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Science Notebook Rubric

CATEGORY 3 2 1 0


More than 95% of the required weekly journal is filled out, including notes and add-ins. Weekly notes have clearly labeled dates, titles, and page numbers. The Table of contents is up to date with the current page. Student shows thorough answers to questions by repeating the question and using references. All diagrams are completed and notes are labeling important features.

Between 71%-95% of Between 26%-70% of Less than 25% of the the weekly journal is the weekly journal is required weekly journal filled out, including notes filled out, including notes is complete and add-ins. and add-in's. Weekly notes have labeled dates, titles, and page numbers. The Table of contents is mostly up to date for the week. Student shows thorough answers to questions by repeating the question. Diagrams are mostly completed with information. Weekly notes have some labeling and page numbers. The Table of contents is a week behind. Weekly notes have minimal labeling or page numbers. Table of contents is more than two weeks behind.



Students have answered all questions Diagrams are mostly completed with information.

Students have not answered questions thoroughly. Diagrams are colored in but information is missing.

Turned In On Time

The student turned the The student did not turn Science Notebook in on the Science note book in time. on time.

Total Points / 10

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