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Defensive Driving {Techniques, Road Courtesy & Safety)

Defensive driving is often defined as preventing crashes before they occur, it

is the demonstration of an attitude, awareness and driving skills such as:
Stay alert and keep eyes moving so that you can keep track of what is
happening at all times;
Look for trouble spots developing around you;
Have a plan of action if the other driver does the wrong thing; and
Know that the law requires drivers to protect each other from their own
A Defensive Driver must:
Be able to keep a safe driving record.
Have a positive attitude on road safety.
Be physically and mentally fit to drive.
Have received proper training before driving.
Factors that Affect Driving

A defensive driver must develop and demonstrate an attitude that:

Shows concern for other road users;
Recognizes that other road users will make mistakes;
Knows no journey is so urgent that a safe speed can be maintained;
Driving is a skill which requires the application of good techniques; and;
Believes that safe driving requires an alert mind at all times.

An ideal defensive driver:

Always clean the seatbelts;
Keeps within the advisory speed limit;
Constantly scans the road for potential hazard;
Signals his intentions at all times and;
Shows courtesy at all times.

The factors affecting the behavior of the driver are the following: alcohol, drugs, and

A defensive driver always maintain a safe caution of distance in front and
behind his vehicles by: a) observing the four-second rule b) adopting a positive and
skilled mental approach.

Search - the road seen ahead, around and rear of the vehicles
!dentity - the potential and immediate hazard on the road
Predict - the actions of other road users
Decide - what to do to avoid an unsafe situation

Keys to Effective Defensive Driving

Standard of vision, hearing and health all have a bearing on the amount of
The driver must adjust the speed of his vehicle on the degree of
concentration he is able to apply.

Driving plans should be made on the correct assessment of the changing
scene both ahead or to the rear of the vehicle.
Driving plans should enable the driver to make decisions in a methodical
Plans and decisions are combination of what can be seen, what cannot be
seen circumstances which are expected to rise, allowances for the mistakes of
other road users.

The driver must aim to have the best possible view of the area around the
Windows and windshield must be clean.
Washers and wipers should be functioning.
Nirrors are properly adjusted at the start of the journey.

The driver must adjust the length and the depth of his vision according to the
speed trail.
Focus further ahead as his speed increases.
Road and traffic conditions will govern speed.
Nirrors are properly adjusted at the start of the journey.

Continuous driving for long periods will cause fatigue which will result in eye
Recognition and assessment of dangerous situations will become late and
Naking it essential to have period of rest.

Fog, rain, fading daylight or bright sunshine will reduce visibility so speed
must be kept low.

A good driver is one that looks ahead and recognizes any change in the road
Keep a steady speed on open roads. Slow down smoothly. Press the gas
pedal lightly. Starting up slowly give other drivers and people walking a
chance to see what you are doing. They can then judge how to react. When
you have reached the speed you want, glance at the speedometer.


Keys to Safe Driving
Good vision, look with your eyes but see with your mind.
Obeying traffic rules and regulations.
Proper care of your car.
Be courteous to other road users.
Proper signaling. Failure to signal is dangerous and inconsiderate.
Physical fitness. Let someone else take the wheel if you are not physically and
mentally alert.

Proper Use of Brakes
A good driver uses his brakes. An experienced driver is able to make without
using his brakes a great deal and yet be perfectly safe, as compared to the less
experienced one who keeps on banging at his brakes every now and then. Skidding
is cause by sudden hard and violent braking as the weight of the vehicle is thrown
forward and downward thereby subjecting the front suspension to a force greatly in
excess of what is normal. Steering therefore becomes unwieldy and because the
weight at the back is suddenly transferred to the front, road holding by the rear tires
is greatly reduced - hence sliding and skidding. A good driver should therefore be
able to anticipate stops by intelligently reading the road and be able to apply
progressive light braking and have control of the vehicle at all times, smoothly
stopping before any potential hazard with ease.

