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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Pearl Harbor Attack Research Paper

Crafting a research paper on the Pearl Harbor attack is no easy feat. The topic is rich in historical
significance, requiring meticulous research, analysis, and a comprehensive understanding of the
events surrounding the infamous attack. As scholars embark on this academic journey, they often
find themselves grappling with the complexities inherent in weaving together a well-structured and
insightful thesis.

One of the primary challenges lies in the vastness of available information. The Pearl Harbor attack is
a pivotal moment in history, and navigating through the plethora of primary sources, historical
documents, and scholarly articles can be overwhelming. Determining which information is relevant
and which is extraneous poses a constant struggle, demanding a keen eye for discernment and
thorough research skills.

Furthermore, constructing a coherent narrative that captures the nuanced aspects of the event requires
a deep understanding of the historical context. The interplay of political, social, and military factors
leading up to the attack demands a careful examination and the ability to connect disparate pieces of
information into a seamless narrative.

The need for a well-defined thesis statement is another hurdle that researchers often face. Clearly
articulating the main argument and its significance while aligning it with the broader historical
discourse is no small feat. This task necessitates a strategic approach, honed analytical skills, and an
awareness of the gaps in existing research.

In light of these challenges, seeking assistance becomes a sensible choice for individuals aiming to
produce a high-quality Pearl Harbor attack research paper. Platforms like ⇒ ⇔
offer a lifeline to those navigating the complexities of thesis crafting. With a team of experienced
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By outsourcing the intricacies of thesis writing to professionals, individuals can focus on

understanding the historical intricacies of the Pearl Harbor attack without getting bogged down by
the daunting task of turning that understanding into a comprehensive research paper. The services
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But mainly in self interest, in that if Japan wanted to continue in her increase of power, whilst
continuing to feed her people without her previous imports Japan could not rely on her own exports
for money and was left with no other option to attack America, when the trade embargoes were put
in place. A total of 8 battleships were badly damaged, and 5 sunk. The United States was now into a
war that would conduct simultaneously in Europe and Pacific. The information the United States
derived from this source, designated MAGIC, was highly classified and closely guarded. After the
attack, the Americans declared war against Japan, which led to World War II. Under this way of
thinking, the United States adopted a series of Neutrality Laws in order to keep out of all foreign
affairs. I noticed that it must not have been easy to type up a document in the 1940s, considering
how many penciled corrections there are because of the lack of some items needed to type; it is
surprising to see that even the President did not have enough supplies to retype his document. The
Soviet Union would have expanded through Germany, but due to the cultural differences In the end,
the war would have still had the same outcome, but it would have taken more time. Share to Twitter
Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Unprepared, terrified, yet ready to fight for their country. The
bombardment on Pearl Harbor had a major impact on the decision to place Japanese Americans into
the internment camps for three years, during the Pacific War. Japan aspired to be economically
powerful and to expand their resources; however, the United States was interfering with these plans.
The second wave consisted of 171 planes, with the plan to take down more specific locations.
Answer: The Pearl Harbor attack was initiated at 6:00 am December 7, 1941, in Hawaii. Question 2.
What did the Pearl Harbor attack result in. On January 27, 1941, the United States Ambassador to
Japan, Joseph C. They also had the Nazi War Machine tearing through Europe. Two thousand, three
hundred and thirty-five military personnel would be killed; along with sixty-eight civilians. They
used the component of shock to assault the naval base in Pearl Harbor in hopes the United States
would surrender. I believe Japan should never have attacked Pearl Harbor; they should have pursued
negotiations further. Considering prevailing American view, there was relatively little concentration
given to the likelihood of such an attack within the Pearl Harbor (Hill 31). In the obvious sense, both
movies were about the bombing of Pearl Harbor. By 1936 the North East of China; Japan was
growing stronger. This event had caused America's involvement in the war and in addition the first of
the dropping of an Atom Bomb at Hiroshima. Pearl Harbor Attack: Photography - 300 photographs
of the Pearl Harbor attack. However, they obtained complete surprise with five American battleships,
three cruisers, as well as three destroyers sunk while 188 US aircraft got destroyed with the majority
of them being on the ground. From this point on, any form of diplomatic talks would end in flames.
It was merely an attempt to increase power and earn her place in the sun. With the passage of time,
America favored more and more in line of joining the war. Japanese forces weakened U.S. naval
vessels and U.S. aircraft on the island’s airfield.
