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Dear CAT 124 Summer 2013, I wanted to update you on the plan for our final class September

5, 2013. Due to Sixth College request the final will start at 12:30 at the Dogg House. We need time to set up the room as a team. Sixth College will provide drinks. Please feel free bring food to share. Dont forget to invite friends for your final project presentation. In addition, do not forget your journal is due as well. Remember all redo assignments and extra credit work is due. No late work will be accepted. Remember to post your links on the Google Doc page: dit?pli=1 Grade sheets and checklist: Items to turn in: 1. Extra credit work 2. All re-grade assignments 3. Make sure to print grade sheet for final project and checklist 4. CD of classwork a. Projects 02 Project 04 b. Final Projects c. In Class Assignments 01 and 02 5. 1 page of Susan Sontag summary 6. Copy of your 7 minute presentation statement of your Final Project Below is the final class format for Thursday: 1. 7 minutes Written student statement of the class. Focusing of what they learned in the class, student goals, achievements, challenges faced, and what are their future plans after class. 2. 15 minute - Review of work from the quarter focusing on Projects 03 and Project 04 3. 7-minute statement of Final Project. a. Goals of project. b. What were you trying to achieve c. Where goals achieved? d. What resources they used in project? e. What are the strong points of project? f. What parts of the project can be improved? g. What challenges did you face? h. Self-reflection of the project. i. Was your project successful? j. Future plans after class. k. Please feel free add additional comments. 4. 10 minute - view final project. 5. 15 - 20 minutes oral critique of project.

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