!n order to be able to have control of the car, the driver must be sitting in the
correct comfortable position in relation to his size.
When turning, hand in the direction you are going should pull down; the
other hand allowing the wheel to pass through it, if necessary, the other hand
can help by pushing the wheel upward.
When transferring from one lane to another, or when pulling in after
overtaking, the turn should be gradual and never a sudden swerve which may
result in skidding.
A firm, not a tight, grip on the wheel is all that is needed. Never grip tightly
on a greasy road.
Do not move the wheel to and from while driving; a firm straight steer is
Both elbows should be free from obstruction. Never rest eh left elbow on the
window frame while driving.
Never drive off without first having made sure that the seat, mirror, doors
windows, etc., are properly adjusted.

Gear Changing
Avoid over-reviving in lower gears- a direct cause of over-hearing, engine
wear and high fuel consumption. Do not put unnecessary load on your engine
by not changing to lower gear when necessary. Change gear before a
potential hazard.

A driver should have the ability to judge how much time and space you need
to stop your vehicle. The amount of time it takes for you to see when to stop
until you step on the brakes is called REACT!ON T!NE.
A driver of a motor vehicle, is considered stopped when passengers and
cargoes were loaded and unloaded for about ten (10) minutes or more.

There is no simple way on how long will it take one stop at a certain speed.
Signs, signals and traffic rules tell us to stop.

Right of Way Rules are:

1.) First Time vehicle Rule
At all intersections without "stop" or "yield" signs, slow down and prepare to
stop. Yield to vehicles already in the intersection or about to enter it.

2.) Same Time vehicle Rule
At all intersections without "stop" or "yield" signs (or with stops in all directions).
Yield to the vehicle on your right if it has reached the intersection of same time as
your vehicle.

3.) Stop Signs
Stop at any limit line or crosswalk. Yield to all approaching vehicles on the
through street, go only when it is safe for you to cross. Approaching vehicles should
slow down and allow you to get across safely.

+.) Left Turn
Signal left turn and yield to approaching traffic until it is completely safe to finish
the turn.

5.) Rotonda
vehicles around the rotunda have the right-of-way over vehicles which are just
about to enter.

When entering a highway from a driveway, yield the right-of-way to traffic on the
highway. Never insist on taking the right-of-way if other drivers are not following the
rules, let them have the right-of-way even if it belongs to you to prevent possible
accidents, however, do not always insist on other going ahead of you, slowing and
stopping may delay the flow of traffic.

Give the Right-of-Way to Emergency Vehicles

One should yield the right-of-way to police cars, fire trucks, ambulances and
other emergency vehicles which are sounding a siren or bell or flashing a red light by
pulling to the edge of the roadway and stopping. !n the event traffic is so congested
as to prevent you from safely doing so, slow down and leave a clear path for the
emergency vehicles.


The law places the responsibility on the driver of the passing car, if the driver
makes mistakes in passing he is held liable.

Three !mportant Things to Remember in Passing

1.) !t is illegal to speed up when being passed. Continue at the same speed, or
reduce your speed.
2.) Help other drivers to pass safely. Nove to the right side of your lane to give
the other driver more room and a better view ahead.
3.) Show the passing driver the same courtesy that you would expect from other

When not to pass - Especially on Roads Marked by Signs
1.) At no-passing zone marked by signs or by solid yellow lanes or double-solid
yellow lines which indicate no passing.

2.) On blind-curves where you would not be able to see oncoming cars, always
stay in your own lane on any curve, out of the way of oncoming traffic.

3.) On going up a hill, passing is not allowed from 700 to 1,000 feet from the top
of a hill.

+.) At intersections or railroad crossing-where other vehicles or pedestrians may
suddenly appear or unless such intersections is controlled by traffic signal.

5.) Near a bridge or underpass hat may cut- off a road shoulder. You or the car
passed might need to use the shoulder road in case emergency arises.

Where Passing is not Safe
1.) When there is a long time of cars ahead.
2.) When you intend to turn or stop very soon.
3.) When an incoming car is too close.
+.) When the car ahead is going at or near the speed limit. Speed limit is still
applied when passing.
5.) When sight distance ahead is limited.
6.) When the maneuver would have to be completed in a no-passing zone such
as hill, curve or intersection.

Passing on the right is permitted only
When overtaking another vehicle making or about to make a left turn or
signaling intent to make a left turn.
On streets and highways marked for multi-lanes; and
On one-way traffic streets.

