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A JOB INTERVIEW Useful Vocabulary Conversation about a job Interviewer: So why did you decide to apply for this

job ? To apply for a job: poser sa candidature pour / un poste

Ive always wanted to work in this sector: Jai toujours voulu travailler dans ce Candidate: Well, Ive always wanted to work secteur in this sector and I feel I have the right profile my background is in administration: and experience for the post. mon exprience est dans ladministration I.: Tell me a bit about your experience.

In my previous job I was responsible for: dans mon prcdent poste, jtais C.: Well, my background is in administration. responsible de In my previous job I was responsible for the day-to-day running of a small but busy office. the day-to-day running of the office: la Im keen to work in a larger organization which gestion quotidienne du bureau will allow me to develop my existing skills and Im keen to work: je suis impatient de take on new responsibilities. travailler I.: This job involves working under pressure and to tight deadlines. How would you cope with that ? to develop ones existing skills: dvelopper ses comptences actuelles under pressure: sous une certaine pression

C.: Well, I enjoy a challenge and work better under pressure. But I believe in proper planning to tight deadlines: dans des dlais serrs and time management to get the job done efficiently. proper planning and time management: une bonne planification et I.: What has been your biggest problem in your une bonne gestion du temps work to date ? get the job done efficiently: tre efficace dans son travail C.: Well, when I took up the post of office manager everyone was spending too much time in meetings which seemed to go on for ever. I rescheduled our meetings to just before lunch and they started to go much quicker. Productivity went right up and earned me a pay rise. So my biggest problem turned out to be my greatest achievement take up a post: assumer un poste reschedule a meeting: changer lheure dune runion pay rise: hausse de salaire turned out to be my greatest achievement: sest avr ma plus grande russite

More job interview idioms What are your ambitions ?: Quelles sont vos ambitions ? My particular specialization is in : Je suis particulirement comptent en Im a good team player : je travaille bien en quipe Im able to work both to a brief and on my own initiative : je peux aussi bien travailler en suivant des directives ou de manire autonome

I have good written and oral communication skills : je suis bon en communication crite et orale I have developed strong leadership skills: jai de bonnes comptences pour diriger Im experienced in problem solving: jai une bonne exprience pour rsoudre les problmes I have good organizational skills: je suis quelquun de trs organis Im able to accept responsibility : je sais assumer les responsabilits This would be a unique opportunity for me : cela reprsenterait pour moi une occasion unique I would welcome the chance / opportunity to : je me rjouirais de la possibilit de Im very excited by the prospect of : je suis trs enthousiasm par la possibilit de My strategy for prioritizing is : ma stratgie pour tablir les priorits est I would really look forward to the opportunity of using the skills and experience I have in a new context : japprcierais beaucoup de pouvoir dvelopper dans un cadre nouveau mes comptences et mon exprience.
Taken from Today In English, october 2001

Et pour rappel: Rencontrer son interlocuteur : "Good morning / afternoon / evening Sir / Madam" Se prsenter: "My names Paul Morgan" Comment rpondre : "How do you do ? " enchant (de faire votre connaissance) "Pleased to meet you" : Trs heureux de vous rencontrer "Im sorry, I didnt (quite) catch your name" Excusez-moi, je nai pas (bien) saisi votre nom Solliciter une explication : "Im sorry, I didnt (quite) understand" Je suis dsol, je nai pas (trs bien) compris "Can you explain what you mean ? " Pouvez-vous expliquer ce que vous voulez dire ? "Would you mind repeating what you just said? " Pouvez-vous rpter ce que vous venez de

Les loisirs : "What do you like doing in your spare time? " Quest-ce que vous aimez faire pendant votre

temps libre ?
"What are you interested in ? " "Do you like sports? " "I like going to the cinema" "Im fond of (listening to) music" Jaime beaucoup la musique "Im interested in American literature "I dont like sport much, but I enjoy playing golf" Je naime pas beaucup le sport, mais jaime

beaucoup jouer au golf

Evoquer sa situation personnelle: "Im a junior in Fresnel high school in CAEN" Je suis en premire au lyce Fresnel CAEN "Im studying economics" Jtudie lconomie Parler de ses expriences: " I spent a year / month / week in London studying English at X University / grammar School"

Jai tudi langlais pendant un an / un mois / une semaine luniversit de X/ au lyce de X "I was given training in " Jai reu une formation sur / en
Quitter son interlocuteur : "Goodbye" "It was nice meeting you" Je suis heureux davoir fait votre connaissance

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