The tension continues to grow along with conflicting interests in China and Asia from the U.S. and
Japan. The U.S. and Japan try to solve their disagreements by negotiating. From this point on, any
form of diplomatic talks would end in flames. The attack by Japan killed 2,403 Americans who were
neither notified nor prepared for an attack. On December 7,the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor,
Hawaii, which catapulted the United States into World War II, and effected America endlessly. There
were two in-flight attack waves, toting up 353 aircraft, instigated from six carriers of Japanese
aircraft under the leadership of Commander Mitsuo Fuchida. In an attempt to stop this, America
placed tariffs on Japan and also signed a treaty putting a halt to Japan’s increasing Navy. The
Japanese's attack on Pearl Harbor was not a surprise attack on the United States, but that it what
most people are led to believe. They would practice low altitude torpedo runs to attack battleships,
high altitude bomb drops to sink aircraft carriers and airfields. The results of the attack were
devastating as American lives were lost and the American ships were destroyed and sunk and their
planes destroyed on the ground. This was a no-win situation for America, by being involved or not,
the result would of led to war or conflict at some point. The surprise attack was stunned, shocked
and angered and favoured in entering the Second World War. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. The objective of the second wave remained clear: to attack Kane?ohe, and finish
off Pearl Harbor. The Japanese military selected Pearl Harbor as their goal because the United States
have been attempting to cease their growth plan. Tensions between America and Japan had been
rising for months before the bombing of Pearl Harbor. After the attacks, the US officially joined the
World War II and declared war on Japan. US military authorities assumed that the looming threats
concerning an attack on Pearl Harbor were not serious by perceiving the harbor as being immune to
air instigated torpedo strikes owing to its shallow waters. If you want a unique paper, order it from
our professional writers. It brought America into World War II without warning as well. People asked
questions like “How?” and “Why?” The answer to the first question is Japan had been using Political
Stunts and Diplomatic Business Trips as cover. America’s reaction towards the attack had quickly
gone from shock and disbelief to anger. The evidence that exists out in the globe shows that the
Empire of Japan was the one decided to take action first and draw the participation of the United
States into World War II. Results of the Pearl Harbor Attack The Pearl Harbor attack had a number
of consequences; the American attitudes were a substantial contribution to the victory of the
Japanese. America’s response to “the date which will live in infamy” was shock turned into anger and
resolve. 10 Lines on Pearl Harbour in English On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked the U.S. naval
base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The event was participated by multiple alumni students of SMAN 3
Bandung. Some of this oil was ablaze from the explosions coming from sinking ships. In addition
there were many long-term effects of Pearl Harbor. The Attack On pearl harbor Name Institution On
December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on pearl harbor. She continued to serve
the Navy until being retired in 1965. Japan took action by planning their invasion weeks before the
attack; they came to the conclusion by having two wave attacks, one after the other (See Resource
Then in February, D.C. names Adm. Husband E. Kimmel the new commander of the U.S. Pacific
Fleet stationed in Hawaii. Showing great militant strength, Japan’s empire became the Greater
Eastern Co-Prosperity sphere. The Allies included countries like Britain, France, the U.S.A, and
Russia. The three leaders of the Allied Powers were Franklin D. The Downes was dislodged and
came to rest on the Cassin. The surprise attack was stunned, shocked and angered and favoured in
entering the Second World War. It is quite evident of the fact that there was a connection between
the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the decision to sanction Executive Order 9066. Japan took on more
than she could have bargained for. It would have lasted longer but the Japanese did not send out
their third wave. The United States also placed several restrictions on Japan, infuriating them because
they were unable to interfere with China and Asia’s affairs. On December 7,the Japanese bombed
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, which catapulted the United States into World War II, and effected America
endlessly. Germany would have also wanted Japan to attack America, as America entering the war
became more possible the longer the war went on. Pearl Harbor changed many aspects of America
inhowever the individuals most affected by the bombing have been the citizens of Pearl Harbor
itself. Japan had appointed a war like general as prime minister, he was more likely to attack than
other prime ministers. Pearl Harbor Attack: National Security Agency, CIA, and Military documents
- 953 Pages of National Security Agency, CIA, and Military documents related to the Pearl Harbor
Attack. They signaled to the USS Ward of their finding, which in return found the midget sub trying
