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How much energy is in the food?

Is the energy value in various type of foods are same?

Determining the energy value in food samples

Aim: To determine the energy value in various food samples. Materials: Distilled water, peanut, plasticine and cotton wool. Apparatus: Boiling tube, thermometer, retort stand, pin (58cm long), 25ml measuring cylinder, Bunsen Burner and electronic balance.

1) A food samples is weighed and the weight is recorded. 2) 20ml of distilled water is poured into a boiling tube. 3) The boiling tube is clamped to a retort stand. 4) The initial temperature of the water in the boiling tube is recorded.

4) The food sample is spiked firmly at the end of a pin and mounted on some plasticine. 5) The food sample is ignited by holding it to the flame of a Bunsen burner. Then, it is immediately placed beneath the boiling tube to heat the water. 6) The water is stirred gently with the thermometer. 7) The final temperature is recorded as soon as the food sample has stopped burning.

Calculate the energy value

Energy value = 4.2 J g-1 0C-1 x mass of water (g) x increase in temperature (0C)

Mass of food sample (g) x 1000

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