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2013 Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. (1211)

AND ACCEPTABLE FOODS LISTS 29 31 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 49 51 54 59 61 64 1 How to Use the Atkins Carb Counter 3 Acceptable Foods Lists 6 Atkins & Other Low-Carb Specialty Foods 8 Baking Ingredients 9 Beef, Lamb, Pork & Other Meats 12 Beverages & Alcoholic Beverages 16 Breads, Crackers, Tortillas & Wraps 18 Candy & Chewing Gum 20 Cereals 22 Condiments & Seasonings 23 Dairy, Eggs & Dairy Substitutes 27 Desserts Fish & Shellfish Fruit Grains, Noodles & Pasta Legumes Nuts & Seeds Oils, Fats, Vinegar & Salad Dressings Poultry Sauces & Marinades Snacks Soups Sweeteners, Spreads & Syrups Vegetables Vegetarian Products Chain Restaurants Notes


HE CARB COUNTER is an invaluable tool to help track your daily carb intake and plan meals. In concert with the Acceptable Foods Lists that precede it, the Carb Counter also assists you in reintroducing foods as you move from one phase to the next or increase your carb intake within a phase. In fact, before you delve into the Carb Counter, check out the lists of Acceptable (and Unacceptable) Foods for each phase of the program, which start on page 3. Tuck this booklet into your purse or pocket when you go shopping to look for certain brands or compare others with the ones listed in the following pages. The Carb Counter is the perfect partner to the new free Atkins Mobile App, which includes a robust food search, daily meal planner and progress tracker, as well as an overview of each phase of the Atkins Diet. For more on the app, see Chain Restaurants on page 61.

Organizing Principles
Categories are listed alphabetically, as are items within each of the 24 categories. Brand names of processed foods are provided when necessary for clarity. Items such as fruit and vegetables are listed generically. The amount listed for each item is the one indicated on the package as a single serving. However, its not necessarily an appropriate portion for Atkins, which is why the first column for each food is labeled amount instead. Sometimes the amounts are provided in cups, tablespoons or teaspoons; in other cases, theyre in ounces. Weve used the measurements provided by ESHA, a nutritional database compiled from the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture data. (Abbreviations appear on page 3.) ESHA is also the primary source of the per-serving content of carbohydrate and fiber, as well as sugar alcohols, including glycerin (noncaloric sweeteners), from which Net Carbs are calculated. (See Counting Carbs?on page 2.) The numbers under the Net Carbs column refer to grams of Net Carbs. For products not listed in ESHA, weve used serving sizes and other data provided by the manufacturer. 1

The Right Choices

According to Progressive Grocer magazine, the typical well-stocked supermarket contains almost 39,000 items, encompassing thousands of brands. Although the Atkins Carb Counter provides an extensive list of low-carb foods, it clearly cannot include all of them. Nonetheless, the selection that follows, as well as offerings from major chain restaurants, provides a myriad of Atkins-friendly foods. Also included are a number of foods that are unacceptable for one or more reasons and others that are best avoided. Some are just outrageously high in carbs. In other cases, two brands of a certain item may initially seem the same but one of them contains ingredients youre better off not consuming. Footnotes at the bottom of each page clarify such information.

Abbreviations and Symbols

We have abbreviated a number of terms that occur with frequency, as listed below. C = cup lg = large pkg = package T = tablespoon dia = diameter lb = pound sl = slice w/ = with ea = each med = medium sm = small w/o = without env = envelope oz = ounce sq = square " = inch < = less than g = gram pkt = packet t = teaspoon


When youre just starting out on Atkins, this cheat sheet can help you remember what you can and cannot eat in each phase. More extensive lists appear in the categories in the Carb Counter, as noted below. All Atkins brand products are coded on the package for appropriate phases.

What to Avoid
For example, manufactured trans fats, which are hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, have no place in a healthy diet. Even if you stay away from sugary treats, added sugar (under numerous aliases) turns up in bread, sauces, marinades and salad dressings, to name just a few products. We also alert you to the presence of white flour, cornstarch and other refined grains, as well as certain fats. Most of us get up to 40 times as much omega-6 fats as omega-3 fats in our diet because the former are used in most processed foods. Ideally, the ratio should be 1 to 1. Thats why we recommend you not cook with certain oils or eat products that contain them. Specifically, steer clear of soybean, regular safflowerthe high-oleic type is fine corn and peanut oil, as well as vegetable oil, which can contain any of the above. In addition to relying on the Carb Counter, its a good idea to become a careful reader of Nutritional Facts panels on processed foods, which allow you to calculate grams of Net Carbs. Be sure to also scan the list of ingredients to make sure that hidden sugars and other problematic ingredients discussed above arent included. Note: Again, just because a food is listed doesnt mean that its acceptable on the Atkins Diet. Some foods are included to allow you to compare those high in carbs with more appropriate foods. 2

Acceptable Foods in Phase 1, Induction

All sh and shellsh, but no pickled or creamed herring with added sugar, artificial crab (surimi or sea legs) or other processed, battered or breaded products. Also, limit clams, oysters and mussels to about 2 ounces a day. See page 29. All chicken, turkey and other poultry, but no breaded, battered or processed products. See page 42. Beef, lamb, pork and other meat, but no bologna, kielbasa, hot dogs, meatballs, meatloaf or other products made with fillers. Also, no ham or bacon cured with sugar. See page 9. Eggs cooked any way. Soy and other vegetarian products. Almond or soymilk (plain and unsweetened), Quorn products (unbreaded), seitan, shirataki soy noodles, veggie or vegan cheese, tempeh (without grains), tofu and tofu meat analogs, some veggie burgers. See page 59. Cheese. All firm or aged cheese, but no cottage, ricotta or other fresh cheeses, cheese spreads with other ingredients or cheese products. See page 23. Foundation vegetables, which include all leafy greens and other salad vegetables, and many others that are often or usually cooked, but excluding most starchy vegetables. Some foundation vegetables, such as celery root, leeks, mushrooms, onions and pumpkin, are higher in carbs than others, so keep portions small. See page 54. Salad dressings with no more than 2 grams of Net Carbs per 2 tablespoons and that contain no sugar, honey, maple syrup or other caloric sweeteners. Look for products made with canola or olive oil. 3

Fats and oils. Butter and canola, coconut, flaxseed, grape seed, olive, high-oleic safflower, sesame and walnut oils, preferably cold pressed or expeller pressed. Avoid low fat products and all margarines and shortening products, which may contain small amounts of trans fats. Avoid corn, soybean, sunflower seed and other vegetable oils discussed above. Noncaloric sweeteners, including sucralose, stevia, saccharin and xylitol are acceptable in moderation. A more complete list, including brand names, appears on page 51. All condiments, herbs and spices, as long as they have no added sugar, flour, cornstarch or other carb-filled thickeners. They include dozens of foods youll find on pages 2223 and 4446. Beverages. Broth/bouillon (not low sodium and no added sugars, hydrogenated oils or MSG), club soda; heavy or light cream or half-and-half (11.5 ounces a day); caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee and tea; diet soda with noncaloric sweeteners; lemon juice or lime juice (23 tablespoons a day); plain or flavored seltzer (must say no calories); herb tea (no added barley or fruit sugars); unsweetened, unflavored milk substitutes.

are listed with foundation vegetables. See page 54. Any fruit or vegetable juice other than lemon and lime juice Regular sodas sweetened with sugar or corn syrup Grains, even whole grains, and any food made with flour or other grain products Any food with added sugar, such as evaporated cane juice, glucose, dextrose, honey or corn syrup Alcohol of any sort Nuts and seeds Kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils and other legumes Starchy vegetables such as parsnips, carrots, pod peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squash and yams. See page 58. Dairy products other than hard or aged cheese, cream, sour cream and butter Cow or goat milk of any sort Yogurt, cottage cheese or ricotta Low-fat products Diet products, unless they have no more than 3 grams of Net Carbs per serving

Additional Foods Acceptable in Phase 2, Ongoing Weight Loss

Nuts and seeds, including nut and seed butters and meals (flours). For a complete list, see page 38. Avoid chestnuts (very high in carbs) and honey-roasted or smoked products. Avoid products, such as Nutella, that contain added sugar. Berries and other fruits. All fresh or frozen berries (without added sugar) and

Other Unacceptable Phase 1 Foods

In addition to any foods cited above, avoid the following: Fruits other than avocado, olives and tomatoes, which are actually fruits, but 4

cherries and cantaloupe, Crenshaw and honeydew melon (but not watermelon). Also, 1-tablespoon portions of preserves made without added sugar. Fresh cheese and other dairy products, including ricotta and cottage cheese, and plain, unsweetened, whole milk yogurt or Greek yogurt and kefir; also 2-ounce portions of whole milk. Avoid yogurt made with fruit or other flavorings or with any added sugar. Avoid low-fat and no-fat cottage cheese or yogurt products. Legumes, including lentils, chickpeas and other dried beans, and edamame, hummus and refried beans. For a complete list, see page 36. Avoid jarred or canned baked beans, which are full of sugar, beans in tomato sauce with added sugar or starches and bean dips and other products with added sugar or starch. Vegetable and fruit juices. Up to 6 tablespoons a day of lemon and/or lime juice and 4-ounce portions of tomato juice or tomato juice cocktail. Atkins All Purpose Baking Mix Alcohol, in moderation, including lite or low-carb beer, red or white wine and spirits such as bourbon, gin, rum, Scotch and vodka. Avoid flavored brandy and cordials. Avoid regular beer. Avoid fruit juice, tonic water and other mixers high in carbs.

Other Unacceptable Foods in Phase 2

Fruits other than those previously listed Starchy vegetables Grains, including whole grains

Additional Foods Acceptable in Phase 3, Pre-Maintenance

The following foods are acceptable in this phase and in Phase 4, Lifetime Maintenance. Fruit other than berries and melon, including apples, grapes, grapefruit, peaches and pears. For a complete list, see page 31. Avoid canned fruit packed in juice concentrate or syrup, including lite syrup. to avoid fruit juice, other than Continue lemon and lime juice. Avoid dried fruit. Starchy vegetables, including beets, carrots, corn, parsnips, peas in pods, potato, sweet potato and winter squash. For a complete list, see page 58. Whole grains, including couscous (whole wheat), cracked wheat, kasha (buckwheat groats), oatmeal (rolled or steel cut), quinoa, brown rice and wild rice. For a complete list, see page 34. (Atkins Cuisine Penne Pasta is acceptable only in Phase 4, Lifetime Maintenance.) refined grains, such as white flour, Avoid enriched flour and white rice. goods should be made with 100 Baked percent whole grains. Continue to avoid products with added sugar. Dairy products. 4-ounce portions of whole milk or buttermilkbut continue to avoid skim, nonfat or low-fat milk. 5


Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

he full array of Atkins Nutritionals products appears below, including a new line of frozen meals. Also listed is a sprinkling of choices from other companies that specialize in low-carb products. Many websites that sell such products provide more extensive lists. There are no guidelines on what makes a food low carb. Most Atkins products have been tested on people to gauge their glycemic impact. We cannot vouch for the carb counts provided by other manufacturers. Some products marketed as low carb contain added sugars and white flour, so read ingredient lists carefully. Weve noted when products contain sugar alcohols, as excessive consumption can result in gastric distress. Again, to calculate Net Carbs, subtract not just fiber but also sugar alcohols from grams of total carbs. Other low-carb products appear in Breads, Crackers, Tortillas & Wraps, Baking Ingredients, Candy, Desserts and Snacks.
Net Amount Carbs

Cinnamon Bun 1 1 bar 1 bar Cookies n Crme 1 1 bar Mudslide 1 1 bar Peanut Butter Granola 1 1 bar Peanut Fudge Granola 1 1 bar Strawberry Almond 1 Atkins Advantage Snack Bars Caramel Chocolate 1 bar Peanut Nougat 1 Caramel Double 1 bar Chocolate Crunch 1 Caramel Chocolate Nut Roll 1 1 bar 1 bar Caramel Fudge Brownie 1 1 bar Cashew Trail Mix 1 1 bar Coconut Almond Delight 1 Dark Chocolate Almond 1 bar Coconut Crunch 1 Dark Chocolate Decadence 1 1 bar 1 bar Triple Chocolate 1 Atkins Advantage Ready-to-Drink Shakes Caf Caramel Dark Chocolate Royale French Vanilla Milk Chocolate Delight Mocha Latte Strawberry Atkins Day Break Bars Apple Crisp 1 Cherry Pecan 1

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0

3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 3.0

Atkins Nutritionals Products Atkins Advantage Meal Bars Chocolate Chip 1 bar 3.0 Cookie Dough 1 1 bar 3.0 Chocolate Chip Granola 1 1 bar 2.0 Chocolate Peanut Butter 1
1 2

1 shake 1 shake 1 shake 1 shake 1 shake 1 shake

2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0

1 bar 4.0 1 bar 6.0


Chocolate Chip Crisp 1 1 bar 1 bar Chocolate Hazelnut 1 1 bar Chocolate Oatmeal Fiber 1 1 bar Cranberry Almond 1 Oatmeal Cinnamon 1 bar Baked Square 1 Peanut Butter Fudge Crisp 1 1 bar 1 bar Vanilla Fruit & Nut 1 Atkins Day Break Ready-to-Drink Shakes Creamy Chocolate 1 shake Strawberry Banana 1 shake Wild Berry 1 shake Atkins Endulge Bars 1 bar Caramel Nut Chew 1 Chocolate Caramel Mousse 1 1 bar 1 bar Chocolate Coconut 1 1 bar Nutty Fudge Brownie 1 1 bar Peanut Butter Cups 1 1 bar Peanut Caramel Cluster 1 Atkins Cuisine All Purpose Baking Mix 1/3 C Penne Pasta, dry 1/2 C Atkins Breakast Frozen Meals Farmhouse-Style Sausage Scramble 1 tray Tex-Mex Scramble 1 tray Atkins Entre Frozen Meals Beef Merlot 1 tray Chicken & Broccoli Alfredo 1 tray
1 2

