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Give Your Room a Fresh Start with Feng Shui

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) means wind and water Ancient Chinese science and art of living in harmony with the environment. Many different approaches to Feng Shui and can be very complicated.
Western style or Black Hat used in this presentation

Feng Shui looks at how Chi moves in an environment

A Bagua is a map that overlays the house or office plan and divides the areas into 8 sections:
Career Helpful people and travel Creativity and children Love and marriage Fame and reputation Wealth and prosperity Health and family Knowledge and selfcultivation. Also a Center section considered an earth or grounding section

How to use the Bagua map

Imagine laying the map over the blueprint of your home or office with the front door in either the Knowledge, Career or Helpful People section. Chi enters from the front door The 8 sections should correspond to different areas of the home or office Some areas of the home or office may be missing

If you want to improve the chi of a section, you can use enhancements that correspond to that area. Combine both the:
Element associated with the Bagua Map (earth, fire, metal, wood, water) The section of the Bagua Map you wish to enhance

Five elements and how to enhance them

Wood Fire Earth Metal Water

Wood enhancements
Anything wooden or depicting wood Plants and flowers The color green Floral fabric Rectangles

Fire enhancements
All types of lighting and candles Red, purple, fiery orange, pink, rose, peach Hearts Triangles

Earth enhancements
Rocks and crystals Anything made of stone, tile, ceramic, earthenware Pictures of earth or mountains Squares Brown, yellow, earth tones, beige

Metal enhancements
Anything made of metal Electronics Round or rounded objects White, silver, gold, bronze, grey

Water enhancements
Any water feature including fountains, aquariums, ponds, birdbaths Pictures depicting water Reflective surfaces like mirrors Wavy patterns Black, blue, lavender, bluish purple

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