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BONUS: The Pocket Thought Dial™

The Pocket Thought Dial™ focuses on the two chapters of Sydney

Omarr’s book that are most useful in the moment: “Asking our
subconscious for help” and “Finding lost objects.” Using the Card,
you can instantly access additional information that might lead to
finding the object or getting insight into your current situation.

Always tell yourself, “Give me three numbers – quickly!” Don’t

think about it. Get around the conscious mind and learn from your
subconscious mind.
The Pocket Thought Dial™
by Sydney Omarr and Steve McCrea (updated) © 2007
Number Your reduced number indicates that …
Your Subconscious wants to say…
How to (1) Think of a question. Focus on the question. (2) Think of 3 numbers. Add the
use  numbers together. Example: 3, 5, 8  3+5+8 = 16  1+6 = 7 Read this
number for your answer. Go to
Begin it. Break with the past. Move ahead, go on your
1 own, act. Begin new projects, take the initiative. YES
Go with the flow. No news is good news, wait. (No)
2 Recharge, prepare for the next stage. Be patient.
Attend to home, family, postpone decisions, be watchful.
Confusion. You are trying to do too much at one time.
3 Be cheerful. Be enthusiastic (without extravagance).
Avoid wasted energy. Don’t become tied down. You
want to expand, but focus your efforts. (Maybe yes)
Focus on work, don’t leave details to others. Double
4 check. Work now to build the future. Persistence,
determination, no sudden changes. (Maybe no)
Change, travel, communication, variety. Go ahead!
5 Investigate something new or different, do it now, be
creative. (careful! Avoid excess) YES
Seek harmony. Listen to others. Attend to matters at
6 home. Don’t delay. Don’t complicate matters by acting
forcefully. Be diplomatic. Repair an oversight. (No)
Look out for self-deception. Don’t sign contracts. Take
7 time to reflect. Avoid commitments. Be alone – you will
not be lonely. Analyze, simplify. NO, yes after a delay
Push ahead to reap the rewards. Make your own
8 opportunities. Ambition, finances and investments.
Material gain is new if you work hard. Do it now. YES
Complete. Finish. Don’t begin a project. To hang on is
9 to imprison yourself. It is time for forceful action. Work
to bring a cycle to an end. Prepare for the next era. Yes
Trust your intuition. It is time to support your ideals.
11 Follow your heart. Avoid suggestions to be “more
practical.” Listen to your conscience. (No – wait)
Know your potential and rise to the occasion.
Think big. Avoid details. Don’t compromise your ideals.
22 Be diplomatic. Ambition is high, be sensitive. Don’t be
petty or inefficient. (Yes.)

2 The Thought Dial for the 21st Century

Adapted from The Thought Dial™ by Sydney Omarr. This Pocket version is an added benefit for
purchasing the book Life Happens: You Can Fix It, an expanded edition of The Thought Dial™
compiled by Jeraldine Saunders and Steve McCrea.

The Pocket Thought Dial™

by Sydney Omarr and Steve McCrea (updated) © 2007
Find Lost Objects…
Look in the main part of the house: Living room or
1 bedroom. SOUTH. The object was lost while you were
pursuing pleasure.
The item is close to a vase or bowl. Someone might
2 help you find the item. SOUTH. It is in a house (a
domestic place).
Look between papers or where men congregate.
3 NORTH. Carelessness led to misplacing this item.
The article is not lost. NORTHEAST. It was misplaced
4 due to absent-mindedness. Suddenly you will remember
where you left it.
Look under a hat or other headgear. You will find the
5 object (after you stop looking for it). WEST. It was lost
during communication or travel.
Look where boots or shoes are kept. It might be on a
6 shelf. EAST or WEST. The chance of finding this object
is not good.
Ask a servant. Deception, someone withholds
7 information. EAST. The odds of recovery are not good.
Shelf. Someone else may find it. NORTH. Illness is
8 connected with the loss.
A child has it among clothing. EAST. Lost or misplaced
9 in anger or a quarrel.
Lost where people relax (pool, night club, restaurant).
11 NORTHEAST. Effort is needed to recover it. May prove
Shelf. Kitchen or bathroom. Look up. Avoid hasty
22 accusations. WEST.
How to (1) Think of a lost object. Focus on the item. (2) Think of 3
use  numbers. Add the numbers together. Example: 3, 5, 8  3+5+8 =
16  1+6 = 7 Read this number for your answer. Go to

Life Happens: You Can Fix It 3

The pocket version of The Thought Dial™ provides better results when
the user has studied the chapter about on subconscious thoughts (pages
36 to 56).

4 The Thought Dial for the 21st Century

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