3.0 3.0 7.0 2.0 6.0 2.0 5.0

Chile Con Carne Crustless Chicken Pot Pie Italian Sausage Primavera Meatloaf w/ Portobello Mushroom Gravy Roasted Turkey w/ Herb Pan Gravy

1 tray 4.0 1 tray 5.0 1 tray 5.0 1 tray 7.0 1 tray 6.0

3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 19.0

5.0 5.0 6.0 5.0

Other Low Carb Products Baking & Cooking Products Better Bowls Sugar Free Gelatin Mix, all avors, 1/2 C prepared Pudding Mix, Chocolate 2, prepared w/ whole milk 1/2 C Pudding Mix, Vanilla 2, prepared w/ whole milk 1/2 C Big Train Low Carb 1T Breading & Batter Mix 2 1 ea Brownie Mix, baked 1, 2, 3 Chocolate Chip Cookie 1 ea Mix 2, 3, prepared Peanut Butter Cookie 1 ea Mix 2, 3, prepared Bobs Red Mill Low Carb 1 sl Bread Mix 3, prepared CarLO CARBiano Low Carb Ready to Heat Pizza Crust 1 ea Dixie Diners Carb Counters Angel Food Cake Mix, 5.2 oz prepared
3 4

2.0 7.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 7.0 5.0 5.0 3.0


Contains: sugar alcohol cornstarch and/or white or rice our added sugar soybean oil 6

Contains: sugar alcohol cornstarch and/or white or rice our added sugar soybean oil 7


Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Dixie Diners Carb Counters Brownie Mix, prepared 2" sq Instant Mashers, Cheddar & Bacon 4, 1/2 C prepared Mufn Mix, Apple 1 ea Cinnamon 2, prepared Snackin Cake Mix, Carrot, prepared 2.3" sq Thick It Up Thickener 1t LC Foods Low Carb Mixes Banana Bread, prepared 1 sl Frosting, Chocolate or Vanilla, prepared 1T Mufn Mix, prepared 1 ea Breakfast Cereals Dixie Diners Carb Counters Apple Cinnamon 1 pkt Smaps Sweet Maple, dry 1/2 C Kays Naturals Protein Apple Cinnamon 2,3, dry 1.2 oz LC Foods Cereal, 1/4 C Raspberry, dry 1/2 C Nutlettes, dry Nutritious Living Hi-Lo, 1/2 C Original,2, 3 dry Sensato High Fiber 1/2 C Butter Pecan, prepared Nut & Flax Granola, 1/2 C Cinnamon, dry
1 2


5.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0

Prepared Meals Dixie Diners Carb Counters Meal in a Cup Chili Mac & Cheese Spaghetti Teriyaki Noodles

1C 1C 1C 1C

5.0 3.0 5.0 7.0


3.0 2.0 12.0 1.5 4.0 7.0 1.0 2.0

ow-carb baking requires ingredients such as nut meals, unsweetened chocolate and coconut flakes, and other ingredients without added sugar or refined grains. The following list includes both ingredients that are acceptable in some or all phases of the Atkins Diet, as well as some that should be avoided, including granulated and other forms of sugar and white flour provided for comparison purposes. Also see Nuts & Seeds, Grains and Dairy, Eggs & Dairy Substitutes. A more extensive list of sweeteners appears in Sweeteners, Jams & Syrups. Low-carb bake mixes are in Atkins & Other Low-Carb Specialty Foods.
Net Amount Carbs

Almond Meal/Flour Arrowroot Baking Soda

1/2 C

1T 1/2 t

6.0 6.8 0.0

Baking Chocolate, Unsweetened 1 oz 1/2 t Baking Powder Chocolate Chips, 2T Semisweet 3 Cinnamon, ground 1t Cocoa Powder, Unsweetened 2 T Coconut, Shredded 1/4 C Unsweetened 1/4 C Sweetened 3 Coconut Milk, 1/2 C Canned, Regular Cornmeal 2T Cream of Tartar 1t Dried Egg Whites 2T Egg Replacement 1 oz 1/4 C Flaxseed Meal 1/4 C Flour, White, All Purpose Flour, Whole Wheat 1/4 C All Purpose 1/4 C Pastry Gelatin, Unavored for Baking & Canning 1 env Molasses 1T Nutmeg, ground 1t 1/4 C Oat Flour 1/4 C Rice Flour, White 1/4 C Rice Flour, Brown 1/4 C Rye Flour, Medium 1/4 C Soy Flour Contains 3added sugar

4.1 0.0 16.5 0.7 2.7 1.3 10.0 2.0 9.7 1.8 0.8 0.5 0.0 23.0 18.4 19.0 0.0 15.0 0.6 12.1 30.7 28.4 16.2 5.4

Sucralose-Brown Sugar Blend for Baking 3 Sucralose-Sugar Blend for Baking 3 Sugar, Brown, packed Sugar, Confectioners Sugar, White Sugar & Stevia Blend 3 Truvia Baking Blend 3 Pure Vanilla & Other Extracts

1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C

50.1 57.7 54.2 29.9 50.4 48.0 48.0 0.0



ost meat is composed completely of protein and fat, with calfs liver being a notable exception. However, ham, bacon or other pork products cured with sugar in any form, do contain carbs. Depending upon how these products were cured and how thick the slices are, the Net Carb gram count can vary significantly, so check both the Nutritional Facts panel and the list of ingredients. Pepperoni, salami and the like are also often cured with sugar. Sausages and frankfurters may contain fillers that add to the carb count. Any dish that is stuffed, breaded or deep-fried, including many precooked frozen convenience products, also contains carbs. So do items such as meatloaf or rolled stuffed pork loin prepared by a butcher. A number of sandwich and deli

Contains: sugar alcohol cornstarch and/or white or rice our 3added sugar 4soybean oil 8


Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

meats also contain added sugar. The amounts listed below reflect the weight after cooking and minus bones. Note that the Atkins Frozen meals listed on page 7 contain no added sugar or fillers.
Net Amount Carbs

Beef Brisket Corned Beef Chuck Chuck Eye Steak Corned Brisket Cubed Steak Eye Round Flank Steak Ground Chuck/Round Liver, Calf London Broil Prime Rib Rib Eye Roast/Steak Shell Steak Short Ribs Sirloin Steak Skirt Steak Tenderloin Top Loin Veal Breast Chop, Loin or Rib

6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz

0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Cutlet Ground Loin Round Steak Scallops Shank Shoulder Stew Meat Goat Roast Lamb Chop, Loin or Rib Ground Leg Roast Shoulder Stew Meat Pork Bacon, Slab, Sliced 2 Canadian Bacon 2 Chop, Center Cut Chop, Loin Ground Ham Loin Roast Scrapple1 Spam 1 Spare Ribs

6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Stew Meat Tenderloin Game Meats Beefalo Buffalo (Bison) Rabbit Venison Frankfurters Beef 1 Beef & Pork 1 Hebrew National 1 Pork

6 oz 6 oz

0.0 0.0

6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Kielbasa, Beef & Pork 1 Kielbasa, Pork & Turkey 1 Knockwurst 1 Linguica 1 Smoked, Beef Smoked, Hot

2 oz 2 oz 1 link 2 oz 4 oz 4 oz

1.6 2.2 2.3 1.0 2.7 1.3

6 oz


6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

1 frank 1 frank 1 frank 1 frank

1.8 3.7 1.0 0.1

6 oz 6 oz

0.0 0.0

3 sl 0.5 3 sl 1.4 6 oz 0.0 6 oz 0.0 6 oz 0.0 6 oz 0.0 6 oz 0.0 4 oz 15.6 2 oz 1.7 6 oz 0.0

Sausages Andouille, Pork Beef Beef & Pork Bratwurst 1 Breakfast, Pork Bulk, Pork Cheddarwurst 1 Cheese Dog 1 Chicken w/ Apple Chicken w/ Dried Tomato Chicken & Turkey w/ Gruyre Chorizo 1 Italian, Hot 1 Italian, Sweet 1 Kielbasa, Beef 1

1 link 2 oz 1 link 1 link 1 link 3 oz 1 link 1 link 2 oz 2 oz 2 oz 2 oz 2 oz 2 oz 2 oz

0.5 0.2 1.1 2.4 0.0 0.0 5.0 3.8 1.3 1.3 0.0 1.1 0.7 1.2 1.6

Deli, Luncheon and Cured Meats Bologna 3 sl 2.1 Beef 1 3 sl 2.2 Beef & Pork 1 Ham, Deli Style 6 oz 3.2 Baked, sliced 2 6 oz 3.0 Boiled, sliced 2 4 oz 1.9 Deviled 2 6 oz 3.8 Honey Cured, sliced 2 4 sl 5.8 Liverwurst 1 6 oz 5.2 Mortadella 2 3 sl 5.9 Olive Loaf 2 Pancetta 3 oz 0.0 Pastrami, Beef 1 sl 0.6 Pepperoni 6 oz 0.0 Pork Roll 5 sl 0.6 Prosciutto 6 oz 0.0 1 oz 3.0 Roast Beef, Sliced 2 Salami 3 sl 1.5 Beef 2 3 sl 1.0 Beef & Pork 2 3 sl 0.5 Pork 2 1 oz 1.0 Sopressata (dry salami) 2

Contains/may contain: 1llers 2added sugar 10

Contains/may contain: 1llers 2added sugar 11


Net Amount Carbs


Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Frozen Heat & Eat Meals (Also see Atkins & Other Low-Carb Specialty Foods) Family Buffet 1 serv Salisbury Steaks 2, 3 Harris Ranch Beef 5 oz Swiss Steak Dinner 2 Steak Umm Sliced Steaks 1 ea Stouffers Dinners Beef Pot Roast w/ Roasted Potatoes & 1 serv Vegetables 2 Creamed Chipped Beef 2 1 serv Homestyle Beef Skillet 1 serv Dinner 2, 3 Green Peppers Stuffed w/ Beef & Tomato Sauce 2 1 serv Lasagna w/ 1 serv Meat & Sauce 2 1 serv Meatball Rotini 2 Oven Roasted Beef w/ Broccoli & Cheese Sauce 1 serv 1 serv Salisbury Steak 2, 3 Skillet Beef 1 serv Stroganoff 1, 2, 3 1 pkg Veal Parmigianino 2, 3 1 serv Yankee Pot Roast 2

5.0 10.0 0.0

23.0 11.0 31.0 18.0 24.0 35.0

ost of the entries below are acceptable on the Atkins Diet. However, a few unacceptable ones are included to compare, for example, cola sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup versus sucralose. In this case, the difference is more than 35 grams of Net Carbs (carb counts may vary by brand). Weve also listed some fruit juices to make it clear that youre always better off eating whole fruit, which contains the fiber that when subtracted from the number of total carbs, results in the Net Carb count. Avoid most energy drinks, which are full of sugar and opt for sugar-free alternatives. There are numerous iced tea and lemonade choices made with a variety of sweeteners. Check the Nutritional Facts panel on herb teas to make sure they contain no added sugar. Spirits contain no carbs and most wines relatively few, but avoid wine coolers and conventional mixers. Instead, opt for sugar-free mixers.
Net Amount Carbs

Nestl Carb Select Hot Cocoa Mix No-Mu Hot Chocolate Powder Swiss Miss, Diet, Hot Cocoa Mix Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa, No Sugar Added Coffee & Coffee Drinks Cappuccino Instant Powder Instant Powder, Decaf Sugar Free Mix Sugar Free Mix, Decaf Coffee Black, Brewed Black, Decaf, Brewed Decaf, Instant With 1 T Cream With 1 T Whole Milk Iced, w/ 1 T Whole Milk Starbucks Caff Americano Caff Latte w/ Whole Milk Cappuccino w/ Whole Milk Espresso, Black Espresso w/ Whole Milk Frappuccino, Bottled 2

1 pkt 6g 1 pkt 1 pkt

4.0 2.0 3.0 0.0

Latte, Iced, w/ Whole Milk Mocha w/ Whole Milk 2 Mocha Frappuccino 2 Carbonated Beverages, Soda, Mixers Cherry Cola 2 Cherry Cola, Diet Club Soda Cola 2 Cola, Diet Diet Sodas, all avors Fruit Refreshers, Sugar Free, all avors Ginger Ale 2 Ginger Ale, Diet Grape Soda 2 Grape Soda, Diet Lemon/Lime Soda 2 Lemon/Lime Soda, Diet Root Beer/Birch Beer 2 Root Beer/Birch Beer, Diet Seltzer Seltzer, Essence Flavored Tonic Water 2 Tonic Water, Sugar Free Energy Sports Drinks Amp Energy 2 Amp Energy, Sugar Free

12 oz 10.0 12 oz 30.0 12 oz 38.3

1t 1t 3T 3T 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 12 oz 12 oz

2.8 2.8 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.4 0.7 0.7 2.0

12 oz 39.0 12 oz 0.0 12 oz 0.0 12 oz 35.2 12 oz 0.0 12 oz 0.0 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz 0.0 32.1 0.0 41.7 0.0 38.0 0.0 42.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.2 0.0

16.0 28.0 32.0 55.0 38.0

Chocolate Drinks Canelds Diet Chocolate Fudge Soda Hot Cocoa 2 Hot Cocoa w/ Marshmallows 2

12 oz 14.0 12 oz 9.0 12 oz 0.0 12 oz 9.0 9.5 oz 37.0

12 oz 0.0 1 pkt 22.4 1 pkt 14.3

8 oz 29.0 8 oz 0.0

Contains: 1llers 2added sugar 12

trans fats.

