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Discharge Planning

The client has Coronary Artery Disease and is instructed to take the following plan for discharge:

Medications: Lipitor 40mg OD P.O, For reduction of elevated total and LDL cholesterol and secondary prevention of re-hospitalization for angina pectoris. Norvasc 5mg OD P.O, Relaxing the smooth muscle in the arterial wall, decreasing total peripheral resistance thereby reducing blood pressure. Cozaar 50mg OD P.O, This medication is an angiotensin II receptor blocker, prescribed for high blood pressure. Exercise: Do physical exercise at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise most days. Avoid strenuous exercise. Treatment: Have an oral fluid intake within cardiac tolerance. Emphasized the importance of regular follow-up check-up and as instructed by physician. Advised patient and family members to seek medical advice if any unusually arises. Health teaching: Avoid activities known to cause angina pain such as sudden exertion, walking against the wind, extremes of temp, high altitude. Instruct client to eat healthy foods and must comply with the given

diet must be low in saturated fat, cholesterol, trans-fatty acids, sodium and alcohol. Instruct client to take medications as prescribed, at the correct time, route, and dosage. OPD: Have a follow-up check up on his private doctor 1week after the discharge from the hospital.

Diet: The client is instructed to do the following: The diet must be low in saturated fat, cholesterol, transfatty acids and sodium. Reduce the amount of fat you eat by choosing fewer high-fat foods and cooking with less fat. Limit use of alcohol Spirituality Encourage to continue to seek Gods guidance and enlightenment. Emphasize the importance of prayers in healing. Encourage to continue to have a positive outlook in life. Encourage to keep the faith in God and not to give up easily when hard times come.

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