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FORMAT OF INDUSTRY ANALYSIS An industry analysis is a component of the business plan that provides statistics about the market

potential of your business, product and services. This section contains specific information about the current state of the industry and target market and might contain reference materials such as spreadsheets, pie charts and bar graphs to represent the data. Instructions 1. Begin with an overview of the industry. Provide statistics and historical data about the nature of the industry and growth potential for your business based on economic factors and conditions. This section should not be longer than eight lines. 2. List the major competitors in your industry with a brief summary of their operations and similar products or services. This section can be broken down into sections, with three to four lines per business. 3. Summarize the nature of the industry. Include specific information and statistics about growth patterns, fluctuations related to the economy and income projections made about the industry. 4. Provide a forecast for your industry. Compile economist data and industry predictions for the next five, 10 and 20 years. This may include graphs of statistical data to better convey the message. 5. Identify government regulations that affect the industry. Include any recent laws pertaining to your industry and any licenses or authorization you would need to conduct business in your target market. This section may include information about fees and costs involved. 6. Explain your company's position within the industry. Include information from your Competitive Analysis and Unique Selling Proposition as well as data for direct and indirect competition. This section can be as long as one-quarter page and may be supported by graphs, charts and tables. 7. List potential stumbling blocks. Write a brief paragraph about factors that might negatively impact your business and what you foresee in the short-term and long-term future. OTHER FORMAT Steps Research 1. Define the scope of your analysis. For example, choose between investigating a broad topic such as the petrochemical industry or a narrower niche like the boutique pen industry. 2. Research your industry Consult government agencies that have collected statistical information on various economic sectors

3. Find industry reports. Consult private data-collection agencies or industry interest groups for a published report or market analysis relevant to your research 4. Consult academic research. Check academic databases such as Google Scholar for published studies on your area of interest 5. Compile relevant data using the sources above. Make special note of annual revenues in the industry, number of involved companies, workforce statistics, etc. If relevant, also find statistics about the size of the customer base and buying trends Analysis 1. Begin your report with a broad description of the industry. Write one or two paragraphs with information about the industry's size, products, and geographic concentration. 2. Describe your own place within the industry. Include statistical information about your business and be honest about all advantages and disadvantages that your firm faces. 3. Provide descriptions of the major competitors in the industry. Use statistical information about their revenues, workforces, etc. Describe their products in detail 4. Describe the competitive strategies of the various competitors in the industry. Indicate their past business moves, their forthcoming products, and their marketing strategies. Outlook 1. Provide a market analysis Indicate expected growth in the industry, trends in products and technology, and factors influencing competition 2. Discuss competitive strategy that might improve your firm's standing within the industry. Suggest marketing strategies, product development and workforce issues 3. Close the report with a suggested strategy for the near future. Include a detailed timeline and specific goals, like revenues and market share that you hope to reach. FORMAT OF BRAND MANAGEMENT PLANNING The elements that make up brand plan are as follow. Steps in formulating the brand plan: 1. Situational analysis 2. Key issues 3. Brand vision 4. Strategic initiative 5. Execution tactics 6. Brand budget

How to Write Your Business's Brand Launch Plan State your brand introduction message. Follow the template in this figure. Benchmark your pre-launch situation.

Determine your brands current levels of awareness, emotional connection, distinction, credibility and trust, and sales. Filling in this figure's table can help you. Set your market launch objectives.

Prioritize what you want your launch to accomplish and pin each priority to a measurable outcome, such as a percentage increase in brand awareness. Define your target market.

You need to direct communications specifically toward this group. Define your business's brand promise and brand character.

Convey these aspects in all brand communications and experiences. Establish your brand introduction strategies.

These strategies include your product strategy, distribution strategy, pricing strategy, and promotion strategy. Detail your marketing tactics.

Include how youll use advertising, publicity, promotions, online marketing, sales efforts, packaging, and point-of-sale efforts to introduce your brand. Establish your budget.

Use the worksheet in this figure to estimate costs involved in implementing your marketing tactics. Create your action plan and timeline.

Get in writing what you want to do and when so that you can make sure you stay on track. Measure and monitor your success.

Decide what markers you can use to indicate whether your new brand is having the effect you want.

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