Contains added sugar 13


Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Coconut Water, Fresh Gatorade 2 Monster 2 Monster, Sugar Free Red Bull 2 Red Bull, Sugar Free Fruit Juices Apple, unsweetened Apricot Nectar Cranberry Juice Cocktail, Frozen Concentrate 2 Cranberry Juice Cocktail, Light 2 Cranberry Juice Cocktail 2 Fruitables Mixed Fruit & Vegetable Fruit Punch 2 Grape, unsweetened Grapefruit, sweetened 2 Grapefruit, unsweetened Guava Nectar 2 Lemon Lime Mango Nectar Orange, fresh Orange, from concentrate Orange-Peach-Mango Orange-Strawberry-Banana Passion Fruit, fresh

8 oz 6.3 8 oz 15.7 8 oz 27.0 8 oz 1.0 8.4 oz 28.0 8.4 oz 3.0 4 oz 13.8 4 oz 17.3 2 T 18.6 4 oz 5.5 4 oz 17.1 4 oz 16-18 4 oz 15.0 4 oz 18.4 4 oz 13.8 4 oz 10.9 4 oz 17.4 2 T 2.0 2 T 2.4 4 oz 16.1 4 oz 12.7 4 oz 12.0 4 oz 14.0 4 oz 14.2 4 oz 16.6

Peach Nectar, canned Pear Nectar, canned Pineapple, unsweetened Prune Tangerine-Orange Kool-Aid, Sugar Free Mix, all avors Lemonade / Limeade Canned, No Added Sugar Crystal Light Bottled, Diet Bottled, sweetened 2 Minute Maid Light, bottled Prepared from concentrate 2 Prepared from powder 2 True Lemon Mix 1 True Lime Mix 1 True Grapefruit Mix 1 True Orange Mix 1 Tea & Tea Drinks Bottled Iced Tea Green, unsweetened Lemon Flavored 2 Lemon Flavored, Diet Raspberry, Diet Brewed Tea Black With 1 T Milk With 1 T Cream

4 oz 4 oz 4 oz 4 oz 4 oz 1 pkt

16.6 19.0 15.8 21.1 12.5 0.0

8 oz 0.0 8 oz 0.0 8 oz 1.3 8 oz 29.0 8 oz 2.0 8 oz 25.8 8 oz 17.6 1 pkt 0.0 1 pkt 0.0 1 pkt 0.0 1 pkt 0.0

Chamomille 8 oz 0.5 Peppermint 8 oz 0.0 Iced Tea Diet 8 oz 0.0 Lipton Pureleaf, 8 oz 0.0 Unsweetened 1 8 oz 21.0 Sweetened 2 1/8 pkt 1.0 True Lemon Mix 3 Unsweetened, from instant 8 oz 0.4 With Stevia 8 oz 0.0 Vegetable Juices Carrot Clam & Tomato Tomato Vegetable Juice Cocktail Vitamin Water Glaceau 2 Glaceau Zero, Sugar Free Nestl, Sugar Free Skinny Water, Sugar Free Water Bottled Sparking Mineral Spring Tap Alcoholic Beverages Beer Lite

4 oz 10.0 4 oz 14.0 4 oz 4.0 4 oz 4.5

Low Carb Near (>0.5% alcohol) Nonalcoholic Bourbon Champagne Gin Rum Scotch Sherry, Dry Vodka Wine, Red Wine, Ros Wine, White, Sauvignon Cocktail Mixes Bloody Mary Margarita 2 Margarita, Baja Bobs Low Carb Margarita, Master of Mixes, Lite Mojito, Baja Bob's Low Carb Pia Colada 2 Screwdriver 2 Strawberry Daiquiri, Lt. Blender's Sugar Free Strawberry Daiquiri, Master of Mixes, Lite Sweet N Sour, Master of Mixes, Lite

12 oz 2.5 12 oz 13.7 12 oz 14.1 1 oz 0.0 1 oz 2-3 1 oz 0.0 1 oz 0.0 1 oz 0.0 1 oz 4.7 1 oz 0.0 3.5 oz 2.6 3.5 oz 0.4 3.5 oz 2.0

3.5 oz 3.3 3.5 oz 13.8 4 oz 4 oz 0.0 3.0

12 oz 13.0 12 oz 0.0 12 oz 0.0 12 oz 0.0

8 oz 0.0 8 oz 22.0 8 oz 0.0 8 oz 1.0 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 0.0 0.7 0.4

8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

4 oz 0.0 3.5 oz 22.2 3.5 oz 8.5 4 oz 4 oz 4 oz 5.0 5.6 8.0

12 oz


Sweetened with stevia

Added sugar Sweetened with stevia and sugar.

Sweetened with stevia

Added sugar Sweetened with stevia and sugar. 15



Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

he Net Carb counts provided for different types of bread are averages because both carb counts and ingredients can vary significantly from one brand to another. Always check the Nutritional Facts panel as well as the list of ingredients. Omitted are bagels, rolls, pastries and other conventional baked goods, which are almost always very high in carbs and full of refined white flour and/or added sugar. For example, a cinnamon raisin English muffin, a blueberry muffin and a croissant contain, respectively, 26.1, 25.8 and 19 grams of Net Carbs. Instead, baked goods that are within acceptable carb counts are listed, although some of these do contain white flour or added sugar, as noted. Be aware, as well, that some whole grain products also contain refined grains. Brand names appear when carb counts for similar products differ. Also, see Snacks and Atkins and Other Low-Carb Specialty Foods.
Net Amount Carbs

Pumpernickel, 100% Rye Meal Pumpernickel, Thin Sliced Raisin 1 Rye 1 Rye, 100% Sourdough 1 Sprouted Whole Wheat 2 Sunower Seed White 1 Whole Grain 1 100% Whole Grain 2 Whole Wheat 1 100% Whole Wheat 2 Breadsticks Delallo Thin 100% Whole Wheat Granforno Whole Wheat Pepperidge Farm Snack Sticks, Toasted Sesame 1 Racconto Thin, 100% Whole Wheat

1 sl 1 sl 1 sl 1 sl 1 sl 1 sl 1 sl 1 sl 1 sl 1 sl 1 sl 1 sl 1 sl

16.5 8.2 12.5 12.1 17.0 34.6 18.0 17.0 12.1 9.3 9.0 9.8 10.0

JJ Flats 2 1 ea 1 ea Matzoh, Plain 1 Matzoh, Whole Wheat 1 ea 1 ea Melba Toast 1 1 ea Melba Toast, Rye 1, 2 Melba Toast, Whole Wheat 1, 21 ea San-J Brown Rice w/ Sesame Seeds 3 ea 5 ea Stone-Ground Wheat 1 100% Stone-Ground Wheat 3 ea Triscuit 3 ea 8 ea Wheat Thins 1, 2 Crispbreads Ak-Mak 2 Finn Crisp Caraway Multigrain Original GG Scandinavian Bran Crispbread Kavli Crispy Thin Five-Grain Heart Thin Nejaimes Lavash Crisps Flatbread 1 Flatbread, Sesame 1 Ryvita Dark Rye

2.8 22.6 18.8 3.5 4.0 3.5 9.6 10.3 6.2 8.0 10.0

Flavorful Fiber Light Rye Rye & Oat Bran Sesame Rye Wasa Fiber Hearty Rye Light Rye Multigrain Sesame Sourdough 100% Whole Grain

2 sl 11.0 2 sl 10.0 2 sl 8.0 2 sl 8.0 1 sl 6.0 1 sl 9.0 1 sl 11.0 1 sl 9.0 1 sl 9.0 1 sl 7.0 1 sl 8.0

5 ea 16.0 2 sl 2 sl 2 sl 1 ea 8.0 8.0 8.0 2.0

1 oz 21.0 5 ea 7.0 6 ea 4 ea 9.0 8.0

Breads Bran Ezekiel French 1 Italian 1 Oatmeal 1 Pumpernickel 1


1 sl 1 sl 1 sl 1 sl 1 sl 1 sl

10.6 12.0 15.3 13.4 12.0 11.6

Crackers Amy Lyns Original Flax Thins 5 ea 2.0 Blue Diamond Almond Nut Thins 17 ea 22.0 2 ea 10.0 Carrs Whole Wheat 2 12 ea 7.8 Cheez-It 1 FlatOut Multigrain Crisps 1 ea 9.0

3 sl 11.0 1 sl 7.0 1 sl 6.0 1 ea 10.0 1 ea 9.0 2 sl 10.0

Flatbreads & Wraps FlatOuts FoldIt 5-Grain Flax 1 ea Hungry Girl 100% Whole Wheat 1 ea Light 1 ea Traditional 1 ea Josephs Lavash Flax, Oat Bran & Whole Wheat 1/2 ea 1/2 ea Roll-Ups 1, 2 Sandwich Wrap, Flax, Oat Bran & Whole Wheat 1 ea Whole Wheat Roll-Ups 2 1/2 ea Pita 6.5" White 1 Whole Wheat 6.5"

8.0 8.0 6.1 21.0

4.0 20.0 7.0 17.0 32.1 30.5

Contains white our

Contains/may contain added sugar

Contains white our

Contains/may contain added sugar 17



Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Wraps Don Panchos Low-Carb 1 ea 5.0 Whole Wheat, large 2 Whole Wheat, medium 2 1 ea 3.0 La Tortilla Factory Gourmet Whole Grain Rye 1 ea 8.0 Whole Grain White 1 ea 10.0 Master Choice Multigrain 1 ea 5.0 Rosemary 1 ea 9.0 Rye 1 ea 6.0 Mufns Food for Life Sprouted Whole Grain English Mufns 1 ea 12.0 Tortillas Buena Vida Whole Wheat Corn Flour 1 Whole Wheat La Tortilla Company Whole Wheat Garlic Herb Green Onion Original, medium Original, large Mama Lupe Three-Net Impact Carb 2

Mission Reduced Carb Whole Wheat 10" 8.0 Whole Wheat 12" 13.0 Santa Fe Carb Chopper Wheat 1 ea 4.0 1 ea 4.0 Flour 1 Tumaros Gourmet Low Carb Garden-Vegetable 1 ea 4.0 Green Onion 1 ea 5.0 Multigrain 1 ea 4.0 Salsa 1 ea 5.0

should be consumed in moderation, especially those with sugar alcohols, which can cause gastric distress in excess. Also see Atkins & Other Low-Carb Specialty Foods.
Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs


Caramels Ashers Sugar Free Pecan Caramel Patties 1 Almond Butter Toffee 1 Judys Sugar Free Almond Caramel Clusters 1 Vanilla Pecan Caramels 1 Peanut Brittle1

3 oz 3 oz

0.0 0.0

1 ea 2.0 1 ea <1.0 2 oz 2.0

Hard Candy Baskin-Robbins Sugar Free, all avors Crystal Light Sugar Free, all avors Jolly Rancher Lifesavers Lifesavers Sugar Free Nestl Sugar Free Nips Caramel 1 Coffee 1

4 ea 4 ea 4 ea 4 ea 4 ea 2 ea 2 ea

0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 5.0 1.0

1 ea 4.0 6" 10.8 6" 14.5 8" 19.0 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 3.0 4.0 3.0 6.0 3.0

ince most conventional candy is almost all sugar, its one of the most important foods to avoid on Atkins. For example, an Almond Joy bar has more than 26 grams of Net Carbs. A Milky Way: a whopping 42 grams. A packet of Skittles contains 50 grams of Net Carbs, 40 of which are sugar. There are numerous sugar-free alternatives, many of which mimic well known brands. They use a variety of sweeteners, including sugar alcohols. Some manufacturers offer low- or nosugar versions of their candy or gum brands. Note the comparison of Pep-O-Mint with and without sugar, as a case in point. Look for products labeled sugar free, low glycemic or no added sugar. Some are formulated for people with diabetes. Even low-carb candy

Chewing Gum Eclipse Sugar Free, all avors 1 2 ea 1 ea Orbit, all favors 1 Chocolate Ashers Sugar Free 3 ea Cordial Cherries 1 Dark Chocolate 3 ea Raspberry Jellies 1 2 ea Mint Patties 1 10 ea Pretzel Bites 1, 4 Dove Sugar Free 5 ea w/ Chocolate Crme 1 3 oz Hersey's Sugar Free 1 Kopper Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans 1 32 ea Lucienne's Sugar Free Dark Chocolate, all avors 1, 3 1 bar
1 2

0.0 0.0

Jelly Belly Sugar-Free Gummie Bears 25 ea Jelly Beans 35 ea Jordan Almonds, Sugar Free 1 10 ea Marshmallows La Nouba Sugar Free Chocolate Covered 1 Plain1 Mints Altoids Smalls, Sugar Free, all avors 1 Eclipse, all avors 1 Sweet n Low Cool Peppermints Pep-O-Mints Pep-O-Mints, Sugar Free 1, 2 Winto-O-Green Winto-O-Green, Sugar Free 1, 2

