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Name _________________________________________________ Date ______________ Period _____

Chemistry Worksheet

Valence Electrons and Electron Configuration

Please complete the following:
1. What is meant by an atoms electron configuration?

2. Write the complete electron-configuration notation, the noble-gas notation, and the orbital notation for the following elements: a. potassium

b. neon

c. sulfur

3. Identify the elements having the following electron configurations: a. 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p3

b. [Ar],4s1

c. contains four electrons in its third and outer main energy level

d. contains one set of paired and three unpaired electrons in its fourth and outer main energy level

4. Consider the four hypothetical main-group elements Q, R,T, and X with the outer electron configurations indicated below. Then answer the questions that follow. Q: 3s23p5 R: 3s1 T: 4d105s25p5 X: 4d105s25p1 a. Identify the block location of each hypothetical main-group element. b. Which of these elements are in the same period? Which are in the same group? c. Which element would you expect to have the highest ionization energy? Which would have the lowest ionization energy? d. Which of the elements is most likely to form a 1+ ion? 5. Among the elements gallium (Ga), bromine (Br), and calcium (Ca), which has the highest electronegativity? Explain why in terms of periodic trends.

6. Consider the five hypothetical main-group elements E, G, J, L, and M with the outer electron configurations shown below. E = 2s22p5 G = 4d105s25p5 J = 2s22p2 L = 5d106s26p5 M = 2 4 2s 2p a. Identify the block location for each element. b. Determine which elements are in the same period and which are in the same group. c. Which element would you expect to have the highest electron affinity? d. Which would you expect to form a 1- ion? e. Which should have the highest electronegativity? f. Which element(s) contains seven valence electrons? 7. What are the relationships between group configuration and group number for elements in the s, p, and d blocks?

8. Write the outer electron configuration for the Group 15 element in the fourth period. 9. Identify the period, block, and group of the element with the electron configuration [Ar]3d74s2.

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