to enter the harbor, but was attacked and sunk on sight. Soon after, on February 19 1942, President
Roosevelt declared Executive Order 9066. Officially the political unrest was fought between the
Allies of World War II, and the Empire of Japan. This was the main reason that the Japanese decided
to bomb Pearl Harbor, which brung America into the war. The two separate wars in Europe and S.E
Asia had now become one war, a world war. Also included is 30 additional images of messages and
dispatches sent from Pearl Harbor at the time of the attack. I noticed that it must not have been easy
to type up a document in the 1940s, considering how many penciled corrections there are because of
the lack of some items needed to type; it is surprising to see that even the President did not have
enough supplies to retype his document. The aftereffects of the attack left America reeling, as it had
lost so many lives in just eight minutes. This resulted to death of over Americans and wounded about
people. These planes got there just ahead of 8AM on 7 December. Footer Picture Dictionary English
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Calculator. The planes of the Empire of Japan kept bombing the United States Navy for many hours
without stop, until the Navy was crippled. To succeed, they would communicate the basic scheduled
training session as to not raise any alerts of strange movement. According to Tharoor (2016), “Here
was a resource-hungry island nation eager to assert itself on the world stage in the same way
European powers had done in centuries prior.” This reflects Japan’s increased need for resources such
as oil, minerals, and steel to fuel their machinery. Then after that, the U.S.S. West Virginia was sunk
by 6 Japanese torpedoes. The U.S. later salvaged the wreck in May of 1942 by draining the water
that was inside the hull. The next day Britain and America declare war on Japan with President
Roosevelt calling December 7, “a date which will live in infamy”.
This attack was one of the important because it had a hand leading in towards World War II. Prior to
the bombings, although Japan was meant to be the first to attack, research shows in the present that
America was the first to attack (See Resource 1e). Pearl Harbor consisted of many vast ships and
other U.S artillery (See Resource 3a). Since the Japanese were already aware of American monitoring
their moves, they had to cover up their intentions. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find
out how to manage cookies. Many peoples’ loved ones had been killed, unfairly and unjustly, causing
hatred and anger towards the Japanese, even today. It would compromise of ship identification,
sailing schedules, aircraft lying routes, and many more factor that would aid their rampage. This was
one of the US main military bases located in Hawaii. I believe Japan should never have attacked
Pearl Harbor; they should have pursued negotiations further. The Air Raid could have been
prevented if Washington would have alerted Adm. This report covers the activities of the U. S.
Pacific Fleet. Prior to 2002, the Combatant Commander of United States Pacific Command held the
title of Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Command (CINCPAC). On November 5, this plan would
be brought up to Emperor Hirohito, who would give the thumbs up. Remember to change this Home
Contact us GDPR Privacy policy. Japan had thought that the United States would hand over
attempting to suspend their enlargement plans. The United States, a very powerful nation, was not
involved in the war at first. Although Pearl Harbor symbolizes a time of war and violence in our
history, it could also be looked upon as a representation of America’s unity. The Japanese
counterparts would lose a total of fifty-five men during the almost two hour attack.”Yesterday,
December 7th, 1941- a date which will live in infamy”, the words used by President Franklin D.
Footer Picture Dictionary English Speech English Slogans English Letter Writing English Essay
Writing English Textbook Answers Types of Certificates ICSE Solutions Selina ICSE Solutions ML
Aggarwal Solutions HSSLive Plus One HSSLive Plus Two Kerala SSLC Distance Education
Disclaimer Privacy Policy Area Volume Calculator. So Japan attacked Pearl Harbour for a multitude
of reasons: to decrease her Naval power, so she could take control of the majority of the Pacific for
economic reasons before America took revenge. But after the attacks on Pearl Harbor, the US became
actively involved and helped the allies to subdue their enemies. You can use essay samples to find
ideas and inspiration for your paper. After he joined with the Axis Powers he began the process of
taking over places around Japan that belonged to countries who didn’t like them and weren’t allies to
them, the Axis Powers. Shortly over a week later, tragedy struck, not only for Hawaii, but also for
America as a country, at approximately 7:55 A.M. on December 7, 1941.4 Just like any other usual
Sunday, people casually went about their business and routines. Only after Germany and Italy
declared warfare on America did we finally be a part of the European front LoProto. After the
attacks, the US officially joined the World War II and declared war on Japan. America; isolated itself
from the worlds conflicts, realized if they didn’t get involved, Japan could end up attacking America.