To make it around a tight curve, keep the turning of the front wheels in line
with the sharpness of the curve. When turning right, keep your front wheel close to
the center line. This prevents he rear wheels from dropping off the pavement.
Curving left keep your front wheels close to the right edge to prevent the rear
wheels from drifting into the other lane.

Avoid braking in a curve because this can cause you to skid out of control.
Slow down before you get into the curve. Accelerate after you have passed the
midpoint of the turn.

A. Vehicle
A vehicle should be properly equipped and must always be in good condition for
safe driving. No one can legally drive a vehicle that may be a hazard to any person
and property just like its operator, it needs regular clean-up and check-up.

1.) Underneath Parts
Check tie rod. Low tire pressure may cause the wear and tear pressure. Always
equip vehicle with spare tires. Tires with worn out thread will slide more easily on
wet pavements and may blow-out without warning.

2.) Outside Parts
Have clean rearview mirrors to see at least 200 ft. behind. Windows must be
clean and free of obstruction. Check vehicle lights if they are all working such as tail
lights, turn signals, stop lights, license plate lights and parking lights. Check wipers if
they operate properly to clear the windshield. Check mufflers to prevent excessive
noise and smoke.

3.) Inside Parts
Engine tune-up. As part of the tune-up, spark plugs, distributor points,
condenser and air cleaner must be replaced, carburetor must be cleaned
Battery. !t must be kept in good condition. Add distilled water if the level is
Safety devices. Check devices such as fuses and circuit brakers.
Radiator. Check radiator fluid level before starting the engine.
Brakes Foot. Brakes and parking brakes must be firm enough to stop.
Others. Check the temperature gauge and hose connections, brake fluid and
master cylinder.
Be sure to check the type of gasolinefoil suited to your vehicle.

4.) Check horn if it can be heard from a distance. A defective steering
wheel, clutch, pedals and shift gears need serious attention. Turn the ignition if
lights and gauges register. The car's gauge warns the driver if something is going

Finding a competent and dependable mechanic is important to a driver for
proper maintenance and prevention of car problems before they become critical. !t
is the responsibility of the driver to keep his car in good running condition.

B. The Driver's Physical Condition

!t is enough to have a vehicle in good running condition to ensure safety in
driving. As a driver you must be physically, emotionally and mentally fit to operate
your vehicle on the road. This is vital to safe driving.

1.) Vision
A driver must see quickly, clearly and accurately. Seeing too late makes
decisions come too late. Decisions made while driving are based on what the driver
see. !f eyes do not see properly, it can be corrected by using corrective lenses.

2.) Smell
By smelling, you can tell the presence of gas that may be coming out of your
car. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning may result to drowsiness, headaches,
nausea or mental dullness that impair your driving ability. Check your engine and
exhaust system if they are in top condition.

3.) Hearing
A driver who has impaired hearing may not hear important sound like police
vehicles, sirens of fire engines and horns of other drivers who wish to pass. The use
of hearing aids overcome this defect.

4.) Touch
Proper coordination of hand and feet helps in controlling the vehicle while in
motion. Sensitivity to the important parts of the car such as brakes, steering system,
accelerator, lights and signals through your sense of touch enable you to determine
any incoming failure that may surprise you and the other driver to an emergency.

5.) Emotions
Emotions affect driving performance. Failure to control emotions may lead to
driving errors.
Anger - it impairs the performance of smooth braking and accelerating due to
changes in some body functions such as increase heartbeats.
Anxiety - it may lead to panic decisions.
Excitement - stress and sometimes happiness changes the functions of the
body and mind that prevents wise decision necessary for safe driving.
Fatigue - is the most common that lower driver's fitness. Fatigue may come
from lack of sleep, excessive physical exercise or from mental or emotional stress.
Fatigue dulls the mind and slows down nerve and muscular responses. As a good
driver, you must learn to cope with all these emotions, to perform the driving task
safely and effectively.


Night Driving
Adjust your driving to the weather and time. Do not try to drive the same speed
at night that you do by day you should slow down. You see less at night and so do
other drivers. Be sure that you can see clearly in your head lights. Be extra alert to
pedestrians, bicycles and motorcycles.

