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Amigo Brothers


barrage (n.): a rapid, heavy attack

dispel (v.): to scatter or get rid of

feint (v.): to make a pretend attack in order to draw attention away from target.

improvise (v.): to speak or perform without preparation

perpetual (adj.): continual, unending

bedlam (n.): a noisy confusion

evading (adj): avoiding, escaping

pensively (adv.): in a way that suggests deep thought.

unbridled (adj.): lacking in restraint or control

1. Some students had to _________ when asked to speak _________________. 2. Jose threw a __________ of punches to the ____________. 3. Andrew bobbed and weaved, _________ most of the _____________________. 4. Both boys tried to _________ their fears about _________________. 5. The teacher watched __________ thinking about the possible _______________. 6. Joses hands were always ________ like a __________ motion machine.

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