0.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 2.0 4.3 2.0 6.2

1 ea 1 ea

0.0 0.0

1 ea 3 ea

0.0 0.0

1 ea 0.0 4 ea 16.0 4 ea 0.0 4 ea 16.0 4 ea 0.0

Contains white our

Contains or may contain added sugar

Contains: sugar alcohols aspartame 3stevia 4white our 19



Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

ost breakfast cereals are full of white flour and other refined grains, as well as sugar, dehydrated berries, marshmallows, honey or maple syrup, raising the already high carb count of grains. Even healthy choices such as granola, muesli and bran cereals are often full of sugar. Nor are organic products any less likely to contain added sugar. Weve included some of these products to drive home the point that you must always read labels. Your objective is to find 100 percent whole grain cereals without added sugars. Note that amounts vary based upon serving sizes listed on packages. Finally, carb counts dont include the milk or milk substitutes served with cereal. Also look for cereals in Atkins & Other Low-Carb Specialty Foods.
Net Amount Carbs

Hot Bobs Red Mill Hot 1/3 C Cereal w/Flax Meal, dry 1/4 C Cream of Rice, dry Cream of Wheat Instant Healthy Grain w/ 1 pkt Maple Brown Sugar 2 Instant, Original, in bowl 1.5 oz Instant, prepared w/ water 1/2 C Healthy Grains, Instant, in bowl 1.5 oz Whole Grain, 2-Minute 3T Contains: added sugar 20
1 2

17.0 36.0

24.0 32.0 14.3 24.0 19.0

Ewehorn Brown Rice Cream 1/4 C Farina, Enriched, dry 3T Grits, Instant, dry 1 oz Heartland Oat Bran 1/3 C Hot Cereal, dry Lundberg Family Farms Brown 1/4 C Rice Hot Cereal, dry Mother's Whole Wheat 1/2 C Hot Cereal, dry Oats/Oatmeal Homestat Farm Quick Steel Cut Oats & Chia w/Flax 1/4 C & Rye Flakes, dry Instant, Cinnamon Spice 1 1 pkt Instant, Plain 1 pkt Malt-o-Meal 1/2 C Quick Oats, dry 1/4 C Quick Cooking, dry 1/2 C Rolled, cooked 1/3 C Rolled, dry Steel Cut 1/4 C (Scottish/Irish), dry 1/4 C Whole Grain Maltex Hot Wheat 1/3 C Cereal, dry 1 Pocono Cream 1/4 C of Buckwheat, dry Hodgson Mill Bulgur 1/4 C Wheat w/ Soy Grits, dry Wheatena 1/3 C Toasted Wheat, dry

35.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 29.0 26.0

20.0 32.9 16.0 23.0 12.5 12.1 19.0 11.5 21.7 32.0 35.0 23.0 27.0

Ready-to-Eat Alpen Muesli, No Sugar Added Barbaras Organic Soy Essence Crispy Whole Wheat Flakes 1 Cascadian Farm Organic Ancient Grains 1 Cascadian Farm Purely O's Cheerios, Multigrain 1 Corn Chex 1 Corn Flakes 1 Crispix Corn & Rice 1 Eden Kamut Flakes Fiber One Heart Healthy Blend 1 Original 2 Food for Life Ezekiel Health Valley Heart Wise Health Valley High Fiber Skinnys F-Factor 1 Health Valley Organic Oat Bran Flakes 1 Grape-Nuts Flakes 1 Organic Kashi Go Lean Crunch! 1 7 Wholegrain Nuggets 7 Wholegrain Puffs Contains: added sugar
1 2

2/3 C


3/4 C

20.0 36.0 19.0 17.0 24.0 11.7 24.0 30.0

1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1/2 C
3/4 C 1/2 C

31.0 11.0 1/2 C 34.0 1 C 30.0

1/2 C 3/4 C 3/4 C

Kelloggs All-Bran Buds 1 Original 1 Natures Path Organic Simply Fiber Smart Bran w/ Psyllium & Oat Bran 1 Oat Bran, raw Product 19 1 Puffed Brown Rice Puffed Corn Puffed Kamut Puffed Millet Puffed Rice Puffed Wheat Shredded Wheat Large Biscuit Spoon Size, w/ Bran Spoon Size, Whole Grain Special K Original 1 Protein Plus 1 Spelt Flakes Total Whole Grain 1 Protein 3 Wheat Bran, raw Wheat Germ, toasted Wheaties Toasted Whole Wheat Flakes 1

1/3 C 1/2 C

11.0 13.0

1 C 17.0
2/3 C

2T 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C

11.0 6.0 24.0 13.0 11.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 10.0

2 26.0 1 C 32.8 1 C 34.0 1 C 21.0 9.0 1/2 C 31.0

3/4 C 3/4 C 3/4 C

9.0 20.0

21.0 1/2 C 38.0 1 C 28.0 40.0 1 C 14.0

20.0 8.0 2 T 1.6 2 T 4.9 19.0

1/2 C

3/4 C

articial sweeteners

added sugar and articial sweeteners

articial sweeteners

added sugar and articial sweeteners 21


Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

ondiments allow you to transform basics like chicken breasts into dozens of different dishes. Fortunately, there are many Atkins-friendly condiments, but hidden carbs lurk in others. Read labels to ferret out added sugar, flour and cornstarch. Most herbs and spices contain no carbs or miniscule amounts but watch out for spice mixtures spiked with sugar. Also see Baking Ingredients and Sauces & Marinades, as well as vinegars and salad dressings on pages 41-42.
Net Amount Carbs

Allspice, ground Anchovy Paste Bacon Pieces, Jarred/canned 2 Bacon Bits, Imitation 1 Basil, fresh, chopped Basil, dried Bay Leaves, dried Bragg's Liquid Aminos Capers, drained Celery Salt Chile Peppers Ancho, dried Cayenne, Roasted, Canned, whole Chipotle en Adobe

1t 1T
1/2 oz 1/2 oz

1.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 5.1 5.0 1.0

1T 1T 1 ea 1T 1T 1t 1 ea 1 ea 9 sl

Hot Cherry, fresh, whole Hot Cherry, canned, whole Jalapeo, fresh, sliced Jalapeo, pickled, sliced Pasilla, dried, whole Serrano, chopped Chile Powder Chinese 5-Spice Powder Chives, fresh, chopped Chives, dehydrated, chopped Cilantro, fresh, chopped Cinnamon, ground Clam Juice Cloves, ground Coconut Milk, canned Coconut Milk, Light, canned Coriander, ground Crab/Shrimp Boil Mix Creole Seasoning Cumin Seed, ground Curry Powder Dill Weed, dried Dill Weed, fresh, chopped Garlic Clove Minced, fresh or jarred Minced, dried Powder Salt Ginger, ground

1 ea 1 oz 1/2 C 1 oz 1 ea 1/2 C 1T 1t 1T 1T 1T 1t 8 oz 1t 1C 1C 1t 1T 1T 1t 1T 1T 1T 1 ea 1T 1T 1t 1T 1T

2.0 2.0 1.7 0.5 1.7 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.7 0.2 0.6 6.4 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.9 2.6 4.7 1.6 0.0 3.1

Ginger Root, fresh, grated Horseradish, prepared Italian Seasoning Lawry's Seasoned Salt Lemon Peel, fresh, grated Lemon-Pepper Seasoning Liquid Smoke Marmite Yeast Extract Miso Paste Mellow Brown Mellow Red Mellow White Mrs. Dash Mustard Chinese Dijon Honey 1 Powder Spicy Brown Yellow Nutmeg, ground Olives (see Vegetables) Onion, minced, dried Orange Peel, grated, fresh Oregano, dried Paprika Parsley, fresh, chopped Pepper, black, ground Pepper, red, crushed Pickle Spear, Dill or Kosher

1T 1t 1T 1t 1T 1t 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1t 1t 1t 1t 1t 1t 1t 1/2 t 1T
1/2 t

1.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.8 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.2 1.0 1.0 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.3 3.7 0.4 0.8 1.3 0.1 0.9 0.5 0.5

Pickle, Dill, whole, 4-inch Pickle Relish 1 Pickle, Sweet, Midget 1 Pimento (Roasted Red Pepper) Poultry Seasoning Pumpkin Pie Spice Mix Rosemary, dried Sage, ground Salt Spike Seasoning, Original Tahini (Sesame Paste) Thai Chile Paste Thyme, dried Wasabi Paste Wasabi, powdered

1 ea 1T 1 ea 1 oz 1t 1t 1T 1t 1t 1t 2T 1T 1T 1t 1t

2.0 3.3 1.2 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.8 2.0 1.5


1T 1T 1T 1t 1t 1 ea

ost of the following products are acceptable on Atkins in one or more phases. Low-fat products appear for comparison purposes only; full-fat versions are always preferable. Almost all cheeses are acceptable, but keep an eye out for cheese products, which contain fillers, making them higher in carbs. They may also contain oils and other added ingredients. Likewise, fruit flavors such as strawberry and blueberry introduce added sugars to cream cheese, yogurt and other dairy products,

Contains added sugar 2 Carb count varies by brand; may contain added sugar

Contains added sugar 2 Carb count varies by brand; may contain added sugar 23


DAIRY, EGGS & DAIRY SUBSTITUTES continued elevating the carb count. Weve also included creamers and other dairy substitutes, some of which are not recommended for Atkins followers because they include added sugar and/or other unacceptable ingredients, for comparison purposes. Likewise, weve included a few of the numerous low-fat yogurts full of sugary preserves. Although not actually dairy products, eggs are also included below.
Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Butter & Margarine Ghee Stick Butter Stick Butter Stick Margarine 4 Whipped Butter Whipped Butter Whipped Margarine 4 Cheese American Asiago Appenzeller Blue Cheese, crumbled Boursin, Garden Herb Brie Camembert Cheddar Cheez Whiz 1

1t 1C 1T 1T 1C 1T 1T

0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0

1 sl 1 oz 1 oz 2T 2T 1 oz 1 oz 1 oz 2T

1.5 0.5 0.0 0.4 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.4 5.6

Colby Cottage Cheese Curds, 2% fat Creamed, 4% fat Low-Fat, Chive2 Cream Cheese, Brick Fat Free Neufchatel Original Cream Cheese, Soft Blueberry 2 Chive & Onion Garden Vegetable Regular Strawberry 2 Sundried Tomato & Basil Cream Cheese, Whipped Chive & Onion Original Edam Emmentaler Feta Fontina Goat, Aged Goat, Soft (Chvre) Gorgonzola Gouda Gruyre Havarti Jarlsberg

1 oz
1/2 C 1/2 C 1/2 C

0.7 4.1 6.0 5.0 2.2 1.0 1.2 4.4 2.0 2.1 2.0 4.4 2.0 1.8 0.8 0.4 0.0 1.2 0.4 0.6 0.3 1.1 0.6 0.1 0.0 1.2

2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 1 oz 1 oz 1 oz 1 oz 1 oz 1 oz 1 oz 1 oz 1 oz 1 oz 1 oz

Laughing Cow 1 wedge Limburger 1 oz Manchego 1 oz Mascarpone 1 oz Maytag Blue 1 oz Monterey Jack 1 oz Mozzarella Fresh Balls 1 oz Part Skim 1 oz Smoked 1 oz Whole Milk 1 oz Muenster 1 oz Paneer 1 oz Parmesan, chunk 1 oz Parmesan, grated 1T Parmigiano-Reggiano, grated 1 T 2T Port Wine Spread 1 Provolone 1 oz Queso Blanco 1 oz Queso Fresco 1 oz Raclette 1 oz 1/4 C Ricotta, Part Skim 1/4 C Ricotta, Whole Milk Roquefort 1 oz Romano, chunk 1 oz Romano, grated 1T Stilton 1 oz String 1 oz Swiss 1 oz 1 oz Velveeta 1

1.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.2 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.6 0.3 1.0 0.9 0.2 0.0 3.0 0.6 0.0 1.5 0.0 3.2 1.9 0.6 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.5 2.8

Cream & Creamers Coffee-mate Original, powder 3 Fat-Free Hazelnut, liquid 3 Natural Bliss Vanilla, liquid Sugar-Free French Vanilla, liquid 3 Condensed Milk, Sweetened, canned 2 Cream Heavy, liquid Heavy, whipped Light Half-and-Half International Delight Amaretto, Low Fat 2, 3 French Vanilla 2 MimicCrme Almond & Cashew Crme, Unsweetened Original Almond & Cashew Crme, Sugar Free Silk Soymilk Creamer, Original, Unsweetened So Delicious Coconut Milk Creamer, Original, Unsweetened Sour cream Light Regular Regular

1t 1T 1T 1T

2.0 5.0 5.0 2.0

1 T 20.8 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.3 7.0 6.0

1T 1T 1T

0.0 1.0 1.0



1 C 17.6 2 T 0.7 1 C 5.5

Cheese product

Contains added sugar 3Contains trans fats 4Not recommended

Cheese product

Contains added sugar 3Contains trans fats 4Not recommended 25



Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs


Net Amount Carbs

Eggs Raw Raw, White only Fried Poached/Boiled Scrambled, w/ Milk Scrambled Egg Substitute (from frozen) Milk Buttermilk Cultured from 1% Fat (Skim) Milk Cultured from Reduced Fat Milk Chocolate Flavored, 2% 2 Evaporated, 2% Nonfat Evaporated, Whole Nonfat/Skim Reduced Fat 2% Strawberry Flavored, 2% 2 Whole Milk Substitutes Almond Milk Chocolate Flavored 2 Plain 2 Plain, Unsweetened Vanilla, Unsweetened