Things to Remember when Driving at Night
1.) !t is best to turn your headlight on at sunset. Do not blind other drivers with
your headlights. Use your high beams only in open country when other cars
are not near.
2.) Dim your lights by switching the low beams as a vehicle comes toward you. !f
you are following another vehicle, switch to low beams when you get closer.
3.) Night driving is difficult. Try to slow your speed while driving.
+.) Give enough room and space to vehicles ahead of you.
5.) Drive as far as possible if a vehicle with one light comes toward you.
6.) When driving a brightly lit place, drive slowly until your eyes adjust to
darkness. Avoid looking directly into the glare of incoming headlights. Watch
the right edges of your lane, noting the position of the incoming vehicle out of
the corner of your eye.
7.) Do not wear sunglasses when driving at night.
8.) When in the act of overtaking or passing at night, switch to high beam then
back to low, warning the driver you wish to pass.

On long drives, keep awake and alert. Do not drive if you are tired or
sleepy. Stopping often, fresh air and singing or conversation can help avoid
drowsiness. !f you get too sleepy, park at the shoulder of the road and take a
few minutes nap.

Driving in the Rain

Rain affects your vehicles stability. Rain acts as lubricant, making road
surfaces slippery. Heavy downpour bring floods, cause heavy traffic and
creates puddles on the road that requires proper controlling and maneuvering
of motor vehicles. !t makes windshields, headlights, mirrors and taillights
blurred and dirty.

Things to do while Driving in the Rain
1.) Turn your headlights when visibility is very poor.
2.) Slow down at first sign of rain or drizzle on the roadway. This is when many
road pavements are most slippery because oil and dust have not been
washed away.
3.) Driving on flooded roads could lose your brakes. !f this happen, test your
brakes thoroughly to dry them out (do this if the engine has not drowned and
once beyond the flooded stretch).
+.) Avoid instant stopping, turning and starting the engine.
5.) !ncrease your "following" distance and allow extra space.
6.) Clean your windshield, washers, and check wiper blades if they are working.

1.) Do not race your engine once started. Wait until the engine has warned up.
Warming up the engine by driving gives you better gasoline economy.
2.) Avoid jack-rabbit starts, take-off and sudden stops. Gradual acceleration
saves gas and car wear and tear.
3.) Keep proper air pressure in tires. !ncorrect tire pressure reduces gasoline
mileage, wears out tires faster and makes vehicle handling difficult.
+.) Shift to high gear as soon as you can and stay there as long as you can. Low-
gear speed consumes much more fuel than high gear speed.
5.) Preferably use smaller cars. Smaller engines usually give better economy.
5.) Plan your trips. Avoid congested routes and cover as many errands as
possible in a single trip.
6.) Avoid parking in the sun. Gas evaporates rapidly when exposed to hot
8.) Use car pools and other public transport vehicles.
9.) Eliminate unneeded cargoes and fuel consuming loads.
10.) Do not fill your gas tank to the brim. Allow for expansion to avoid


Driving is not safe when drunk. !t is said that "!f you drink, do not drive".
Driving a motor vehicle requires concentration. Driver's found driving under the
influence of alcohol is punishable by law.


A. Other Notorists
1.) Give proper signals to other motorists. !t is very vital to signal your intention
of stopping, passing, turning, left or right, or slowing down to warm other
2.) !n parking, wait for vacant spaces and give consideration to those who came
first. Park orderly to give enough space to those incoming vehicles who
would also be parking.
3.) Extend assistance to other drivers who happen to have vehicle trouble along
the road.
+.) Give way to vehicles who would like to overtake your path, although you
know that you have the right-of-way.
5.) Give proper courtesy to motorcyclists, bicyclists and other road users.
6.) Check your distance with other vehicles. Avoid tail-gaiting.

B. Passengers
Driver's should be courteous and considerate to their passengers.
1.) Be careful while driving. Follow strictly traffic signs and signals to avoid delay
once apprehended.
2.) Do not slam your brakes or press your pedals too hard. Your passenger might
not be able to hold themselves and may smash inside your vehicle.
3.) Be sure your passengers have stepped-out of your vehicle safely before
starting to move.
+.) To taxi drivers, be honest to your passengers. Do not drive with fast meters
and always give them their exact change.
5.) Do not smoke while driving.
6.) To public utility or for hire drivers, avoid trip cutting.

