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Happiness is a state of wellbeing, while joy is the fountain from which happpiness can come from. Happiness is different from joy. Genesis30:1-13, Deuteronomy24:5. Happiness to some people may not really be happiness but joy is universal, James1:2, what the world calls joy is an illusion. It is better to go the source of it all. The joy of the Lord is more robust than everything else. 1. The joy of salvation. When you know that you have salvation and will make it to heaven and will be before the grace of God almighty, that creates a great joy. All things in this world are ephemeral, whatever you desire to achieve as been achieved by others and so what joy can you get from worldly things but the knowledge that you are priced with salvation. Psalm51:8-12, if everytime you think about salvation and there is no joy in your heart then you need to go before God. Ecclesiastes1:3, all is vanity, the knowledge tht a better place awaits you is a reason to be joyful and source of joy, 1John44:22, 1Corinthians7:23. That you can be called a child of God is a reason to be joyful. 2. The joy of sacrifice. The pain of sacrifice is before but after that sacrifice is joy. Psalm126:5, they that sow in tears shall reap in joy. Romans12:1, you must sacrifice your time and anything you have to have time with God, when you make a sacrifice of your time towards time with God the joy will be imeasurable. If you do not make sacrifices to bring the word of the Lord inside of you, then you cannot receive the joy predestined for you. 3. The joy of obedience. When the word of God tells you to do something you must listen and obey, follow his words and never waver. Psalm119:1-6, whatever God tells you to do whether palatable or not, you must do it. Leviticus26:3-5, John14:12-16, obedience is the catalyst to ouur enggagement to do exploits, it will enable you to work in the command of extreme divinity. 4. The joy of patience. This can be found difficult by a lot of people, but if you can find joy in God's word then you need not worry but wait for his intervention, Philippians4:12. You have expectations that your God is preparing a mean well meal. Some meals are worth waiting for, everything that God is preparing for you is worthwhile and never rushed but takes time so you must have the patience to wait for it. Hebrews10:36, thre is a certain

joy in waiting for the promises of God, Romans12:12. Isaiah12:3 without joy in your heart you cannot take or receive anything from God. You must have hope that God will show up for you. 5. The joy of gratitude. Genesis29, it is the joy you have in your heart that you are specially flavoured. There is an assurance in your spirit that you are well, God said he will bow the head of kings for your sake. You must be gratuitous to be joyful. God is already fighting your battles for you, Colossins2:7, with everything God as taken you through, what lays in front is very small. Whatsoever you need has been placed in the hands of your helper of destiny so be grateful and wait for it to reach you. Be greatful that God is always there for you. If you are not able to have gratitude or wait then the enemy will have a field day

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