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Fecha DD/M/A Actividad: Carrera: Profesor: Cuatrimestre y Grupo: Primer cuatrimestre 2A Vesp


T. S. U. PARAMEDICO Marvin Hernndez Velsquez
Tipo de actividad Individual X Equipo

Unit 1. Making plans and predictions: Be going to complete each sentence with a type of medicine.
An antibiotic kills bacteria and other germs. An inoculation protects you against infectious diseases. A painkiller relieves pain. An anti-inflammatory reduces swelling. A supplement provides a substance that the body lacks. An antihistamine treats allergies. A stimulant increases activity in the body. An antidepressant reduces feelings of extreme sadness. A sedative makes you relaxed and sleepy.

Complete these sentences using be going to and the verbs in parenthesis. Remember conjugate the verb to be = is/are/am
1. Luis is going to take an antibiotic for the wound. 2. The doctor tell me that I am going to buy an antidepressant for my wife. (buy) 3. What time are you going to work next month? (work) 4. Carlos and I arent going to go to the soccer match. (not go) We are going to see an art exhibition. (see) 5. Laura is going to ask if the pharmacy has strong painkillers. (ask)

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