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Barbie celebrates her 50th anniversary this year.

She may be hugely popular across the world but is she any kind of female role-model for young girls? We hear from the Vice President of Barbie Worldwide, as well as some opinions from some women in London - as Kate and Jackie talk about the iconic dolly! This week's question: When Barbie first went on sale in 1959, around 350,000 were sold in the first year. But how many dolls sell today? a) 3 per hour b) 3 per second c) 3 per minute

Vocabulary from the programme global brand a product made by a particular company which sells successfully and is recognised all over the world Barbie is a global brand. role model a person or figure who is admired and whose behaviour others try to copy average typical or usual stereotype or stereotypical a fixed idea that people have about what someone or something is like (which is often wrong) image an idea or mental picture about how something or someone is portraying representing or showing skinny very thin body type - often used in a negative or disapproving way politically correct or 'pc' the belief that language and actions which could be offensive to others, especially those relating to sex and race, should be avoided

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