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Some stretching tips Ior o1o
ynumic stretches
nsLeud oI doIng LIIs:
seLs oI 1o IronL IIILs
seLs oI 1o buck IIILs
seLs oI zo sIde bends
Try LIIs:
SeIecL u coupIe sLreLcIes Lo LurgeL und seL u LImer Ior ubouL 1 mInuLes. BegIn by IoosenIng up wILI IeeI good movemenLs,
LrunsILIonIng InLo your LurgeL sLreLcIes. AvoId geLLIng InLo LIuL UHSHWLWLRQUK\WKP LIIng by InLenLIonuIIy noL counLIng your
reps. nsLeud, conscIousIy puL more LIme In beLween eucI moLIon by puusIng IrequenLIy, vIsuuIIzIng, breuLIIng, IocusIng,
und IIgILIy sLeppIng ubouL wIIIe you work on your LurgeL sLreLcIes.
HInL: WIuL does LIIs remInd you oI? How we LypIcuIIy WULFN, muybe?
Stutic stretches
DIscurd your rouLIne LIuL conLuIns u Iuundry IIsL oI sLuLIc sLreLcIes. nsLeud, seIecL un ImporLunL sLreLcI or Lwo. TIen,
Lrunspose your sLrengLI LruInIng or LrIckIng Iocus InLo your sLreumIIned seIecLIon. AIIow yourseII IuII un Iour Lo work LIese
IoIds. AvoId ]RQLQJRXW beLween your sLreLcIes und uvoId Iuzy LrunsILIons beLween your sLreLcIes.
Let's ose the splits us un exumple: VIsuuIIze LIe runge oI moLIon you wIsI Lo ucIIeve. Spend u momenL
prImIng your mInd InLo Iyper mode by usIng your pre-IIIL or pre-LrIck concenLruLIon rILuuI. TIen enLer LIe
spIILs und muInLuIn un uggressIve Iocus durIng your IoId. TIen geL up und wuIk. ResL, deLucI, reIocus,
AILernuLIveIy, super seLLIng mux IIILs und power combos wILI uggressIve Iocus sLreLcIIng wouId uIso be u
good Ideu II you don'L wunL Lo work on sLreLcIes uIone.
Purting thooghts
TIere Isn'L unyLIIng wrong wILI LIe rep und seL upproucI wILI dynumIc sLreLcIIng, sLIII use IL uII LIe LIme. TIere Isn'L
unyLIIng wrong wILI u Iuundry IIsL-rouLIne bused upproucI Ior sLuLIc sLreLcIes eILIer. 'm jusL suggesLIng you uIso Lry
uIIocuLIng some oI your IIgI-ocLune, LrIckIng super powers Ior your IIexIbIIILy work!
So guLIer concenLruLIon und be uwure oI your body us u wIoIe. WIen you do u sIouIder sLreLcI, puy uLLenLIon Lo your
cuIves, your gIuLes, your ubs und knuckIes: EveryLIIng! WIen you do u IronL IIIL be mIndIuI oI your wrIsLs, sIouIders,
posLure, Loes, breuLIIng. You cunnoL jusL sIup u Iew sLreLcIes onLo LIe begInnIng oI your sessIon wIen you're noL prImed, or
LIe end oI your sessIon wIen you're exIuusLed und expecL sLeIIur resuILs. I you couId, everybody eIse wIo sLreLcIes LIIs wuy
wouId Iuve exceIIenL IIexIbIIILy, buL mosL peopIe don'L. JusL IIke unyLIIng eIse, you Iuve Lo puL your Ieud und IeurL InLo IL
und uLLuck IL!
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