The Role of Passengers
1.) Passengers should never do anything to interfere with the driver and as
much as possible do not distract him while he is driving.
2.) !n looking for a street name or address, the passenger must assist the driver
and do the searching.
3.) The passenger must handle the paying or change in approaching a toll
+.) Passengers should discourage the driver from reckless behavior.
5.) !f the driver's decision is impaired by anger, alcohol or by any other reason,
the passenger may decide to risk a friendship or may refuse to ride the car
he is driving.

C. Pedestrians
Drivers have special obligations to pedestrians.
1.) Children. They often forget the dangers of traffic when playing on
sidewalks. They run into the street without thinking. Be alert.
2.) Older People. Them may not see or hear very well and may not move of
the way quickly, so give them time to cross.
3.) Handicapped People. visually handicapped people crossing the roads with
white cane are pedestrians. The same are for persons confined in wheel
chairs while crossing the streets. They should be given the greatest
possible caution and attention. When you see handicapped people
crossing the road, do not honk your horns.

Types and Meanings of Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings

I. International Traffic Signs
Traffic signs have important messages to convey. Their shapes and colors
carry the same meaning everywhere.

Danger Warning Signs - are intended to warn road users of a danger on the road
and to inform them of its nature.
Shape : Equilateral, Triangular with one side horizontal
Color : Red

Examples : CAUTION : School Zone

CAUTION : Road Narrows Ahead

II. Driver's Signals
The law requires every driver to signal to the other driver when planning to turn
left or right, slow down or stop, to change from one lane to another, to leave the
roadway or to move out from a parked position.

vehicles making a left turn should be in the lane to the right of the center of the
road. vehicles making a left at an intersection should wait for a green light, move
with caution into the intersection and when all on-coming traffic has cleared the
intersection, complete the left turn.

Drive in the lane at the right edge of the roadway before making turn, unless
signs or markings indicate otherwise.

Slow down and give the proper light or arm signal. Lightly tap pedal to slow
down and signal with brake lights as a warning. Signals maybe given by the hand-
and-arm position or by brake or signal lights. !f vehicle is built so that hand-and-arm
signals cannot be easily be seen, signal lights must be used. Signal your left or right
turn during at least the last 100 feet before reaching the turning point, at highway
speed it is best to signal at least five seconds before you change lanes. Check that
you have safe clearance to the side, ahead and behind your vehicles, in addition to
giving proper signals. Watch for signals from other drivers. Bicycle riders may give
right turn signals with their right arm held straight out, pointing right.

Notorists should be aware of pedestrian signal indications. They are used to
control pedestrian traffic at intersections where there is conflict between vehicle and
pedestrian movement. While these pedestrians are crossing the roadway, they have
the right-of-way over all vehicles.

A pedestrian facing the green walk signal may proceed across the roadway in
the direction of the signal.

A pedestrian facing a steady flashing "Don't Walk" signal should not start to
cross the roadway. !f a pedestrian has entered the roadway on the "walk" signal and
the "Don't Walk" signal appears, hefshe should proceed as quickly as possible to a
safe area. While doing this, pedestrians still have the right of way over vehicles.

Also a pedestrian should not cross the roadway when vehicular traffic has
flashing green signal, unless hefshe is facing a "Walk" signal.

III. Traffic Signals

Unless a sign indicates otherwise, a right turn may be made on a red signal or
from a one-way street to a one-way street provided the vehicle is first brought to a
stop, and always subject to the right of way of pedestrians and other traffic.

A flashing red signal means bring your vehicle to a stop and proceed only when it
is safe to do so.

The flashing red signal maybe an overhead beacon used in conjunction with a
stop sign, or a beacon located directly above a stop sign.

A yellow signal indicates that the red signal is about to appear. Stop the vehicle if
you can do so safely, otherwise you may proceed with caution.

A flashing yellow signal means proceed with caution.

When a flashing yellow signal is incorporated with an overhead beacon or a
beacon located directly above a warning sign, it warns you to proceed with caution.

