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G7 Solar Stone 56 Crystal of Nixie 133 Dulahan Sign 58 White Base 124 Mermaid bubble 144 Panduan Build

Skill Urutannya ialah: FYI, Saat berubah jadi priest otomatis akan dapat bonus 10 EP walau brubah pas l vl 150 To the point aja ya, list skill mulai dari 150 sampe selesai Bulwark lvl 1 Party Cure mastery lvl 1 Mega cure lvl 1 Holy magic lvl 1-5 Foresight lvl 1 Holy Force lvl 1-5 Holy Speed lvl 1 Faith lvl 1-3 Foresight lvl 2-5 Faith lvl 4-5 Holy Speed lvl 2-5 Buff Mastery lvl 1-10 Bulwark 2-5 Party cure mastery lvl 2-5 Mega cure lvl 2-5 regardz

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