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Topic: MIDLIFE CRISIS Purpose: To develop coping mechanisms during middle adulthood stage.

Goal: To use the coping mechanisms to improve their way of living. Venue: Municipal gyms, school gyms, households, health centers Participants: Male and/or female, ages between 40 - 60 years old. Learning Objectives Content Outline Method of Instruction Describe the social and personal developmental tasks of middle age that should prepare men and women for successful adjustment to old age. Show how middleaged people can adjust to mental changes and changes in interests. Account for some of the conditions responsible for changes in social attitudes and activities in middle age. Explain what conditions often contribute to good social functioning at this time. Describe some of the factors influencing What is middle adulthood? Characteristics of middle adulthood o Dreaded period o Time of transition o Time of stress o Dangerous age o Awkward age o Time of achievement o Time of evaluation o Time of empty nest o Time of boredom Developmental tasks of middle age o Physical changes Sensory abilities Physiological functioning Health Sexual changes o Changed interests Social functioning o Vocational adjustments o Family life Lecture discussion Role playing Reflective practice/ feedback evaluation Use of audiovisual aids

Timeframe (in mins.) 2 hours Breakdown: (0-15min): Welcoming remarks, Icebreakers (15-60min): Learning sessions (60-75min): Break/ Mini activities (75-90min): Recap (90-120min): Open forum

Instructional Resources Projector and Lcd screen Snacks Handouts, brochures Trained educators

Methods of Evaluation Assess the participants comprehension through: o Q and A o Demonstration o Summarization

vocational adjustment in middle. Describe the family life developmental tasks and point out the types of problems these changes give rise to.

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