!n some traffic control signal, a yellow arrow appears after a green arrow. When
the yellow arrow appears, it means the red or solid green signal is about to appear.
Therefore, stop the vehicle safely, if can be done otherwise, proceed with caution.

A green signal means you proceed, provided you yield to pedestrian and other
traffic lawfully using the intersection. When making a turn on a green signal,
remember that the pedestrian crossing on the green signal have the right-of-way. Be
sure that you do not block the traffic.

When a flashing green signal or a left turn green arrow with a green signal is
used, it permits the vehicle facing that signal to turn left, turn right or go through
while opposing traffic faces a red signal. A pedestrian must not proceed on a
flashing green signal or green left turn arrow unless a walk signal is shown.

When a green arrow is shown with or without a red signal, you may enter the
intersection to move only in the direction shown by the arrow.

IV. Pavement Markings
Lines and symbols on roadways are used to warn and direct drivers and to
control the flow of traffic.

White lane lines are white lines separating lanes of traffic moving in the same
direction. Crossing of solid white line requires special care and is discouraged.
A solid broken white line means passing to the left or right is allowed
provided the way is clear.

Yellow lane lines are dividing lines separating traffic traveling opposite directions.

A solid yellow line at the left lane means, it is not safe to pass.

A broken yellow line means passing is allowed if the way ahead and rear is

Solid double yellow lines at the left lane mean it is unsafe to pass. Never
cross it to pass another vehicle. The line maybe crossed only to enter or leave a
driveway or private road or to make a permitted "U" turn.

Double-line with both broken and solid markings. A double line consisting
of a single broken yellow line parallel to a single solid yellow line is used to show a
two-way road or highway where passing is permitted on the side of the broken line,
but not on the side of the solid line. This type of marking is often seen on two and
three-lane roadways. Traffic on the left side of the solid line may cross this marking
only when making a left turn.

This sign is usually installed two (2) kilometers in advance in an approaching
location where a climbing or passing lane has been provided and is marked on the

Passing lanes allow slower vehicles to move into the right hand lane, permitting
faster vehicles to pass safely in the left lane.

When approaching the end of the climbing or passing lane, the driver in the
right-hand lane must merge with other traffic in the center lane in the same

Left turn center lane is the lane in the middle of a two-way street. The lane is
bordered on either side by two (2) painted lines: the inner broken line and the
outside solid line. Use the lane only when you want to turn left to leave a street,
when turning left into the street or to start a permitted "U" turn.

To turn left from street, signal for a left-turn and drive completely inside the
lane. Don't stop at an angle with the rear of your vehicle blocking traffic. Turn only
when it is safe. Look for vehicles approaching in the same lane to make their turn

To turn left from a side street or driveway, drive into the lane when it is safe
then signal your intent to move into the normal flow of traffic and make the move
when it is safe.

You may drive across the left turn center lane. You must also use this lane to
start a "U" turn, if it is permitted and safe.

Although bike lanes are seldom in our highways, this is painted on the
pavements by a solid white line along either side of the street, four (+) feet or more
from the curb. The line is usually broken near the corner. The letters "B!KE LANE"
are painted on the pavement at intervals.

Any person driving a motor vehicle on a highway shall drive the same at careful
and prudent speed, not greater nor less than what is reasonable and proper, having
due regard for the traffic, the width of the highway and any other condition then
and there existing, and no person shall drive any motor vehicle upon a highway at
such speed as to endanger the life, limb and property of any person, nor at a speed
greater than will permit him to bring the vehicle to stop within the assured clear
distance ahead.


