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Im taking your work home to mark.Whos Mark?

Do you know goldfish dont have eye caps

You do have another home dont you Mrs. Reed? (our Nursery teacher)

Look mum, theres a USA landed in the playground (on UFO day!)

Talking to pregnant Reception teacher.I think you should call your baby Mrs. Harrison (that would be tne name of Receptions TA!)

When talking about a holiday in Center Parks:

We stayed in a cabinet all week

Definition of bullet points-they come out of a gun and leave a hole but I cant remember what theyre called

Im going to a School council meeting in a limbo car (think thatll be a limo then!)

Child on spying our lovely vicar Rev. Colin in Costcutters.Look mummy, theres GOD

Q: Whos the President? A: George Best

Miss Emeny does the chick eat the scrambled egg before it comes out?

Sophie to Paddy: Are you dissing my rocket?

Making a Fathers Day card, colouring in her Dads hair Ooh, I must leave the top cos hes got a big round patch there

explaining that Dad was invigilating maths exams at Farlingaye: If children take phones into the exam my Dad has to tell the Headteacher who executes that child from the exam!

My favourite day at school was when that dead fish came to visit us (teacher had bought in a trout to look at!)

At the end of a storythat had a good cling holder (cliff hanger!)

Mum asks if child has done a painting in school ? No, were still on oblongs

Mummy Mummy youll never guessIm going to speak to the Ostrich inspectors (Ofsted 2007)

After Miss. Emeny had explained about year groups in schools, how the children move up the school, on to bigger schoolsWhat happens when we run out of schools?

They constantly delight can we delight them and help them to fly?

With kind permission of our smashing pupils at Rendlesham Primary. Dedicated to ALL of our Rendlesham School community

The End.or is it just the beginning of something special for our children?

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