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Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

Education has had several changes according to the times, because the technology changes according to the time, that is why the technology has helped to students to better education because this changes have facilitated their education of students, this are the first generation that enjoyed this technology, and now days is better to new generations, because the students have changed physically with a better education. The Digital Immigrants do not adapt well to the technology that now surrounds us day because they do not know very well use a mobile, Digital Immigrant instructor have to learn a new process in which to teach students who born with this change educational. The Digital immigrants are people that do not really know the proper use of technology, although they are learning of technology to teach their students. One of the problems of digital immigrants is that they think that the use of TV or listen to music, a digital native cannot learn with this. But this it not true, for example in TV we can learn with see a program educational or cartoon because they is very good to teach to children in to be better in intelligence, because the immigrants they think that learning may not be animated or funny for their educational. Nowadays, digital immigrants instructors they think that education they had in their time, the digital natives also have to be educated with his same education, when it need not be so, because a digital natives were born with a high technology and the digital immigrants instructors have to learn to adapt to the new technology; so the digital immigrants have to use the methodology of today that is very important as digital immigrants have to adapt to it in order to teach the student, as digital immigrants sometimes abuse Native knowledge because they do not know how use it, because different technology tools, like software technology are tools that are used to help students at a high level in knowledge. The Digital Natives evolve in a very different way because their level of education is much better than their parents had; this evolution of the phenomenon called technology helps students of Digital Natives to stimulate your brain, because today technology helps them to discover new things, with a quick and easy to learn The Digital immigrants seek to learn the technology through digital games because according to scientists this helps the stimulation of knowledge, because they try to learn this new phenomenon that is evolving into the world in order to learn and teach new generations who are digital natives. (prensky, 2001)

Zoila Astrid Segovia Osorio

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