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NAME: FLOR RODRGUEZ SALCEDO CHECK OVER The teacher shows two pictures, a man and a woman.

The students write on the board the parts of the face and colors. LIBERATE The students stand up in front of a partner and listen to the parts of the face and point them on his faces friend (the teacher modifies the times slower to faster).

SUBJECT: ENGLISH RESPOND The students paint the faces according to the teachers instructions and complete the sentences using the parts of the face and colors.

REALIZE The teacher says the parts of her face and the accomplished color. The teacher pastes the names of the face on the board. The teacher use the structure he has and she has. And I have.

TOPIC: PHYSICAL APPEREANCE (parts of the face) CERTIFY GO AHEAD The students The students make two pass in front teams of four of the people. classroom The teacher and give the gives to the description both teams about some faces in yourself, order to play using I Guess who? have.and One team the parts of asks about the face. the face using affirmative sentenceshe has red hair Some body gives the description about one face and the other team tries to guess who.

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