1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea
1/4 C

0.4 0.2 0.4 0.4 1.0 2.0

Coconut Milk Beverage Chocolate Flavored 2 Plain 2 Plain, Unsweetened Rice Milk, Plain 2 Vanilla 2 Soy Milk Chocolate Flavored 2 Plain 2 Plain, Unsweetened

1 C 11.0 1 C 7.0 1 C 1.0 1 C 25.0 1 C 28.0 1 C 21.7 1 C 10.0 1 C 2.0

1 C 13.0 1C 1C 2T 2T 1C 1C 1C 1C 13.0 28.6 3.0 3.2 12.2 11.7 31.0 11.7

1 C 17.8 1 C 7.3 1 C 1.0 1 C 1.0

Yogurt & Ker Chobani Greek Yogurt Nonfat Plain 6 oz 7.0 Nonfat Lemon 6 oz 20.0 Nonfat Strawberry 6 oz 20.0 Fage Total Classic Whole Milk Greek Yogurt, Plain, Unsweetened 4 oz 6.1 Ker Smoothie Low Carb, Plain 8 oz 6.0 Whole Milk, Plain 8 oz 12.0 Oikas Whole Milk Greek Yogurt, Plain, 1/2 C 4.5 Unsweetened So Delicious Coconut Original Yogurt Beverage 8 oz 3.0 Yogurt, Whole Milk, Plain, Unsweetened 4 oz 5.3

hen you consider that a serving of chocolate pudding sweetened with sugar tallies almost 33 grams of Net Carbs and a slice of apple pie a whopping 53.4 grams of Net Carbs, its easy to see why desserts present such treacherous territory. Fortunately, there are numerous carb-conscious alternatives to satisfy your sweet tooth. (Also check out Atkins & Other Low-Carb Specialty Foods and Snacks.) However, this category requires extra vigilance as even some supposedly low-carb desserts contain added sugars and others harbor cornstarch and/or trans fats. Weve also noted when products contain sugar alcohols. Carb counts for pudding mixes exclude the milk or nondairy product needed to make the dessert.
Net Amount Carbs

Ready to Eat Gelatin, Sugar Free SmartGels Sugar Free, all avors Snack Pack Sugar Free Juicy Gels, all avors

1 ea 1 ea 1 ea

0.0 1.0 2.0

Cheesecake Cheesecake Factory Low Carb Junior's Sugar Free Low-Carb 1

1/12 1/12

11.0 3.2

Ice Cream Breyers Carb Smart 1/2 C 4.0 Chocolate 1 1/2 C 4.0 French Vanilla 1 Breyers, No Sugar Added 1/2 C 5.0 Butter Pecan 1 1/2 C 5.0 French Vanilla 1 Vanilla, Chocolate, 1 1/2 C 6.0 & Strawberry Dreyers/Edys Slow Churned, No Sugar Added 1/2 C 13.0 Butter Pecan 1 1/2 C 6.0 Coffee 1 1/2 C 8.0 Cookie Dough 1 1/2 C 12.0 Neapolitan 1 1/2 C 7.0 Triple Chocolate 1 1/2 C 6.0 Vanilla Bean 1 Frozen Treats Breyers Carb Smart Fudge Bar 1 Vanilla & Almond Ice Cream Bar 1 Vanilla Ice Cream Bar, Chocolate Coated 1

Gelatin Gelatin Mix, Sugar Free, all avors 1 serving Jell-O Snacks, Sugar-Free, all avors 1 ea Knox MixChief Unavored Gelatin 1.8 g

0.0 0.0 0.0

1 ea 1 ea 1 ea

3.0 5.0 5.0

Contains added sugar

Contains sugar alcohols 27


DESSERTS continued Creamsicle Sugar Free Healthy Bunch 1 Dreyers/Edys Fruit Bars, No Sugar Added, all avors 1 Fudgsicle Sugar Free Healthy Bunch 1 Klondike No Sugar Added Vanilla Bar Popsicle Sugar Free Healthy Bunch, all avors 1 Sherbet, No Sugar Added, Lemon, Lime or Orange

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs


Net Amount Carbs

1 ea 1 ea 1 ea

2.0 4.0 5.0

Swiss Miss Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding 1, 2, 3 3.3 oz Syrups and Toppings Da Vinci Gourmet Sugar Free, all avors Hershey Sugar Free Chocolate 1 Strawberry 1 Smuckers Sugar Free Caramel 1 Chocolate 1 Steels Nature Sweet Chocolate Syrup 1 Fudge Sauce 1 Torani Sugar Free, All avors 1 U-Bet Sugar Free Chocolate Syrup 1 Whipped Toppings Cool Whip, Sugar Free 3, 4 Cool Whip Lite 3, 4 Cool Whip Regular 3, 4 Hood Sugar Free Light Whipped Cream Reddi-wip Real Cream Chocolate Original Walden Farms Sugar Free Marshmallow Dip


2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 0.0

1 ea 11.0 1 ea
1/2 C

2.0 18.0

Nondairy Frozen Treats So Delicious Coconut Milk Ice Cream No Sugar Added 1/2 C 8.0 Chocolate 1 1 ea 6.0 Mini Fudge Bar 1 1 ea 10.0 Mini Vanilla Bar 1 1/2 C 9.0 Vanilla Bean 1 Tofutti No Sugar Added 1 ea 5.0 Coffee Break Treats 1 1 ea 6.0 Fudge Treats 1 Chocolate Dipped 1 ea 7.0 Mint Treats 1 Puddings and Pies Fifty50 Graham Cracker 1/2 C 10.0 Crust, sugar free 1, 2 Jell-O Sugar Free Pudding Singles, Mix, all avors 2 1 ea 6.0 Snacks, Chocolate 1, 2, 3 3.8 oz 5.0
1 2

s long as it is not breaded or battered for deep-frying, almost all fish contains no carbs. However clams, oysters and mussels and any stuffed fish or shellfish do. Avoid surimi, usually labeled as sea legs. The taste of this artificial crabmeat bears little resemblance to the real McCoy. It is made from various species of fish to which fillers and sugar are added, boosting the carb count. Also check the labels of pickled or creamed herring and gefilte fish, as sugar is often added in the processing. One more sugar alert: deli tuna fish and whitefish salad are often full of it. Fish shrinks when cooked; all amounts listed are for cooked fish.
Net Amount Carbs

2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T

2.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0

Fish Anchovies Canned in Oil Fresh Bass, all varieties Blacksh (Taurog) Bluesh Buttersh Carp Catsh Cod, fresh Cod, dried, salted Eel

6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 3 oz 6 oz

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Flounder 6 oz 0.0 Fish Sticks 6 pieces 33.2 1 piece 2.0 Gelte Fish 2 Grouper 6 oz 0.0 Haddock (Scrod) Fresh 6 oz 0.0 Smoked/Finnan Haddie 6 oz 0.0 Halibut 6 oz 0.0 Herring Cured 2 oz 0.0 Fresh 6 oz 0.0 1/4 C 5.0 In Sour Cream 2 1/4 C 3.4 Pickled 2 John Dory (St. Peters Fish) 6 oz 0.0 Kingsh (King Mackerel) 6 oz 0.0 Mackerel 6 oz 0.0 Mahi-mahi 6 oz 0.0 Monk Fish 6 oz 0.0 Orange Roughy 6 oz 0.0 Perch 6 oz 0.0 Pike, Wall-Eyed & Yellow 6 oz 0.0 Sablesh (Black Cod) 6 oz 0.0 Salmon Canned 6 oz 0.0 Fresh 6 oz 0.0 Lox/Smoked 6 oz 0.0 Sardines, Canned In Mustard Sauce 6 oz 0.0 In Tomato Sauce 6 oz 0.8 In Oil 6 oz 0.0

Contains: sugar alcohols white our and/or starch 28

trans fats

added sugar

Breaded or battered

Contains/may contain llers and/or added sugar 29



Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs


Net Amount Carbs

Shark, Blue & Mako Snapper/Red Snapper Sole Swordsh Tilapia Tile Fish Trout, all varieties Tuna, canned Tuna, Deli Salad 3 Tuna, fresh Turbot Whitesh Fresh Smoked Salad 2 Shellsh Clams Canned, drained Deep-Fried 1 Fresh, cooked Raw Stuffed 1 Crab Cake 1, 2 Cooked Crabmeat, Canned, drained Soft Shell, fried 1 Surimi (Sea Legs) 2

6 oz 0.0 6 oz 0.0 6 oz 0.0 6 oz 0.0 6 oz 0.0 6 oz 0.0 6 oz 0.0 6 oz 0.0 6 oz 16.0 6 oz 0.0 6 oz 0.0 6 oz 6 oz 4T 0.0 0.0 3.0

2 oz 3.3 2 oz 5.9 2 oz 2.9 2 oz 2.0 2 lg 12.0 6 oz 6 oz 0.8 0.0

6 oz 0.0 1 med 10.5 6 oz 24.7

Crawsh 6 oz Lobster Broiled, unstuffed 1 ea Canned 6 oz Steamed 6 oz Tail, frozen 8 oz Mussels Canned 2 oz Canned, in Tomato Sauce 2 oz Smoked, Canned in Oil 2 oz Stewed/Steamed 2 oz Octopus (Calamari) Baked or Broiled 4 oz 4 oz Deep-Fried 1 Pan-Fried 4 oz Oysters Canned 2 oz Eastern, Shelled 2 oz Pacic, Shelled 2 oz Smoked 2 oz Scallops Bay 10 ea Deep-Fried or Breaded 1 6 oz Sea 4 ea Shrimp/Prawns Cooked, Peeled 6 oz 6 med Deep-Fried 1 Squid 6 oz Deep-Fried 1 Broiled or Steamed 6 oz

0.0 1.5 2.2 1.5 1.3 4.0 4.8 2.5 4.2 4.3 9.9 3.3 4.5 6.2 11.2 6.0 3.6 17.2 4.0 2.6 34.3 13.3 6.4

he natural sugars in fruit that make it so delicious increase the carbs, but compared to sugar-laden desserts, fruitin moderationis a great alternative. Berries are among the lowest in carbs, partially because they are not as sweet as most other fruits, and also because they are high in fiber. As you can see from the carb counts below, its a good idea to steer clear of dried fruit, which concentrates the natural sugars. Likewise, avoid fruit juice (see Beverages & Alcoholic Beverages), which usually eliminates the fiber found in whole fruit. Frozen fruit is fine as long as it doesnt contain added sugar, as is fruit canned in its own juice or water. Although olives, avocado and tomatoes are actually fruit, they are listed in Vegetables. However, rhubarb, listed here, is actually a vegetable.
Net Amount Carbs

Acerola Apples Cameo Chips 1 Dried Rings, Sulfured 1 Freeze-Dried Fuji Gala Golden Delicious Granny Smith

1/2 C 1/2 med

3.2 8.5 18.1 18.3 23.0 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9

1 oz 5 ea 1 oz 1/2 med 1/2 med 1/2 med 1/2 med


Honeycrisp 1/2 med 1/2 med Red Delicious 1/2 C Sauce, sweetened 2 1/2 C Sauce Apricots Canned 3 halves In Heavy Syrup 2 In Juice 3 halves Dried 6 halves Fresh 3 med Avocado (See page 54) Bananas Chips 1 oz Freeze-Dried 1 oz Fresh 1sm Blackberries Canned in Heavy Syrup 2 1/2 C 1/2 C Fresh 1/2 C Frozen 1/2 C Frozen, sweetened 2 Blueberries Canned in Light Syrup 2 1/2 C Dried 2T 1/2 C Fresh 1/2 C Frozen 4 oz Frozen, sweetened 2 Boysenberries Canned in Heavy Syrup 2 1/2 C 1/2 C Fresh 1/2 C Frozen

7.9 7.9 23.8 12.4

23.8 11.6 11.6 9.6

14.4 23.0 20.4 25.2 3.3 8.1 10.3 24.5 14.5 9.0 7.3 22.4 25.2 3.1 4.6

Breaded or battered

Contains/may contain llers and/or added sugar

May contain added sugar

Contains added sugar 31


FRUIT continued
Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Carambola (Star Fruit), sliced Cherimoya Cherries, Sour Canned in water Fresh Cherries, Sweet Canned in water Dried Fresh Frozen Clementine Coconut, fresh, shredded Cranberries Dried 2 Freeze-Dried 1 Fresh Sauce, Jellied 2 Sauce, Whole Berries 2 Currants Dried Fresh Dates Dried Fresh Figs Canned in water Dried Fresh

