, which are negligible in number. It means most of them were dissatisfied due to un convenient working hours, night shifts. Nursing staff members are always because they have to manage their home affaires as well. From table No. ,it is concluded that most of the employees are dissatisfied

with the workload. This is because of the work overload. There are various

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posts which are vacant since last years and the Government is running the hospital with inefficient number of employees. From table No. ,it is concluded that most of the employees are dissatisfied

with availability of resources provided by the hospital. This is because, most of the resources are not available on time. Due to this Doctors are not able to provide proper treatment to the patients. Ex.: lack of medicines, stock out of blood in Blood Bank, most of the equipments are under maintenance, always.

From table No. ,it is concluded that near about 2/3 of the employees are satisfied with the nature supervision of the medical superintendent. Rest other employees are dissatisfied as most of them are working since many years and they need some kind of autonomy.

Work Group
From table No. of the analysis and interpretation, it is concluded that most of the employees are satisfied with the interpersonal relationship and very few employees are dissatisfied, which are negligible in number. It means most of them were satisfied. There is healthy relationship among the employees which provides the opportunities to the group members to interact with each other. It serves as a source of support, comfort, advice and assistance to the individual group members. There is less friction on day to day basis. From table No. ,it is concluded that most of the employees are satisfied with

the way of communication. This is because there is proper information flow in the organization. There is effective and efficient upward, downward and horizontal communication across the organization. From table No. ,it is concluded that most of the employees are satisfied. They have the team spirit, co-operation while working. Team spirit is the important factor to have good effect on job satisfaction. Very few employees are dissatisfied who may be dissatisfied due to personal factors.

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Work Itself
From table No. of the analysis and interpretation, it is concluded more employees are dissatisfied with the scope of the job and lesser employees are satisfied. There is lesser scope in Government organizations. From table No. From table No. decisions. ,it is concluded that most of the employees are dissatisfied ,it is concluded that most of the employees are dissatisfied

because their jobs are monotonus. There is no variety in their roles and job. because of lesser autonomy and freedom. They have no freedom to take the

Organizational Factors
From table No. of the analysis and interpretation, it is concluded that most of the employees are satisfied with the salaries and wages and only few employees are dissatisfied, which are negligible in number. It means most of them were satisfied regarding the compensation policies of the Government. From table No. ,it is concluded that most of the employees are dissatisfied

with the promotional opportunities. Some employees are satisfied. This is because of the promotional policies. These are not based on efficiency but on seniority basis. From table No. ,it is concluded that most of the employees are satisfied with the policies of the Governmental. Very few employees are dissatisfied. This is basically because there is always Job Security and reasonable salaries.

Other Factors
From table No. of the analysis and interpretation, it is concluded that most of the employees are dissatisfied with organizational discipline and some employees are satisfied. Mostly in Government organizations there are not proper disciplinary measures and due to this these organizations do not work efficiently and effectively.

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From table No.

,it is concluded that most of the employees are dissatisfied

with the code of conduct. This is because, these are unwritten norms of behavior. Some women employees are dissatisfied because their colleagues and the patients also. In this way the hypothesis is proved because most of the employees are dissatisfied due to sub standard working conditions.

As per conclusions, most of the employees are dissatisfied due to substandard working conditions in this organizations. Here are some of the measures to enhance their Job Satisfaction. 1. Greater Autonomy: Possibly the single most effective way of increasing job satisfaction is to give more freedom to the employees to do their work in their own way. People will work harder and derive satisfaction if they are given the freedom to make their own decisions. 2. Variety and Scope: A moderate amount of variety is very effective. Excessive variety produces confusion and stress and a too little variety causes monotony and fatigue which are dissatisfier. The higher amount of responsibility, work pace and feed back contributes to the scope. 3. Working Conditions: Good working conditions are desirable by the employees as they lead to more physical comfort. There should be a clean and healthy working environment. Proper ventilation, lighting, clean and hygienic workplace etc. should be maintained. There should be provision of crche for the children of women employees and canteen facility providing subsidized foods for the employees. Good working conditions are desirable by the employees as they lead to more physical comfort. 4. Supervision: There are two dimensions of supervisory styles. First is Employee Centeredness where the supervisor is friendly and supportive of the workers. Second is Participation. There should be employee participation in

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decision making so that it will help in creating an environment which is highly conductive to job satisfaction.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] Subba Rao P., Personnel & Human Resource Management-Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House,ISBN-81-8054-640-3. Gupta C. B., Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand and Sons, Edition 2007. ISBN 81-8054-640-3 Debra L. Nelson, James Cambell Quick, Organizational Behaviour Foundations Realities and Challenges, K. Koteshwara Rao, Motivation and Job Satisfaction, Discovery Publishing house New Delhi First print 1991. P. Jyoti and D. N. Venkatesh, Human Resource Management, Oxford University press, Edition 2006. Pestonjee D. M. Motivation and Job Satisfaction, Mcmillan India Limited 1 st published 1991. SBN - 0333929225 IGNOU Notes, "Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications MS 8 (Book no 1234) Dr. Majumdar P. K. , Research Methods in Social Science, Viva Books Private Limited ISBN 81-309-0122-6 Journals Human Capital Journal Business World

D.B.A.R., S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon

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Job Satisfaction A Case Study of the Late Mrs. S. B. Mote Sub District General Hospital, Shegaon

Dear Respondent, I, the undersigned, is a bonafide student of MBA 2nd year (Human Resource Management Specialisation) of Dept. of Business Administration & Research, SSGMCE, Shegaon. I am doing my project work to study the Job Satisfaction of employees in your organization. So, I kindly request you to co-operate in giving valuable inputs through the Questionnaire given below for fulfilment of my research work. Thanking You. Yogesh G. Nagpure MBA 2nd year (H.R.M.) D.B.A.R.,S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon. 1. Name of The Organization :The Late Mrs.Sai Bai Mote Sub District General Hospital,Shegaon. 2. Name Of The Employee : 3. Designation : ______________________________________ ______________________________________

Given Below are some statements related to Job Satisfaction. Please tick () mark to best indicate the extent to which you are satisfied or dissatisfied with given statements. Please use the following scale. 1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Dissatisfied : ______ : ______ : ______ : Strongly satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied

D.B.A.R., S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon

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Job Satisfaction A Case Study of the Late Mrs. S. B. Mote Sub District General Hospital, Shegaon

Tick in any one box

SATISFACTION LEVEL Strongly Dissatisfied Partially Dissatisfied Satisfied


Strongly Satisfied

FACILITIES 1.Infrastructure 2.workplace(regarding cleanliness and hygiene) 3.Basic Amenities WORKING CONDITIONS 1.Working Hours 2.Workload 3.Resources Availability SUPERVISION 1.Nature of Supervision WORK GROUP 1.Interpersonal Relations 2.Communiction 3.Team Spirit WORK ITSELF 1.Job Scope 2.Variety 3.Autonomy and Freedom ORGANIZATIONAL FACTORS 1.Salaries and Wages 2.Opportunities of Promotion 3.Policies of Government OTHERS 1.Organizational Discipline 2.Code Of Conduct Date :

Place : Thank you....

D.B.A.R., S.S.G.M.C.E., Shegaon

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