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TEAM MEMBER: Rachel Flores INTERDISCIPLINARY UNIT: World War II GRADE LEVEL: 8th SUBJECT: Math NAME AND DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: Food Rationing in WWII: Students will learn about the quantities and types of food rationed during WWII. They will make conversions between amounts and relate to their own lives by comparing food quantities from the time of the war and present day. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (SLOs): Students will convert ounces into grams and kilograms Students will distribute rations in reasonable proportions throughout a weekly menu Students will make comparisons with the differences in quantities during the time of rations and present day. COMMON CORE STANDARDS: 8.NS.2: Use rational approximations or irrational numbers to compare the size of irrational numbers, locate them approximately on a number line diagram, and estimate the value of expressions. GDOE STANDARDS: 8.13.3: Convert lengths into metric measure to lengths in US conventional measure and vice versa using the equivalence. SUPPLEMENTARY READING MATERIALS AND INTERNET SOURCES TO EXTEND STUDENTS UNDERSTANDING OF THE CONTENT: Ross, S. (2007). At home in world war two: Rationing. Lewes, East Sussex: White-Thomson Publishing. WWII activity rationing food quantities. (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2013, from &ved=0CGoQFjAI& assets%2Fword_doc%2F0008%2F171485%2Fwwii_war_time_rationed_food_qu antities.doc&ei=uiTqUYylDcK6igLHv4HwDQ&usg=AFQjCNEklwhKM1O4l2iCaDA pWcPiuE-yyQ&sig2=-oLf-3rrCAgsFdVno7TFIQ

RUBRIC TO EVALUATE THE LEARNING OUTCOMES: Objective Target (3pts) Weekly menu is well thought out. All rations are reasonably proportioned and assembled. Satisfactory (2pts) Weekly menu shows some thought. Most rations are reasonably proportioned and assembled. Shows some understanding through proceeding properly through most aspects of the assignment and adequate participation. Rushes or moves expressively slow, submitting work on time but not reaching maximum potential. Needs Improvement (1pt) Weekly menu shows little to no thought. Ration proportions are not reasonable and food assembly is impractical. Shows little to no understanding throughout the assignment and does not participate in class discussions. Score

Creating a Weekly Menu

Shows exceptional understanding through Understanding participation and and procedure of all Participation aspects of the assignment.


Manages time effectively and submits assignment on time.

Does not submit work on time, lacks efficient system for handling time.

Total points scored on rubric/9 x 0.25 + % on assignment x 0.75 = Grade/100%

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