1/2 C

2.1 1/2 C 11.8

1/2 C 1/2 C 1/2 C

9.6 8.2 12.7 11.5 10.7 7.3 7.6 2.5

1/2 C 1/2 C 1 med 1/2 C

1/2 oz

5.8 12.1 1/2 C 3.8 2 T 13.1 2 T 12.5 2 T 12.1 5.3


1/2 C

1 oz 20.9 3 ea 15.8 1 sm 1 sm 1 sm

3.2 4.5 6.5

Fruit Cocktail Canned in light syrup 2 1/2 C 16.9 1/2 C 8.9 Canned in water Mixed Fruits, frozen 4 oz 10.5 1/2 C 7.8 Gooseberries Grapefruit 1/2 med 8.9 Fresh, Red/White Sections, 1/2 C 10.7 Canned in juice Grapes 1/2 C 13.0 Green, Seedless 1/2 C 7.5 Purple, Concord 1/2 C 13.0 Red, Seedless Guava 1/2 C 7.4 Fresh, pieces 2 T 12.9 Paste 2 Huckleberries 4 oz 9.9 Kiwi Fruit 1 ea 8.1 Kumquat 4 ea 7.1 Lemon Juice 2 T 2.0 Lime Juice 2 T 2.4 Loganberries 1/2 C 5.8 Fresh 1/2 C 5.7 Frozen Loquats Fresh 10 med 16.7 1/2 C 7.8 Fresh, cubed Lychees Fresh, whole 10 ea 14.5 Canned in water 10 ea 14.6

Mango Dried Freeze-Dried Fresh, pieces Frozen Melon Cantaloupe Cubes Cantaloupe Slice Crenshaw Balls Honeydew Balls Honeydew, diced Honeydew Slice Watermelon Balls Mulberries Nectarines Fresh Dried Oranges Blood Florida Mandarin, Canned in juice Navel Valencia Papaya Canned in syrup 2 Dried Fresh Fresh, pieces Frozen, pieces

1 piece 9.5 1 piece 21.0 1/2 C 11.1 1/2 C 14.0

1/2 C 5.9 1/8 med 5.1 1/2 C 4.6 1/2 C 7.3 1/2 C 7.1 1/8 med 10.4 1/2 C 5.5 1/2 C 5.7

1 med 12.6 1.5 oz 22.0 1 med 13.0 1 med 12.9 11.0 1 ea 14.5 1 med 11.4
1/2 C 12.1 1 strip 12.2 1/2 small 7.2 1/2 C 6.6 1/2 C 4.4 1/2 C

Passion Fruit (Maracuya), Pieces 1/4 C Peaches Dried 2 halves Fresh 1 sm 1/2 C Frozen, sliced Halves, canned 1 half in light syrup 2 Halves, canned in water 1 half Pears Anjou 1 med Asian 1 med Bartlett 1 med Bosc 1 med Dried 1 half Halves, canned 1 half in light syrup 2 Halves, Canned in water 1 half Japanese, fresh 1 ea 1/2 small Persimmon Pineapple, canned 1/2 C In water, chunks In water, sliced 2 sl 1/2 C In light syrup, chunks 2 2 sl In light syrup, sliced 2 Pineapple 1/4 C Dried 1/2 C Fresh, chunks

7.7 13.8 10.5 6.0 13.0 4.7 21.0 8.6 20.6 21.0 11.2 10.3 4.7 20.0 4.1 9.2 7.1 15.9 12.1 25.0 9.7

May contain added sugar

Contains added sugar

Contains added sugar 33


FRUIT continued
Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Plantains Chips 1 oz 1/2 C Fresh, sliced Plums Dried (Prune) 3 ea Fresh 1 med Purple, canned in water 1/2 C Prunes, canned 1/2 C in heavy syrup 2 1/2 C Prunes, stewed Pomegranate Fresh 1 quarter 1/4 C Arils (Seeds), fresh Prickly Pear (Cactus Pear), fresh 1 ea Quince 1 quarter Raisins Golden 1T Seedless 1T Raspberries 1/2 C Black, fresh Black, frozen 2 oz 1/2 C Red, fresh Red, frozen, sweetened 2 1/2 C 1/2 C Red, frozen Rhubarb 1/2 C Fresh 1/2 C Frozen, sweetened 2 1/2 C Frozen

14.4 21.9 16.2 6.6 12.6 28.1 31.0 10.4 6.4 6.2 3.1 6.8 6.8 3.7 8.5 3.4 27.2 4.4 1.7 35.0 2.3

Strawberries Dried 1 Fresh, whole Fresh, sliced Freeze-Dried Frozen, whole, sweetened 2 Frozen, sliced Tangerine Tangelo Ugli Fruit

15.5 5 large 5.1 1/2 C 4.7 1 oz 21.3 24.4 5.2 1 small 8.8 1 med 12.0 1 half 9.0
1/2 C 1/2 C

1/4 C


hole grains are acceptable in the later phases of Atkins, but white flour and other refined grains (and anything made with them, including most pasta) are not. Unless a product is labeled 100 percent whole grain, it likely also contains refined grains, which have been stripped of their fiber and other nutrients. Labels on products made with some or all white flour also use the terms wheat flour (not to be confused with whole wheat flour) or enriched flour. Items that may contain refined grains are noted below, but check any product before purchasing it. Also see Breads, Crackers, Tortillas & Wraps and Cereals and Baking Ingredients.

Grains Barley Hulled, dry Pearl, cooked Buckwheat Groats (Kasha), cooked Corn Grits, prepared w/ water Hominy, canned Masa, dry Meal, Yellow, dry Polenta, dry Couscous Cooked Dry Whole Wheat, dry Millet, cooked Quinoa, cooked Rice Basmati, cooked Basmati, dry Basmati, Brown, dry Black Japonica, dry Brown, Medium Grain, cooked Instant, Long Grain White, dry Jasmine, dry Parboiled (Converted), White, Long Grain, dry

1/4 C 25.8 1/2 C 19.2 1/2 C 14.5 1/2 C 15.2 1/2 C

9.7 2 T 10.0 2 T 10.6 2 T 12.5

1/2 C 17.1 1/4 C 31.3 1/4 C 31.0 1/2 C 19.5 1/4 C

Red, Long Grain, dry Short Grain/Arborio/ Risotto, dry Sushi, dry Texamati, dry White, Long Grain, cooked Wild, cooked Rye Berries, dry Teff, cooked Wheat Berries, dry Bulgur, cooked Cracked, dry Noodles & Pasta Noodles Buckwheat, dry Egg, cooked Rice (Maifun), dry Soba, dry Somen, cooked Thai Rice, dry Udon, dry Udon, Spelt, dry Pasta DeBoles Jerusalem Artichoke Fettuccini, dry Corn, cooked Macaroni, Protein Enriched, cooked

1/4 C 34.0 1/4 C 42.5 1/4 C 36.5 1/4 C 29.0 1/2 C 21.9 1/2 C 16.0 1/4 C 27.6 1/2 C 21.5 1/4 C 27.0 1/2 C 12.8 1/4 C 24.0

1 oz 16.5
1/2 C 19.2


1/2 C 24.0 1/4 C 35.0 1/4 C 21.2 1/4 C 34.4 1/2 C 21.2 1/4 C 19.1 1/4 C 36.0 1/4 C 37.0

1 oz 1 oz 1/2 C 1 oz 1 oz 1 oz

24.4 17.9 23.4 22.3 18.0 19.1

1 oz 20.0
1/2 C 16.2 1/2 C 20.3

May contain added sugar

Contains added sugar 35



Net Amount Carbs


Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Macaroni, Protein 1/4 C Enriched, dry Quinoa, dry 1 oz 1/2 C Rice, cooked Semolina, Fettuccini, dry 1 oz Semolina, 1/2 C Rigatoni, cooked Semolina, Rigatoni, dry 1 oz Spelt, Whole Grain, Elbows, dry 1 oz Spinach, 1/2 C Spaghetti, cooked Whole Wheat, 1/2 C Macaroni, cooked Whole Wheat, 1/2 C Spaghetti, cooked Rice & Grain Dishes Casbah Couscous Roasted Garlic & Olive Oil, dry 1/4 C 1/4 C Casbah Rice Pilaf, dry Casbah Spanish Pilaf, dry 1/4 C Kashi 7 Whole Grains Pilaf Fiery Fiesta, cooked 1C Moroccan Curry, cooked 1 C 1/2 C Original, cooked Near East Mediterranean Gourmet Meal, Herb, dry 1 oz Taboule Mix, dry 1 oz

15.2 16.2 21.0 21.3 20.2 19.7 17.4 15.5 16.6 15.4

lthough lentils and other legumes are vegetables, they are categorized separately because their protein content is greater. Most legumes also have a higher glycemic impact than the foundation vegetables you initially eat on Atkins. That said, theres a considerable range in Net Carb count among legumes. For example, black soybeans are relatively low in carbs compared to lookalike black beans. In most cases, what we call legumes are dried beans, so fresh lima beans, for example, appear in Vegetables, and dried lima beans are listed below. Bean sprouts also appear in Vegetables. Some legumes go by more than one name, depending upon region, or because different varieties are used in a similar way. Hummus and other bean dips appear in Snacks, and tofu and other soy products in Vegetarian Products.
Net Amount Carbs

31.0 34.0 35.0 33.0 35.0 27.0

19.0 16.0

Adzuki Beans Canned/cooked Dry Baked Beans Vegetarian 1 With Pork 1 Bean Dips (see Snacks) Canned w/ Pork & Tomato Sauce 1

1/4 C

10.1 1/4 C 21.0

1/2 C

21.6 1/2 C 18.3

1/2 C


Black/Turtle Beans Cooked/canned Dry Refried Black-Eyed Peas Cooked/canned Dry Frozen Butter Beans, canned Butter Beans, dry Cannellini Beans Cooked/canned Dry Chickpeas/Garbanzos Cooked/canned Dry Falafel Patty Hummus (see Snacks) Cranberry/Roman Cooked/canned Dry Fava Beans Cooked/canned Dry Great Northern Cooked/canned Dry Kidney Beans Cooked/canned Dry

1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C

6.5 8.0 7.0

6.2 13.0 1/4 C 8.1 1/4 C 6.5 1/4 C 10.0

1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C

7.0 19.0

10.9 1/4 C 15.0 2 oz 18.1

1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C

5.7 11.0

5.6 1/4 C 13.0

1/4 C

10.6 1/4 C 11.0

1/4 C 1/4 C

5.9 8.0

Lentils 1/4 C Black, cooked/canned Brown, cooked/canned 1/4 C 1/4 C Green, dry 1/4 C Red, dry Lima Beans (also see Vegetables) Canned, 1/2 C Seasoned w/ Pork 1 1/4 C Large, cooked/canned 1/4 C Large, dry 1/4 C Small, dry 1/4 C Small, cooked/canned Navy Beans 1/4 C Cooked/canned 1/4 C Dry Peas, Split 1/4 C Green, cooked/canned 1/4 C Green, dry 1/4 C Red, cooked/canned 1/4 C Yellow, dry Pigeon 1/4 C Cooked/canned 1/4 C Dry Pink 1/4 C Cooked/canned 1/4 C Dry Pinto 1/4 C Cooked/canned 1/4 C Dry 1/4 C Refried

4.0 4.0 18.0 20.0

17.0 6.1 19.5 8.0 6.1 10.1 18.9 6.3 17.2 5.1 15.0 7.0 24.5 9.6 8.0 6.4 22.5 6.1

Contains added sugar

Contains added sugar 37


LEGUMES continued

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Soybeans (also see Nuts & Seeds) 1/2 C 1.0 Black, canned Green (Edamame), 1/2 C 3.0 shelled 1/4 C 4.0 White, canned 1/4 C 7.0 White, dry Prepared Dishes Dr. McDougalls Asian Entre, Lentil Curry Pilaf 2.5 oz 44.0 Taste Adventure 3/4 C 22.0 Lentil Chili Tasty Bite Meal Inspirations, 1/2 pkg 24.0 Lentil Magic


igh in protein and fat, nuts and seeds are important Atkins foods, although they should always be consumed in moderation. Although the grams of Net Carbs are usually the same, raw nuts are always more nutritious than roasted nuts. Although most nuts and seeds are high in fiber, moderating the Net Carbs, there is considerable variation in the carb content of various nuts, with macadamias at the low end and chestnuts at the high end. Although not true nuts, soy nuts are also listed below. Scrutinize the labels of nut and seed butters, particularly peanut butter, to avoid those with trans fats and/or added sugars. Also see Baking Ingredients.

