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Bright Annealed vs Annealed Pickled

Annealed and Pickled Ra = 1.5 4.5 m

Solution-annealing operation performed in a protective (reducing) atmosphere, containing hydrogen.

Bright annealed Ra = 1 m max.

A series of dips in different acid baths and water, then highpressure water and warm water, leaving the tube surface with a light grey/white surface.

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Ra = 1 m vs Ra = 1.5 3.0 m for annealed and pickled (p.a) materials

Bright Annealed vs Annealed Pickled

Ra value is reduced, on tubes often by 50%. Homogenous surface Better corrosion resistance less deposits Oxide layer with higher density less defects Less chance for leakage between the tube and fitting Less places to hide for dangerous particles that can block valves and pump seals Pickling leads to rough surfaces, trapping contaminants and salts, leading to potential corrosion attack.

Bright Annealed

Annealed and Pickled

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