Naximum Allowable Speed
Passenger Cars
8 Notorcycles
Notor Trucks 8
On open country roads with no "Blind Corners"
not closely bordered by habitations.
80 kmfhour 50 kmfhour
On "Through Streets" or Boulevards, clear of
traffic with no "Blind Corners", when so
+0 kmfhour 30 kmfhour
On city and municipal streets with light traffic,
when not designated "Through Streets".
30 kmfhour 30 kmfhour
Through crowded streets approaching
intersections at "Blind Corners", passing school
zones, passing other vehicles which are
stationary or for similar dangerous
30 kmfhour 20 kmfhour

1.) A physician or his driver when the former responds to emergency calls.
2.) The driver of a hospital ambulance on the way to and from the place of
accident or other emergency.
3.) Any driver bringing a wounded or sick person for emergency treatment to a
hospital, clinic or any similar place.
+.) The driver of a motor vehicle belonging to the armed forces while in use for
official purposes in times of riot, insurrection or invasion.
5.) The driver of a vehicle, when he or his passengers are in pursuit of a criminal.
6.) A law-enforcement officer who is trying to overtake a violator of traffic laws.
7.) The driver officially operating a motor vehicle of any fire department provided
that exemption shall not construed to allow useless or unnecessary fast
driving of drivers aforementioned.

Be sure there is sufficient space for your vehicle to fit into the traffic flow. Do
not follow other vehicles too easily.
Avoid tail-gaiting. Staying too close to a vehicle leaves no room for
maneuvering. !t limits you to braking when things begin to stack up in the
lane ahead.
Naintain a car length distance when following a car. This will give you
adequate space, time to react and to stop safely if necessary.
Give motorcycles the same distance you would give to any other vehicles.
Notorcycles are entitled to the same full length, width as all other vehicles on
the road.


At all intersections without "stop" or "yield" signs, slow down and prepare to
stop. Yield to vehicles already in the intersection or about to enter it.

At all intersections without "stop" or "yield" signs (or with stops in all directions),
yield to the vehicle on your right if it has reached the intersection of same time as
your vehicle.

Stop at any limit line or cross walk. Yield to all approaching vehicles on the
thought street, go only when it is safe for you to cross. Approaching vehicles should
slow down and allow you to get across safely.

Signal left turn and yield to approaching traffic until it is completely safe to finish
the turn.

vehicles around the rotunda have the right-of-way over vehicles which are just
about to enter.

When entering a highway from a driveway, yield the right-of-way to traffic on the
highway. Never insist on taking the right-of-way if other drivers are not following the
rules, let then have the right-of-way even if it belongs to you to prevent possible
accidents, however, do not always insist on others going ahead of you, the slowing
and stopping may delay the flow of traffic.

The law places the responsibility on the driver of the passing car. !f the driver
makes mistakes in passing, the driver is held liable.
Three important points to remember in passing:
1.) !t is illegal to speed up when being passed. Continue at the same speed, or
reduce your speed.
2.) Help other driver to pass safely. Nove to the right side of your lane to give the
other driver more room and a better view ahead.
3.) Show the passing driver the same courtesy that you would expect from other


1.) At no-passing zone marked by signs or by solid yellow line-lanes or double-
solid yellow lines which indicate no passing.
2.) On blind-curves where you would not be able to see oncoming cars. Always
stay in your own lane on any curve, out of the way of oncoming traffic.
3.) On going up a hill, passing is not allowed from 700 to 1,000 feet from the top
of a hill.
+.) At intersection or railroad crossings-where other vehicles or pedestrians may
suddenly appear or unless such intersection is controlled by traffic signal.
5.) Near a bridge or underpass that may cut-off a road, shoulder. You or the car
passed might need to use the shoulder road in case emergency arises.

1.) When there is a long line of cars ahead.
2.) When you intend to turn or stop very soon.
3.) When an incoming car is too close.
+.) When the car ahead is going at or near the speed limit. Speed limit is still
applied when passing.
5.) When sight distance ahead is limited.
6.) When the maneuver would have to be completed in a no-passing zone such
as a hill, cure or intersection.

Passing on the right is permitted only -
- when overtaking another vehicle making or about to make a left turn or
signaling intent to make a left turn.
- On streets and highways marked for multi-lanes and,
- On one-way traffic streets.

1.) Reduce speed in anticipation of making a turn.
2.) Look behind and on both sides to see where other vehicles maybe before
changing lanes, then signal intention.
3.) Nove into the proper lane as soon as possible. The faster the traffic is moving,
the sooner it is to reach for the proper lane for making a turn.

Give a signal before making turns, changing lanes or moving right or left to warn
motorist about the intention of getting the right position on the road.