Almonds Butter Meal/Flour Paste 1 Slivered, blanched Whole, raw Whole, roasted Brazil Nuts Raw Roasted Cashews Butter Whole, raw Whole, roasted Chestnuts Peeled, dried Raw Steamed or roasted Chia Seeds Coconut Bakers Moist-Packed Angel Flaked 1 Dried, grated Dried, grated, sweetened 1 Fresh, grated Meal/Flour Flaxseeds Meal Whole

2 T 2.7 1/2 C 6.0 1 oz 12.2 2 T 1.3 24 2.7 24 2.2 6 ea 6 ea 2T 2T 2T 1.4 1.4 8.2 7.6 5.1

1 oz 22.2 1 oz 10.6 6 ea 24.1 2 T 1.3

1 oz 2T

9.5 0.7

2 T 4.5 2 T 0.6 1/2 C 16.0

1/2 C


0.9 0.3

Hazelnuts (Filberts) Butter Meal/Flour Nutella 1 Raw Roasted Hemp Seeds Butter Meal/Flour Seeds Macadamia Nuts Butter Raw or roasted Mixed Nuts Dry roasted Oil roasted Peanut Butter Adams Natural Creamy or Crunchy Jif Creamy or Crunchy 1, 2 Simply Peanut Butter, Creamy 1, 2 Peter Pan, Creamy 1, 2 Peter Pan, Crunchy 1, 2 Smuckers Natural, Chunky or Creamy Peanuts Dry roasted Meal/Flour

2 T 2.0 1/4 C 2.0 2 T 21.0 12 ea 1.2 2 T 2.3 2T 2T 2T 2T 10 ea 2T 2T 6.0 0.0 3.3 2.0 1.4 2.8 2.0

2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 1/2 C

4.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.8 4.6

Oil roasted Raw Pecans Butter Raw Roasted Pine Nuts (Pignoli/Pignon) Raw Roasted Pistachios Butter Hulled, raw Hulled, roasted, salted Pumpkin Seeds (Pepitas) Butter Hulled, raw Hulled, roasted Sesame Seeds Black, roasted Butter/Tahini Halvah 1, 2 Meal White, raw Soy Nuts Butter Roasted Sunower Seeds Butter Hulled, raw Hulled, roasted

2T 2T 1 oz 10 ea 1 oz 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T

1.1 1.4 1.1 0.6 1.2 1.6 1.3 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.8 1.2

2 T 2.0 2 T 5.0 1.5 oz 14.0 4 oz 29.5 2 T 2.1 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 1.0 3.0 5.6 2.0 1.5

Contains added sugar

Contains: 1added sugar 2trans fats 39


NUTS & SEEDS continued

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Walnuts Butter Halves, raw or roasted Meal

2T 12 ea 1/2 C

2.0 1.7 2.8


atural fats are integral to Atkins, but try to stay away from cottonseed, corn and soybean oils, as well as vegetable oil. (Read more about fats and oils on the Nutritionists blog at Olive, canola, high-oleic safflower and coconut oil are preferable for cooking, and extra virgin olive oil and walnut, sesame and other nut oils for dressing salads and vegetables. Butter is always preferable to margarine. Avoid fat-free or low-fat versions of mayonnaise and salad dressings, and those made with soybean oil and/or added sugar. Most salad dressings are full of both, but some brands make a line with canola or olive oil and omit added sugar. Listed below are just a few of the many salad dressings. Study the labels of others carefully, keeping in mind that the terms organic and all natural dont mean that a product is necessarily free of added sweeteners, including agave nectar in some Steels dressings. Avoid sweetened or seasoned vinegars. Not recommended

Fats Butter, Stick or Whipped Butter/Margarine Blend 1 Ghee Lard Margarine, Stick 1 Margarine, Whipped 1 Suet Vegetable Shortening Crisco 1 Spectrum Wesson Mayonnaise & Spreads Bestfoods/Hellmans Canola Oil 2 Light Original 2, 3 With Olive Oil 2, 3 Kraft Original 3 Light Reduced Fat w/Olive Oil 2, 3 Miracle Whip Original 2, 3 Light 2, 3 Smart Balance, Omega Plus 2, 3 Spectrum Organic Olive Oil Mayo 2, 3 Canola Oil 3

1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

1 T <1.0 1 T 1.0 1 T 0.0 1 T <1.0 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 0.0 1.3 2.0 2.0 2.3 2.0 1.0 0.0

Oils Canola Coconut Corn Flaxseed Grape Seed Hemp Seed Macadamia Olive Peanut Safower, High Oleic Sesame, Light Sesame, Toasted/Dark Smart Balance 3 Sunower Vegetable Walnut Oil Cooking Spray Canola Oil Coconut Oil Olive Oil Pam 3 Salad Dressings Annies Naturals Balsamic Vinaigrette 2 Buttermilk 3 Caesar Green Goodness Tuscany Italian Contains: 1trans fats

1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

2T 2T 2T 2T 2T

2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0

Drews All Natural Greek Kalamata Olive Lemon Goddess Roasted Garlic & Peppercorn Shiitake Ginger Kraft Creamy Italian 2, 3 Peppercorn Ranch 2, 3 Thousand Island 2, 3 Tuscan House Italian 2, 3 Maple Grove Farms Sugar Free Balsamic Vinaigrette Italian White Balsamic Raspberry Vinaigrette Marie's All Natural Caesar 2, 3 Blue Cheese w/ Bacon 2, 3 Creamy Italian Garlic 2, 3 Jalapeo Ranch 3 Newmans Own Creamy Caesar 2, 3 Parmesan Roasted Garlic 2, 3 Steels All Natural No Sugar Added Ginger Lime 2 Honey Mustard 2 Sesame Ginger 2

1T 1T 1T 1T 2T 2T 2T 2T

3.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 3.0

2 T 1.0 2 T <1.0 2 T 1.0 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0

2T 2T 2T

1.0 2.0 2.0

Contains added sugar

Contains/may contain soybean oil

added sugar

Contains/may contain soybean oil 41



Net Amount Carbs

Walden Farms Sugar Free 2T Creamy Bacon 3 2T Italian 3 2T Ranch 3 2T Thousand Island 3 Wish-Bone 2T Deluxe French 2, 3 2 ea Thousand Island 2, 3 Vinegar Balsamic Champagne Cider Red Wine Rice, Seasoned 2 Rice, Unsweetened Sherry Ume Plum White White Wine

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 6.0

1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1t 1T 1T

2.7 1.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 1.5

are numerous chicken and turkey convenience foods, chicken nuggets and all too many others are chockfull of ingredients best avoided: breading, added sugar, cornstarch and trans fats, as noted below. Many deli products also contain added sugar. Unfortunately, there is often a tradeoff between convenience and carbs. For example, many of the carved roasted and grilled chicken slices and chunks useful for making a quick salad or a stir-fry contain added sugar. Once again, check lists of ingredients carefully. Weights listed below are for cooked poultry without bones. Whether or not the skin is on doesnt impact the carb count of poultry.
Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs


n and of itself, chicken and its kin are nocarb foods, with the exception of the liver. But when poultry is breaded, battered or stuffed, the carb count can climb. Chicken and turkey sausages often contain fillers, and those that include fruit or vegetables are also higher in Net Carbs. Although there

Chicken Breast Capon, Roast Drumstick Ground Leg Liver, Pan Fried Roast Rock Cornish Hen Thighs Wings Deli & Lunch Meats Bologna, sliced 3* Breast, Roasted, sliced 3* Salad 3*

6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 4 oz 6 oz 8 oz 6 oz 6 oz 2 sl 2 sl 1 oz

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0

Precooked Products Breaded Strips 1, 2 Buffalo Wings 1, 2 Burgers 2 Carved Breast Grilled 2 Grilled, Italian Style 2 Meatballs Roasted 2 Roasted Garlic w/ White Wine 2 Roasted, Seasoned 2 Popcorn Chicken 1 Sausages Hot Dog 2 Spicy Jalapeo Sweet Italian 2 With Apple 2 With Roasted Garlic 2 With Spinach & Feta 2 With Sun-Dried Tomato 2 Duck Breast Leg Roasted

Turkey 6 oz 19.0 3 ea 4.0 2 ea 0.0

1/2 C 1/2 C

5 ea
1/2 C 1/2 C

1.0 4.0 0.8 0.0

Bacon 2 Bacon Bits 2 Breast Drumsticks Ground Hot Dog 2 Wings Sausages Breakfast Links 2 Brown N Serve 2 Kielbasa 2 Patties 2 Smoked 2 Smoked, Hot 2 Smoked, Italian 2 Deli & Lunch Meats Bologna,sliced 2 Breast Honey Roasted, sliced 2 Roasted, sliced Smoked, sliced 2 Ham 2 Pastrami 2 Pepperoni 2 Precooked Products Burgers 2 Carved Breast 2 Meatballs, Italian Style

2 oz 1T 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 1 ea 6 oz 2 oz 3 ea 3 oz 2 ea 3 oz 3 oz 3 oz 2 sl 4 oz 3 sl 3 sl 6 oz 6 oz 6 oz 2 ea
1/2 C
1, 2

1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.7 3.2 3.2 0.0 4.0 0.8 0.8 5.0 3.0 6.4 0.0 4.0 5.0

3.0 6 oz 2.0 3 oz 13.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0

1 ea 1 ea 1 link 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea

6 oz 6 oz 6 oz

0.0 0.0 0.0

Other Poultry Goose, Roasted, unstuffed 6 oz Ostrich Top Loin Steak 6 oz Pheasant, Roasted, unstuffed 6 oz

0.0 0.0 0.0

4 ea

Contains added sugar

Contains/may contain soybean oil. *See next page for Poultry.

Breaded or batter dipped

Contains/may contain added sugar and/or rened grains 43



Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

ost sauces and marinades are literally awash in added sugars. Two tablespoons of one leading brand of barbecue sauce contains 16 grams of Net Carbs! Pasta and many other sauces are also full of the sweet stuff. Weve concentrated on products that are Atkins acceptable, some sweetened with sucralose or stevia, and others with sugar alcohols. We have also included a few of representative sugar-filled products for comparison purposes. (Although agave nectar has a lower glycemic impact than table sugar, it is still an added sugar, and is noted as such in some Steels products.) If you toss marinade after marinating foodwhich is the safest approachand pat it dry before cooking it, the impact of any sugar is negligible. You can also use most salad dressings (see page 41) as marinades. Also see Condiments & Seasonings.
Net Amount Carbs

Sauces Alfredo Sauce Bertolli Light Di Giorno Newmans Own 1 Ragu Classic 2 Walden Farms

1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C

2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 0.0

Barbecue Sauce Hallmans Warm & Zesty 1 T 1.0 Smokin Joe Jones Low-Carb 2 T 2.0 2 T 2.5 Steels All Natural 1 Steels All Natural 2 T 4.0 Chipotle 1 Trinity Hill Sweet Chili Sauce & Marinade 3 1 T 3.0 Trinity Hill Zesty 1 T 3.0 Walden Farms Hickory Smoked 2 T 0.0 Thick & Spicy 2 T 0.0 1 t 1.0 Black Bean Sauce (Ka-Me 1) Buffalo Chicken Wing Sauce (Beanos) 1 T 0.0 Chutney Bombay Coriander 1 T 0.0 Major Grey Mango 1 T 12.0 2 T 15.0 Silver Palate Mango 1 Cocktail/Seafood Sauce Farmers 1 T 3.0 Trinity Hill 1 T 3.0 Walden Farms 1 T 0.0 Cranberry Sauce (see Fruit) Enchilada Sauce Las Palmas, 1/4 C 1.0 Hot or Medium 1/4 C 3.0 Ortega, Mild 4 oz 5.0 Casa Corona 1

Fish Sauce Chuns Thai Kitchen 1 Garlic Sauce Pepper Plant Chunky Roland Garlic Chili 1 Hoisin Sauce Ka-Me 1, 2 Steel's All Natural 1 Hollandaise Horseradish Sauce Prepared Cream Style 2 Red (w/ Beets) Hot Sauce La Victoria Sharkeys 1 Tabasco Ketchup (Catsup) Heinz Reduced Sugar Walden Farms Steels All Natural 1 Trinity Hill 3 Peanut Sauce Chuns Dipping Bali Satay 1 Pesto Sauce Piccalilli Pickapeppa

1/2 t

1t 1t 1T 1T 1T 2T 1T 1T 1T 1t 1t 1t 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 2T 1T 1T 1t

0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 2.5 1.6 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.4 1.7 0.1 1.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 8.0 0.6 1.0 1.0

Pasta/Pizza Sauce Contadina Four Cheese 1 Newmans Own Five Cheese 1 Patsys Marinara Prego Marinara Prego Traditional 1 Ragu Old World Style Raos Marinara Sensitive Formula Walden Farms Marinara Garlic & Herb Tomato & Basil Plum Sauce (Wax Orchards Tangy) Salsa (see Snacks) Simmer Sauces Chef Shakir Curry Devya Butter Chicken Devya Channa Masala Simmering Secrets Provenal Tomato & Mushroom Spicy Nothings Spinach Curry, Medium 1 Thai Kitchen Red Curry 1 Sofrito Soy Sauce/Tamari Soy Sauce

1/4 C 1/2 C 1/2 C


11.0 6.0 1/2 C 7.0 1/2 C 10.0 1/4 C 8.0

1/2 C 1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C

2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C 1/4 C

2.0 7.0 6.5 3.0 5.0 2.0 3.5 0.5 1.2

1T 1T

Contains/may contain: 1added sugar 2rened grains 3Contains sugar alcohols 44

Contains/may contain: 1added sugar 2rened grains 3Contains sugar alcohols 45


Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

San-J Tamari 1 1T Seal Sama Chefs Blend 1 Seal Sama Sugar Free 1T Steels All Natural 1T Teriyaki 1 1T Wasabi Teriyaki 1 Trinity Hill Teriyaki 2T Steak Sauce 1T A11 1T Lea & Perrins 1 1T Trinity Hill 3 Sweet N Sour Sauce 1T Chuns 1 1T Steels All Natural 1 Taco Sauce Green 1T Ortega, Mild 1T 1T Pico Pica, Medium 1 Red La Victoria, Medium 1T 1T Old El Paso, Medium 1 Ortega Thick & 1T Smooth, Hot 1 2T Tartar Sauce, Kraft 1 Tomato Sauce, Canned 1/4 C Del Monte 1 1/4 C Muir Glen 1/4 C Red Pack 1t Worcestershire Sauce 1

1.0 4.0 1.0 2.5 2.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 7.0 4.0 0.6 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 4.0 1.0

