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*** Fitzgerald13 joined #leftists COMRADE, WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL CHANNEL OF THE LEFTIST INTERNATIONALE WORKERS OF THE eWORLD UNITE !!! Topic set by Zatsuma13!Zatsuma13@revolution.13.zatsuma on Tue Jul 02 2013 01:42:16 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)

02:31 02:31 02:31 02:34 02:36 02:36

Rizon [#leftists] Welcome comrade o/ Rizon [Fitzgerald13] WORKER OF THE eWORLD UNITE !!!

SirRex Internets

02:36 02:36

Internets Fitzgerald13

+++ Rizon has given op to Fitzgerald13 *** kimmy96 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) .g communist mario [Google] A Case in Communism: The Super Mario Story - n e d m a r t i n ( [Google] Description: No longer the innocent Brooklyn plumbers, it now appears Mario and Luigi are nothing more than communist puppets engineered to program, oh so subtly, ... comario ;0

02:36Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin 02:36 02:36 02:52 03:07 03:07 03:07 03:07 03:07 03:08 03:08 Fitzgerald13 SirRex

*** Zaphod joined #leftists

Fitzgerald13 .stel Fitzgerald13 .steal

Barkeep notices Fitzgerald13 attempting to steal his tips

SirRex WHAT ARE YOU DOING SirRex this poor man is trying to work as a bartender to feed his kids SirRex and you steal his tips Barkeep Barkeep's tipjar currently holds $1,390,352.00

03:08Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin .tipjar

03:08Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin poor man 03:08Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin SirRex: 03:08Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin really poor. 03:08 03:08 03:09 03:09 03:12 03:12 03:12 03:12 03:12 03:12 03:22 03:26 03:26 SirRex nigerian dollars SirRex that 2 pounds Fitzgerald13 fascist SirRex FacistMario Fitzgerald13 comario SirRex facmario Fitzgerald13 .shot

Barkeep pours a shot of vodka... Barkeep slides the glass of vodka to Fitzgerald13 Barkeep That'll be $3, Fitzgerald13. *** Habeeb1 joined #leftists *** Zaphod quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) *** Dohpaz joined #leftists


*** Dohpaz is now known as Zaphod

03:51Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin Habeeb1: 03:51Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin hey 03:51Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin Zaphod: hey 03:51 03:51 03:51 03:51 03:51 Fitzgerald13 xD Fitzgerald13 Habeeb1: Habeeb1 hey Fitzgerald13 where is your twin Habeeb1 ? Fitzgerald13

03:51Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin eating kebab Fitzgerald13 03:52 03:52 03:52 03:52 03:52 03:52 Habeeb_ Fitzgerald13 Habeeb_ Habeeb1

*** Habeeb_ joined #leftists hello LOLLL GO AWAY TWIN I WAS HERE FIRST *** Zaphod quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)

03:52Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin there he is Habeeb_ 03:52 03:52 03:52 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:54 03:54 03:54 Barkeep 03:54Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin 03:54Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin Barkeep Fitzgerald13 03:53Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin Barkeep Fitzgerald13 Habeeb1 Habeeb_ LIAR Habeeb1 NO Habeeb_ YES Habeeb1 NO Habeeb_ YES Fitzgerald13 .shot for habeeb Habeeb1

Barkeep pours a shot of vodka... Barkeep slides the glass of vodka to habeeb Habeeb1 That'll be $3, Fitzgerald13. .shot for Habeeb_ Thanks Barkeep pours a shot of vodka... Barkeep slides the glass of vodka to Habeeb_ That'll be $3, Fitzgerald13. the one who pays for Fitzgerald13 is the correct one .pay Barkeep rings up the $15.00 on the register. Fitzgerald13, thank you. Your tab is clear you idiot Fitzgerald13 LP

03:54Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin * 03:54 03:55 03:55 03:55 03:55 04:07 04:07 Fitzgerald13 Fitzgerald13 so how are you Habeeb_ ? Fitzgerald13 and you too Habeeb1 ? Habeeb1 not bad Habeeb_ not bad Fitzgerald13 .steal

Barkeep notices Fitzgerald13 attempting to steal his tips

04:08Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin habeeb 04:08Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin Habeeb_: Habeeb1 04:08Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin i need your help 04:08 Habeeb_ ya 04:08Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin do you have an idea 04:08Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin what a meroda is 04:09 04:14 04:32 04:32 05:04 05:06 05:12 05:15 05:16 05:19 05:20 05:21 05:33 05:33 05:33 05:34 05:34 Lord_ Lord_ SirRex SirRex Habeeb_ nope

*** Vihesito quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) *** Habeeb_ quit (Quit: Leaving) *** Habeeb1 quit (Quit: Leaving) *** Voronsky joined #leftists *** Zaphod joined #leftists *** Vihesito joined #leftists *** mib_x4i4tc joined #leftists *** Zaphod quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) *** mib_x4i4tc quit () *** ACroc quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- Chicks dig it) *** Zaphod joined #leftists *** Lord_ joined #leftists Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin: are you here? yes I'm here

05:34Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin Lord_ 05:34 Lord_ SirRex: ?

05:34Comrade_Vladimir_Ulyanow_Lenin i heard you got banned 05:34 05:34 05:36 05:36 05:36 05:36 05:37 05:37 05:38 05:38 05:39 05:39 05:39 05:40 05:40 05:41 05:41 05:41 05:42 SirRex Lord_ query Fitzgerald13 are we still have hope in eNK ? Fitzgerald13 i'm really confused about this plan Lord_ I supose Lord_ I think we may start the war SirRex what is the plan Lord_ liberate eNK SirRex very confusing plan Lord_ what did you know about it? SirRex not much apparently Lord_ PCP? SirRex yup Lord_ I think your party knows what is about... SirRex kk SirRex I don't think they took a particular interest in this SirRex I think they see it as more of an individual choice Lord_ It's not individual Lord_ we are people form all over the world

05:42 05:42 05:42 05:43 05:43 05:43 05:43 05:43 05:43 05:44 05:44 05:44 05:46 05:48 05:48 05:48 05:48 05:48 05:48 05:54 05:57 06:17

SirRex individual choice to join in Lord_ we ask for MU's Lord_ I think we also ask yours SirRex they rejected it if I remember correctly Lord_ I don't know SirRex until more supplies are given SirRex something like that anyway Lord_ I will ask Pabloch for doc SirRex kk Lord_ we also tell MU's that we will give supplies SirRex kk Lord_ I'm working for weps 3 weeks Fitzgerald13 Lord_: how many wep and cc we have for this war? Lord_ Ask to Arkanth, Shyran and yass for money Lord_ and weps

*** Barkeep quit (Remote host closed the connection)

SirRex I have a lollipop you can borrow Lord_ I need to send a PM to X-mon SirRex :3

*** Lord_ quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) *** SirRex quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) *** Zaphod quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)

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