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Michael Miller

The Forescythe An intelligent and war-like species native to the planet, the Forescythe (or scythe for short) were not discovered until years after Colony 2099 was established. Tall, fast and completely silent, their thick red hides blend in well with the harsh red clay that makes up the majority of the surface of Colony 2099. The only telling marks are the black diamonds which dot their rough exteriors in irregular patterns. When they began launching guerilla-style raids on our outposts, the Colonial Governing Authority (CGA) gave the colonists full permission to protect themselves, but they were instructed not to purposefully harm the mysterious beings. Instead, they sent their best minds to the colony to study them, hoping to learn from the indigenous inhabitants of the land. What they discovered was not what they had expected. Living in tight, nomadic tribes, the Forescythe roam the small planetoids vast deserts and remote lush jungles, surviving off the land. They are very large, the oldest often weighing a ton or more, and this size and age seems to play some role in the social hierarchy of the creatures. This correlation also suggests that Forescythe continue to grow throughout their lifetime, similar to the reptilian Crocodiles on Earth. Named for their long, blade-like forearms, the Forescythe most closely resemble the Preying Mantis, with a long-fingered four digit hand on the end of each forearm. Running on four legs with their front half bent upward, arms protruding forward, it has been observed that the Scythes can reach astonishing speeds of 25mph over medium distances, easily overtaking most prey (and colonists) it encounters in the wild bringing the game back to the tribe for preparation and consumption. Incredibly intelligent, just how intelligent we are not sure, the Forescythe have been observed relaying complicated information, and in many instances abstract concepts to one another, without the use of spoken word. It has been proposed that due to a lack of resources, and by result of it lack of technology, the Forescythe instead concentrated on the mind. Many groups have been sighted silently meditating with one another for hours at a time. Massive groups have been spotted, albeit rarely, in what appear to be storytelling sessions. Hundreds of Scythes gathered around a much smaller group of four or five large elders, silently watching them gracefully move and relay their history with the use of symbols and images, the captivated crowd moving as one, reacting in unison. It is believed that they may have unlocked the door to their collective consciousness, and have achieved a level of telepathy and clairvoyance that negates the need for verbal communication. This is why, in the years that would come, tracking and prediction of movements and raids by the Forescythe would become increasingly difficult. When the Scythes began organizing much larger attacks on the outposts of Colony 2099, the CGA declared them an imminent threat to the long-term well being of the colony, and began a program of extermination. The war was decades long, and a brutal one. Ten colonists killed for every 3 or 4 Scythe and in the end, outmatched by the sheer evolutionary superiority, strength, cunning and silent, instantaneous organization of the warriors, the colonists won only by strength of technology and numbers. The Forescythe were eventually dwindled down to small roving bands, continuing to launch night-time raids, disrupting supply lines and kidnapping explorers. To this day our only insight into the

reasoning of the Scythe came from the one specimen we were able to capture alive. Dying less than an hour after capture, the one chance to communicate with the creatures ended in the death of both the Forescythe and the interpreter chosen to attempt communication. The Audio of that attempt as well as various notes are attached to this entry. It is believed that the Scythes used their knowledge of the planetoid to retreat to an unknown location and recoup their numbers. Anyone traveling outside of the walls of any complex or outpost is advised to go heavily armed and prepared to encounter a Forescythe at all times. Special motion trackers should be used to detect their movements, and it might be wise for Wanderers to wear thick protective headwear to guard against possible mental attack. They seem to be most vulnerable in the head and neck area, but are incredibly fast with their scythes, so keep your distance. Although very difficult, it is advisable to take them out before they even know you are there. ************************************************************************************* What follows is the record of an attempt to speak with the captured Scythe. It is not necessary to read and only serves as extra flavor to the entry above. The specimen was kept in a tightly sealed room with no windows and 10 inch thick concrete walls. Due to poor preparedness and planning, the only way to communicate was by sending an individual into the room. Dispatch: Okay Dave, you can go on in whenever youre ready. Interpreter: Alright, Im heading in now. Sound of door opening and closing can be heard on the tape. Heavy Breathing Dispatch: Come on Dave, talk to me, what do you see. Interpreter: .yeahokaythe subject is in a corner of the room, its head is hidden behind its arms. It cant be very old, looks about the size of a 60-70 year old young adultIm going to attempt to communicate now. 5 seconds of silence. Interpreter: Hello, can you underDispatch, when I talk to it, it flinches... to creature Can you hea A loud scream is heard. Dispatch: Dave? Dave! Interpreter: Im here! Its now looking right at meitsflooding my head with images. I cant make out any words but the images are crystal clear! Wait a minute.what..I cant. Irregular audio feedback is heard, followed by silence. Dispatch: Dave...DaveDAVE! GET IN THERE! The sound of doors opening and quick, frantic movement. Dispatch: Okaywe are at the moment unsure of what happened in the room, I can report as soon as Shuffling and growing sound of feet running. A door opens and closes Unknown (panting): Daves dead, sos the thing. It was weird, man, he was bleeding from his eyes and earshe kept saying the same thing over and over until he just stopped

Dispatch: Well what the hell was he saying? Unkown: Our land. Our land. Our land. End of recording. *************************************************************************************

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