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I love challenge!

Child: Soheila Date: August 2013 Written by: Teacher Eunjoo Kia Ora/ As salamu alaykum Soheila and whnau, Today, I made an extend obstacle course outside and Soheila, you showed great interest in it. When I finished the course and invited to join you acted really excited.

I noticed that Soheila, you seemed a bit scared to walk on the extended plank and couldnt stand and walk there. So

you chose to crawl. You did not forget to smile at me and kept trying to stand and walk across it. Later, more friends came to the course and I found that they were supporting and encouraging you by giving you enough time to finish crawling to the end of the course.

Whats happening here? This learning story tells us that Soheila, you are confident in participating and taking risks without fear even though the obstacle course is new to you. You chose to crawl because you knew how to keep yourself safe and continued to try to stand. It was also good to see your friends respect you by waiting until you finished crawling on the plank. This is aligned with Te Whriki, Strand 1: Goal 3, which suggests that children experience an environment where they are kept safe from harm. Ka pai t mahi! Additionally, according to our curriculum, Te Whriki, children experience an environment where they gain confidence and control of their bodies (Exploration: Goal 2). Therefore, I believe that Soheila, the obstacle course you took part in today not only helps you become actively involved and be able to pay attention for a sustained period of time but also develops both your gross and fine motor skills.

I am really pleased to see that your positive disposition such as taking an interest, taking a risk, perseverance and exploring the environment is developing. What is next for Soheilas learning step? You leave us on the 30th of August because the centre is too far away from your house. It makes me so sad. Soheila, we have only had the pleasure of having you at the centre for a short time. Moreover, you were absent often because Hakeem was sick. However, this month I found that you have become more sociable and made lots of good friends at the centre. One day Yameen and you spent some valuable time together by talking on the phone, doing puzzles, and reading a book.

I hope your positive learning position and social behaviour which you have begun to show us will continue to develop at a new centre. We will miss both you and Hakeem.

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