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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 24-hour care = cuidado las 24 horas Abdominal pain = dolor abdominal Abnormal deposits = depsitos anormales Afflict = afligir AIDS = SIDA Although = aunque, si bien Assessment = chequeo, evaluacin Assumption = suposicin Available = disponible 22. Care-giver = cuidador 23. Clue = pista, huella 24. Collateral = colateral 25. Computarized tomography = tomografa computarizada 26. Consequences = consecuencias 27. Consumers = consumidores 28. Counselling = asesoramiento 29. Crowd = muchedumbre, multitud 30. Damage = dao 31. Database = base de datos 32. Death = muerte 33. Deeper understanding = entendimiento profundo 34. Delusion = ilusin 35. Dementia = demencia 36. Demographically = demogrficamente 37. Deterioration = deterioro, empeoramiento 38. Devastating = devastador 39. Diarrhea =diarea 40. Dietary fiber= fibra 41. Disorientation = desorientacin 42. Driveway = camino de entranda 43. Dysphasia = disfacia

10. Average = promedio 11. Awful = horrible 12. Baby Boomers = somebody born in baby boom: somebody born during a baby boom, especially the one following the end of World War II 13. Be Aware = ser conciente de 14. Bedridden = postrado en cama 15. Bedsores 16. = llagas

17. Besides = adems 18. Branch = rama 19. Breackdown = crisis, degradacin 20. Broad stages = fases amplias 21. Burden = carga

44. Effectiveness = eficiencia 45. Either = cualquiera de los dos 46. Electroencephalography = electroencefalograma 47. Environment = medio ambiente 48. Eventually = eventualmente 49. Fatigue = fatiga 50. Financing = financiamiento 51. Firmly = firmemente 52. Forgetfullness = olvido 53. Geriatrics = geriatra 54. Get in = llegar 55. Go out = salir 56. Hallucinations = alucinaciones 57. Hypothyroidism = hipotiroidismo 58. Impaired = con problemas auditivos o visuales 59. Impairment = deterioro, 60. debilitamiento 61. Implante = implante 62. Infarct = infarto 63. Insomnia = insomnio 64. Intake = ingesta, remesa 65. Investment = inversion 66. Isolation = aislamiento 67. Join Project = proyecto unido 68. Leaves = hojas

69. Life-threatening = amenaza de vida 70. Liver = higado 71. Local chapters = centros locales 72. Management = gestin, administracin 73. Mild = afable, apacible 74. Misplacing = colocar en un lugar equivocado 75. Mitochondria = mitochondria 76. Monetary cots = costo monetario 77. Mood = humor 78. Nearly = casi 79. Neglect = abandono, descuido 80. Neuropsychological = neuropsicolgico 81. Neuropsychology = neuropsicologa 82. Neuroscience = neurociencia 83. Ongoing = continuado 84. Onset = comienzo, inicio 85. Overweight = sobrepeso 86. Painful = doloroso 87. Patentable = patentable 88. Pernicius = perniciosa 89. Pertaining = correspondiente 90. Phenomenon = fenmeno 91. Poignant = conmovedor 92. Prejudice = prejuicio

93. Prospective = potencial 94. Prototype = prototipo 95. Psychiatric = psiquitrico 96. Push back = retrasar 97. Puzzling = misterioso, confuso 98. Retirement = jubilacin 99. Risks = riegos 100. Safety = carente de riesgo 101. Shrink = encoger, contraer 102. Side = lado 103. Side effect = efecto secundario 104. Sitcom = comedia 105. Skin rash = sarpulido de la piel 106. Slow down = retardar 107. Staggering = asombroso 108. Step = paso 109. Struggling = luchando 110. Support group = grupos de apoyo 111. Symptoms = sntomas 112. Therapy = terapia 113. Thrombosis = trombosis 114. Through = a travs de 115. To age = envejecer 116. To allow = permitir 117. To bear = resistir 118. To break = romper, estropear

119. To break down = degrader 120. To claim = reclamar, afirmar 121. To decline = declina 122. To delay = retrasar 123. To demolish = demoler 124. To devastate = devastar, asolar 125. To ease = facilitar 126. To embark = embarcar 127. To fit = colocar 128. To gaze at = mirar fijamente 129. To get angry = lograr molestarse 130. To invest = invertir 131. To Knock = golpear 132. To monitore = monitorear 133. To neglect = descuidar 134. To peer out = mirar fuera 135. To push back = retrasar 136. To rale out = excluir 137. To relieve = aliviar 138. To require = requerir 139. To resort to = acudir a 140. To rob = robar 141. To slow down = retardar 142. To Stroke = acariciar 143. To sum up = resumir 144. To track down = investigar el origen 145. To Undergo = sufrir

146. To Widespread = extender 147. Toll = impuesto, peaje / llamada 148. Track down = rastrear 149. Trial = juicio, prueba 150. Unpredictable = impredecibles

151. Unsustainable = insostenible 152. Whether = si 153. Widower = viudo 154. Willingness = Buena voluntad 155. Withdrawal =retiro

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