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Journal Book 2-Non-Fiction

Horus Fights Seth in Egyptian Myths

Author: Gary Jeffrey

This short story is an Egyptian Myth about how the

God Ra-Herakhti (Horus) fights Seth to avenge his
fathers death called Osiris who was killed years
before. Horus’s mother Isis sworn her son would
seek vengeance. During his 363rd year of his reign
on earth, Horus brings his army to Nubia for a
major battle against Seth. The young God Horus is
one of Ra’s most eager lieutenants. Just before the
battle Horus transforms into a solar disk and
confuses Seth’s army to killing each other. But Seth
gets away. They will not duel together until many
years later.

I think this is worth reading if you are interested in

Egypt and other ancient civilizations. Also because
it has some cool pictures. The most interesting
moment would be when Horus and Seth finally
fight each other. Horus equips himself with a
golden spear and drives it into Seth’s head.

By Cheyne Tolfrey

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