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Social Studies NAME AND DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: NEWSPAPER ARTICLE Introduction: Upon watching video clips on the attack at Pearl Harbor, and reading Under the Blood Red Sun, students will conduct research and use creative writing skills to write an article that might have been in the Hawaii Star Advertiser in 1941. The article will focus on the bombing at Pearl Harbor. Activity: (Students can use their textbooks, the internet, video clips provided, and novel Under the Blood Red Sun to complete this assignment.) It is December 7, 1941 and you are a journalist for the Star Advertiser. Your assignment is to write an article based on events surrounding the bombing at Pearl Harbor as well as personal accounts of two characters of your choice from Under the Blood Red Sun. Be sure to get accounts from at least one Japanese and one American. Use these questions as your guide as you write your article: 1. Who, What, When, Where, Why did the bombings take place. 2. What were some reactions of citizens in Hawaii during the bombing? 3. What did they see, hear, feel? 4. What did they think was happening? Make sure your article is interesting and gets peoples attention. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (SLOs): Students should be able to effectively explain the events that took place during the attack on Pearl Harbor as a journalist writing an article for a newspaper. COMMON CORE STANDARD: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.2 Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.8 Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text. 8.2.4 Discuss important events in the development of the nation. 8.2.9 Identify the major causes and effects of American involvement in World War II, including: -The events that led to American involvement in the war, including the attack on Pearl Harbor and the occupation of Guam -The impact of the war on the home front SUPPLEMENTARY READING MATERIALS AND INTERNET SOURCES TO EXTEND STUDENTS UNDERSTANDING OF THE CONTENT: RUBRIC TO EVALUATE THE LEARNING OUTCOMES: 4- Excellent, 3- Good, 2- Fair, 1- Poor 1) Important Information- The article provides information on all five Ws with descriptive language. A captivating title is given to the article. 2) Writing Mechanics- Writing is descriptive, providing detailed information. An extensive vocabulary is used to keep the reader interested and informed. The article contains no grammatical errors. 3) Personal accounts- Article contains at least two personal accounts/interviews. One from the Japanese perspective, one from the American (Japanese-American) perspective. RESOURCES: short video clip on attack at Pearl Harbor Lesson Plan:

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