However, there was a failure in ranking Pearl Harbor amongst the most feasible targets. This
onslaught lasted from 8:00 to roughly 10:00 A.M. Then the joke was on Washington. Something as
to why is still debated today, as Aircraft Carriers were vulnerable and useless in defence, and are
only tools of attack. This incident showed how the most powerful country in the world could be
struck with fear in an instant, by not being involved within the foreign conflicts in the world.
Such behavior has a history for example: this kind of treatment was witnessed after US went to
world war ii after the attack on Pearl Harbor conducted by the Japanese (Wee, 2004, p. Imagine
hearing the screams of soldiers trapped in capsized vessels or the screams of the wounded, lying on
the ground dying. However, the third phase was aborted after Admiral Nagumo withdrew the fleet,
due to the success of the prior assaults. According to the U.S. Navy, Japan had launched five
submarines equipped with midget submarines the night before the attack. One of the major effects of
the Pearl Harbor bombings was that it brought America into World War II. This is 100% legal. You
may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Also included is 30
additional images of messages and dispatches sent from Pearl Harbor at the time of the attack.
Emotional stress was at an all time high, as Mary Ann Ramsey unfortunately discovered (See
Resource 2e). He then ran onto the ship’s deck and discovered mass chaos. The United States was
majorly blown away both economically and politically with the attack on Pearl Harbor. By placing
the Trade Tariffs America was running Japan into bankruptcy. This strategic move was designed to
cripple the United States Pacific Fleet in order for Japan to continue their bigger picture of
conquering South East Asia.Tensions were rising after the Imperial state withdrew from the League
of Nations. The people of the United States turned to their president, Theodore Roosevelt. Her
Aircraft Carriers were out of Dock on manoeuvres. After invading Manchuria, Japan sets up its
Puppet State, and they called it Manchukuo. However, six of them got repaired and then used for the
impending battle. The reason for this is because Manchuria was an extremely good source of coal,
iron, timber and many other resources that Japan lacked. (See Resource 1a). In order to gain control
over this well resourced country, the Japanese military deliberately blew up a section of Japanese
owned railway and blamed it on China. They attacked the strong Pacific Naval base that was Pearl
Harbour, Hawaii. The US eventually entered world war ii due to this homeland assault (Takaki,
2008). This onslaught lasted from 8:00 to roughly 10:00 A.M. Then the joke was on Washington.
Japanese losses did not succeed in causing a dent within their numbers since 64 got killed, with only
one getting captured (Lassieur 33). But negotiations soon fail, and Japan pulls out! The U.S. then
sanctions Japan to stop them from trying to invade other countries, but to no avail. This was the main
reason that the Japanese decided to bomb Pearl Harbor, which brung America into the war. Everyone
wished to become a half of the solution, as well as being prepared as a lot as they could. In order for
Japan to continue in her campaign she would have to disable the American fleet, otherwise she could
never gain control of the Pacific. The Empire of Japan decided to attack Pearl Harbor after the United
States cut off oil exports to Japan. It brought America into World War II without warning as well.
After only some hours, Americans have been making fast moves to prepare themselves for warfare.
The bombing had many results, but American defeat was not considered one of them. For example,
if a Japanese has the unfortunate occurrence of producing only daughters.
The Government needed to have as little opposition on their own ground as possible, as well as a
vast amount of Propaganda - those with power who opposed the Governments aims were often
assassinated. The power of America to most, would be a good enough reason why not to attack; this
was why Japan’s actions had such a shock value. This event led to Japan’s desire to expand their
powers across the Pacific. This marks the beginning of Japan’s bloody expansion. The U.S. stopped
all trade with Japan and told the countries that made up the League of Nations that they should not
trade or do business with Japan. This onslaught lasted from 8:00 to roughly 10:00 A.M. Then the
joke was on Washington. They also never shared crucial information that could have saved thousands
of lives. Showing great militant strength, Japan’s empire became the Greater Eastern Co-Prosperity
sphere. The attack was carefully designed by Admiral Yamomoto. Brave men, and women, fight for
our freedom each and every day, and that is exactly what the fighters of Pearl Harbor did. After
almost a year of simulations, the morning of November 26, 1941, the Japanese Fleet left port for
Pearl Harbor.On December 7, 1941, the Japanese were getting ready to execute their yearlong plan.