!n turning, obey traffic signs and signals and yield the right-of-way to
pedestrians and vehicles in the intersection.

Turn into the right-hand lane when entering a roadway. Check traffic
approaching from the left. Follow the general curve of the curb while making the
right turn. Stay as close as possible to the curb.

Point the wheels straight ahead until actually starting to turn. Complete the turn
into any lane that is lawfully open. Look behind for traffic and check for blind spot.
When the way is clear, move into the left hand lane keeping immediately to the right
of the centerline. Nake left from right of the centerline. Nake left from right of point
where the centerline meets the intersection street.

Signal your intention to turn left. Look behind for traffic when the way is clear.
Nove into the left hand lane keeping immediately to the right of the center line. Look
ahead to the rear, to the left and right before starting to make your turn.

Enter the intersection one-way street into the left-hand lane. !f the lane in the
one-way street are unmarked, keep immediately to the right or the left curb or edge
of the roadway.

Signal intention to turn left. Nove the left side of the one-way street when the
way is clear. Look ahead, to the right and left before starting to make a turn. Enter
the intersecting one-way street into the left hand lane. !f the lanes are unmarked,
keep immediately to the edge of the roadway.

A left turn may be made from a one-way street into a one-way street on a red
signal, provided the vehicle is first brought to full-stop, and subject always to the
right-of -way of pedestrians and other traffic.

U-turns are hazardous and are prohibited in some areas. When doing "U" turns,
start turning from the extreme right side of the roadway. Check for traffic in both
directions and make the proper turn signal. When the way is clear, turn the steering
wheel sharply to the left while moving slowly forward. When the wheels are turned
completely left, continue driving forward slowly until close to the left curb or edge or

After having turned the wheels completely on the right side, continue backing up
slowly until close to the opposite curb. Repeat these maneuvers until turn is

A driver of a motor vehicle is considered stopped when passengers and cargoes
were loaded and unloaded for about ten (10) minutes or more.

A driver of a motor vehicle is considered parked after a full stop on the shoulder
of the road or in a parking lot, leaving the vehicle with the engine and ignition
stopped and hand brake on.

1.) Parking is prohibited on a highway in such a manner as to obstruct a sidewalk,
a crosswalk, an entrance to the highway to or from a private road or lane, on
entrance to the highway to or from a private road or lane, on entrance-way for
vehicles to pass between the highway and land adjoining the highway.
2.) Within 3 meters of a point at the edge of a roadway.
3.) Within + meters nearest a fire hydrant.
+.) On or within 100 meters of a bridge, over or under or across the highway.
5.) Within 10 meters of the nearest rail of railway crossing.
6.) !n any area where signs prohibiting parking are displayed.
7.) Within an intersection on a highway or if the intersection is controlled by a
traffic signal.
8.) Within 6 meters of a point at the edge of the roadway and nearest to a public
entrance to a hotel, theater or public hall while open to the public.
9.) On all places where "no parking" signs are posted.

When car is parked on a hill, take precautions to make sure it stays there. A car
not properly parked on a hill could roll down into the traffic.

When parking headed up hill, turn front wheels from the curb and let your vehicle
roll back few inches until the rear of one front wheel gently touches the curb. Then
set the parking brake. !f there is no curb, turn the wheels toward the side of the
road so the car will not roll away from the center of the road if the brakes fail.

When parking headed downhill, turn front wheels into the curb or toward the side
of the road. When parking on a sloping driveway, turn the wheels so that the car will
not roll into the street if the brakes fail. Always set the parking brakes. Leaves the
vehicle in gear.
Give motorcycles the same distance you would give to any other vehicles.
Notorcycles are entitled to the same full length, width as all other vehicles on the

Success in backing a car depends on correct driving posture, seeing, steering and
speed control.

1.) When backing around a corner to the right or out from a driveway, check first
for traffic and pedestrian.
2.) Turn body to the right and put right arm over the back of the seat. Look at the
back window as well as the rear and front of the vehicle.
3.) While backing stay at the right side as much as possible.
3.) During all maneuvers make quick traffic checks to the front sides
+.) At intersection or railroad crossings-where other vehicles or pedestrians may
suddenly appear or unless such intersection is controlled by traffic signal.

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