The war came to a standstill with the 1945 dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima, and
Nagasaki. Warships anchored in the harbor were easy targets for approximately Japanese warplanes
involved in the attack. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a lure set up by the Japanese against the
United States Navy in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Soon the League of Nations reputation diminished and
subsequently disbanded. However, the negotiations did not progress well as Japan did not want to
give in to the US demands. The Downes was dislodged and came to rest on the Cassin. This
consisted of 6 aircraft carriers and 24 destroyers. America finally realized then that if they did not get
involved that Japan could end up attacking America. They chose bombers so that they could destroy
every ship. American Imperialism Japan CCOT Attack and defender panorama When asking folks
about their DBQ Atomic Bomb American Imperialism Advertising and Imagery: Big Mac Attack.
Shortly over a week later, tragedy struck, not only for Hawaii, but also for America as a country, at
approximately 7:55 A.M. on December 7, 1941.4 Just like any other usual Sunday, people casually
went about their business and routines. The Japanese military selected Pearl Harbor as their goal
because the United States have been attempting to cease their growth plan. By 1936 the North East
of China; Japan was growing stronger. By quickly wiping the American fleet Japan convinced
themselves they could capture the needed territories before America could recover. Prior to the
bombings, although Japan was meant to be the first to attack, research shows in the present that
America was the first to attack (See Resource 1e). Unprepared, terrified, yet ready to fight for their
country. Most of the casualties on December 7 came from the sinking of the U.S.S. Arizona. It was
sunk when a Japanese bomb detonated the powder magazine inside the ship killing 1,177
crewmembers and officers. The U.S.S. Oklahoma capsized after several Japanese torpedoes hit it
during the attack killing 429 crew members. Long and Short Essays on Pearl Harbour for Students
and Kids in English We provide students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a
short essay of 150 words on Pearl Harbor for reference. Japanese forces weakened U.S. naval vessels
and U.S. aircraft on the island’s airfield. The attack started at am 7 December The United States
soldiers were caught by surprise because it was early in the morning and the base was low on staff.
The Japanese military selected Pearl Harbor as their goal because the United States have been
attempting to cease their growth plan. For this they had to pay with losing the war, and losing
respect. After the attack, the Americans declared war against Japan, which led to World War II. The
aftereffects of the attack left America reeling, as it had lost so many lives in just eight minutes.
Japan acted rashly and unintelligently to America, stopping the export of oil. I believe Japan should
never have attacked Pearl Harbor; they should have pursued negotiations further. A total of 8
battleships were badly damaged, and 5 sunk. Pearl Harbor Attack: White House War Room Military
Files - 2,455 pages of military files sent to and maintained in the White House war room, related to
the December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor attack, copied from materials held by the National Archives and
Records Administration. Moreover, some American aircraft carriers were not destroyed as they were
not on the harbor on that day (Tames 17). So, let’s look at how to write an introduction paragraph for
an essay. To start. The Air Assault consisted of 43 fighters, 51 dive bombers, 49 high dive bombers,
and 40 torpedo bombers. To have control of the pacific would undoubtedly be very economically and
militarily beneficial. Pearl Harbor consisted of many vast ships and other U.S artillery (See Resource
3a). It was merely an attempt to increase power and earn her place in the sun. Long and Short Essays
on Pearl Harbour for Students and Kids in English We provide students with essay samples on a long
essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on Pearl Harbor for reference. The initial plan
was to go to warfare with Japan alone, but the other Axis nations each announced declarations of
war towards America. The Japanese Submarines were the very first ships to depart from Mainland
Japan on November 16, 1941. Tensions between America and Japan had been rising for months
before the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The attack was aimed at the industrially, physically,
economically, militarily, overall extremely powerful nation, the United States of America. There the
salvaged parts of the wrecked ships were built into entirely new ships. Keep on browsing if you are
OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Japanese losses did not succeed in causing a dent
within their numbers since 64 got killed, with only one getting captured (Lassieur 33). Japan acted
rashly and unintelligently to America, stopping the export of oil. War was the inevitable outcome of
these actions (“Pearl Harbor Raid”, 2000). The Downes was dislodged and came to rest on the
Cassin. Americans all over the place worked as fast as they might to contribute to therapeutic their
wounded nation, attack on pearl harbor essay. Where their use of Aircraft Carriers showed the world
their incredible use and versatility in the ability to construct a powerful attack. They were hoping that
the prospect of a prolonged and costly war within the Pacific, particularly at a time when the larger
part of Europe was already entangled in war, would persuade Americans to accepting Japanese
dominion in Asia. Not each consequence from Pearl Harbor resulted in Americans banding together.
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is on December 7 every year in honor of those who fought
at Pearl Harbor, or lost their life.

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