Marinades A1 Steak House Classic 1 Annies Naturals Organic Baja Lime Mango Cilantro 1 Spicy Ginger 1 Badia Mojo Dichicko's Lemon-Herb Peri-Peri Ginger People Ginger Juice Kikkoman Teriyaki 1 Simcha Classic Balsamic 30 Minute Mesquite 1 Wickers Marinade & Baste

1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1t 1T 1T 1 oz 1T 2T

5.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0

the carb count. We did find some that are 100 percent meat (or soy). On the sweet treat front, just because a cookie contains no added sugar doesnt mean that it contains no white flour, so read ingredient lists carefully. Also see Nuts & Seeds and Atkins & Other Low-Carb Specialty Foods, as well as Crackers on page 16.
Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Savory Snacks
Chips, Crisps & Dippers Dr. Krackers Klassic 3-Seed Snackers 8 ea 12.0 Klassic 3-Seed 1, 2 Pumpkin Seed Cheddar 1, 2 8 ea 10.0 8 ea 11.0 Seedlander 1, 2 Fiber Gourmet Crackers, 1 pkt 10.0 all avors 1, 2 Flackers Flax Seed Crackers Dill 3 ea 1.0 Rosemary 3 ea 2.0 Savory 3 ea 1.0 Tomato & Basil 3 ea 1.0 Genisoy Low-Carb Tortilla Chips 15 ea 8.0 Glennys Soy Crisps 20 ea 9.0 Just the Cheese Cheese Snacks 1/2 oz 1.0 Popped 1/2 oz 1.0 Mini Rounds 1/2 oz 1.0 Snack Bars Kale Chips, Bombay Ranch, various avors 0.9 oz 7.0 Contains: 1white our 2added sugar


ost snack foods are a minefield of added sugars, refined grains and trans fats. (Even most savory dips contain added sugar.) So weve not wasted space on potato chips and the like and instead focused on snacks that meet or come close to Atkins guidelines. (Weve included the occasional unacceptable product for comparison purposes.) Options in crunchy treats were once limited to pork rinds and nuts, but now theres a host of other choices, including baked cheese snacks and kale chips. Jerky, long touted as an ideal Atkins snack, is usually sugar cured, pushing up

Kitchen Table Bakers All Cheese Crisps Aged Parmesan Everything Garlic Black Pepper Herb Original Seed RC Garcia 5-Seed Crackers Onion & Chive Rosemary & Garlic RW Garcia Whole Grain Tortilla Chips Flaxseed & Corn Veggie Terra Chips Sweet Potato Taro Vegetable Original Popcorn Homemade from Kernels Newmans Own Natural Flavor, Microwave PopSecret Pork Rinds

3 ea 3 ea 3 ea 13 ea 13 ea 13 ea

<1.0 1.0 1.0 18.0 18.0 18.0

1 oz 16.0 1 oz 16.0

1 oz 11.0 1 oz 17.0 1 oz 15.0 1 oz 15.0 1 oz 13.0 1C 1C 1C 20 ea 5.3 4.3 3.0 0.0

Pretzels Marys Gone Crackers Wheat Free Whole Grain Pretzel Sticks Chipotle Tomato 15 ea 17.0 Curry 15 ea 17.0 Sea Salt 15 ea 17.0

Contains/may contain added sugar 3Contains sugar alcohols



SNACKS continued

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Rice Cakes Lundberg Whole Grain Organic Wild Rice 1 ea 14.0 Eco-Farmed Brown Rice 1 ea 13.0 Weight Wise Whole Grain Brown Rice w/ Sesame Seeds 1 ea 8.0 Brown Rice w/ Popcorn 1 ea 8.0 Dips Bacon Dips Heluva Good Dip, 2 T 2.0 w/ Horseradish 1, 2 Walden Farms Bacon 2 T 0.0 Bean Dips Arriba! Pinto Bean w/ Chipotle 2 T 4.0 Desert Pepper, White Bean, Medium Hot 2 T 4.0 Guiltless Gourmet Spicy Black Bean 2 T 3.0 Tostitos Zesty Bean & 2 T 3.0 Cheese 1, 2 Cheese Dips El Viajero White Mexican 2 T 1.0 Heluva Good Dip, Sour 2 T 2.0 Cream w/Cheddar 1, 2 Italian Rose Artichoke Cheddar w/ Jalapeo 2 T 2.0 Jarlsberg Red Onion 1 oz 0.0 La Bandarita, Hot 1 T 0.0 Walden Farms Bleu Cheese 2 T 0.0 Contains: 1cornstarch 48

Eggplant Dips Josephs Roasted Baba Ghannouj 2T 1 oz Sabra Roasted 4 Guacamole Mirandas Fresco 2T Wholly Guacamole Pico de Gallo Style 2T Hummus Cedars Artichoke Spinach 2 T Cedar's Sundried Tomato & Basil 2T Josephs Garlic Lovers 2T Pita Pal Spicy Jalapeo 2T Onion Dips 2T Kraft French Onion 2, 3 Walden Farms French Onion 2T Ranch Dips Philadelphia 2T Creamy Ranch 2, 3 Walden Farms 2T Red Pepper Pesto 1/4 C (Cibo Naturals) Tzatziki Cucumber & Garlic Dip, (Josephs) 2T Jerky Cattano Brothers Beef 2 ea Chipper Beef 1 oz Sheltons Turkey 1 oz 1/2 bag Tasty Eats Soy

3.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 0.0

3.0 0.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0

Salsa Desert Pepper 2 Olive Roasted Garlic 2T Green, No Added Sugar 1T La Victoria, Red, No Added Sugar 1T Newmans Own, 2T Chunky Roasted Garlic 2 Old El Paso Thick N Chunky 2 T Wholly Salsa Avocado Verde 2 T Vegetable Spreads Bruschetta DeLallo Diavolo 1/2 C Sun-Dried Tomato Gia Russa Tomato 2T Scarpetta Tomato & Artichoke 2T Caponata (Marco Polo) 1T Tapenade Gaea Smoked Eggplant 2T Meditalia Black or Green Olive 2T Eggplant & Tomato 2T Roasted Red Pepper 2T Sweet Snacks (also see Atkins & Other Low-Carb Specialty Foods) Cookies Enchantment Sugar Free Classic Chocolate Chip 5 1 ea 1 ea Frosty Zesty Lemon 5 Contains: 2added sugar

1.0 0.5 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0

Josephs Sugar-Free Almond 5 Bite Size Pecan Walnut Brownies 5 Chocolate Walnut 5 Lemon 5 Oatmeal 5 Julians Bakery Zero! Sugar Free Cocoa Delight 5 Ginger Spice 5 Strawberry Banana Perfection 5

4 ea 6 ea 4 ea 4 ea 4 ea

7.0 8.0 7.0 9.0 8.0

1 ea 1 ea 1 ea

0.0 0.0 0.0

5.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.0


4.0 4.0

ost processed soups contain added sugars. Others are thickened with white flour and/or cornstarch or another starch. Some contain both added sugar and starches and/or trans fats. A very few have none of these ingredients, and you may want to explore those manufacturers other options. Also watch out for pasta or other grains in vegetable soups. With numerous kinds of soup, weve chosen a few popular types and listed a number of choices for each to show the wide variety in ingredients and range of grams of Net Carbs. Assume that a soup is ready to serve, meaning it need not be diluted with waterthe amount given is 1 cupunless it is noted

added sugar

trans fats

cottonseed oil

sugar alcohol 49

SOUPS continued

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

as condensed. If so, the amount given is a half-cup. If you add milk or cream rather than water to seafood or tomato bisque, be sure to add in those extra carbs. A few soup-in-a-cup options are organized by brand. Amounts given are usually for the mix alone. Tabatchnick soups can be found in the frozen food department.
Net Amount Carbs

Broth/Consomm Beef Broth, canned 1 C 0.0 Beef Broth, cube 1 ea 0.6 Beef Consomm, canned 1 C 1.8 Chicken Broth, canned 1 C 0.3 Chicken Broth, cube 1 ea 1.1 Chicken Consomm, canned 1 C 0.0 Vegetable Broth, canned 1 C 3.0 Vegetable Broth, cube 1 ea 1.1 Clam Chowder Manhattan Style Bookbinders, 1/2 C 9.0 Condensed 1, 2 1 C 8.0 Dominiques 1 1 C 15.0 Progresso 1, 4 New England Style Campbells Chunky, 1 C 18.0 Healthy Request 1, 4 Gordons, Condensed 2, 4 1/2 C 11.0 1 C 17.0 Snows 1, 2, 4 Contains: 1added sugar 50

Green/Split Pea Amys Organic 1C Campbells Chunky, Healthy Request, w/ Ham 2 1 C Colavita 1C 1C Health Valley Organic 1, 2 1C Imagine Organic 1, 2 Tabatchnick 1 pkt Mushroom Campbells Golden 1/2 C Mushroom 1, 2, 4 Health Valley Organic 1C Mushroom Barley 1, 2 Imagine Organic 1C Creamy Portobello 2 Tabatchnick Barley & Mushroom 1 pkt Seafood Bisque Bookbinder's, Condensed 1/2 C Crab 2 1/2 C Lobster 2 1/2 C Shrimp 2 Gordons Chesapeake 1/2 C Lobster, Condensed 2 Gordons Down East Lobster, Condensed 1, 2, 3 1/2 C 1C Natural Sea Lobster 1 Pacic Naturals 1C Lobster Bisque1, 2 Tomato Bisque 1C Amys Organic Chunky 1

13.0 19.0 15.0 15.0 19.0 18.0

9.0 14.0 8.0 13.0

10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 15.0 19.0

Campbells 1/2 C Condensed 1, 2 1C Select Harvest, Zesty 1, 2 Imagine Organic Fire 1C Roasted Tomato 1 Pacic Naturals Hearty 1C Tomato 1, 2, 3 Vegetable Campbell's Chunky, Healthy Request, Savory 1, 2 1 C 1C Dr. McDougalls 2 1C Health Valley Organic 1, 2 Progresso Vegetable 1C Classics 1, 2 Tabatchnick 1 pkt Vegetable Beef Campbells Chunky Beef w/ Country 1C Vegetables 1, 2 Healthy Request, Vegetable 1/2 cup Beef, Condensed 2 Health Valley Rich & Hearty 1C Healthy Choice 1C Vegetable Beef 1, 2 Progresso Traditional 1C Beef & Vegetable 1, 2 Soup in a Cup Health Valley Organic Split Pea, w/ Carrots 2 Tomato Bisque 1 Contains: 1added sugar

22.0 18.0 22.0 15.0

20.0 9.0 16.0 12.0 16.0

Healthy Choice in a Cup 1 C 18.0 Chicken Tortilla 1, 2 Hearty Vegetable 1 C 26.0 Barley 1, 2, 4 1 C 22.0 Traditional Lentil 1, 2 Lipton Soup in a Cup 1 env 17.0 Broccoli Cheese 1, 2 1 env 12.0 Spicy Thai Chicken 1, 3 1 env 11.0 Spring Vegetable 1, 2 Nile Spice 1.9 oz 24.0 Black Bean 1 Chicken Vegetable 1, 2 1.0 oz 19.0 1.8 oz 23.0 Lentil 2


19.0 12.0 13.0 20.0 16.0

2.3 oz 18.0 1 C 14.0 added starch or our

here are now numerous sugar substitutes on the market. Some of those listed below also appear in Baking Ingredients, where the amounts are geared to cooking rather than single servings, as they are here. There are also numerous alternatives to conventional jams, jellies and preserves. They are sweetened with sucralose, sugar alcohol or even luo han guo, a natural noncaloric sweetener made from monk fruit. (Agave nectar, which is used in Steels products, is also an added sugar although it has a lower glycemic impact than table sugar.) Most brands of preserves and

added starch or our

trans fats

soybean or vegetable oil

trans fats

soybean or vegetable oil 51


Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

spreads have considerably more flavors than those listed. Some products contain fruit flavors but no actual fruit. Maple flavored syrup products are listed below, but youll find an array of fruit flavored and other syrups in Desserts.
Net Amount Carbs

Sweeteners Sugar Brown, packed Maple Powdered, unsifted White Other Sweeteners Batey Natural Light (stevia & turbinado sugar) 2 Equal (aspartame) Equal (sucralose) Equal (saccharin) Fasweet (saccharin), liquid Fructevia (fructose & stevia) 2 Ideal (xylitol & sucralose) 1 NatraTaste Gold (sucralose) NatureSweet Brown Crystals (maltitol) 1 NatureSweet Crystals (maltitol) 1 Nectresse (luo han guo, sugar & sugar alcohol) 1, 2 Contains: sugar alcohols 52
1 2

1t 1t 1t 1t

4.5 2.7 2.5 4.2

1 pkt 1 pkt 1 pkt 1 pkt 1/8 t 1t 1t 1 pkt 1t 1t 1 pkt

1.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2 1.5 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0

Pure Via (stevia) Splenda (sucralose) Splenda Sugar Blend 2 NuStevia (stevia & erythritol) 1 Sugar Twin, Brown (saccharin) SweetLeaf (stevia) Sweet & Slender (fructose & luo han guo) 2 Sweet N Low (saccharin) Sweet N Low, Brown (saccharin) Sweetmate (saccharin & sugar) 2 Sweet Simplicity (fructose & erythritol) 1, 2 Truvia (stevia) Whey Low Brown (fructose & other sugars) 2 Xylitol 1 Zsweet (erythritol) 1 Spreads Conventional Spreads Apple Butter 2 Fruit Preserves 2 Grape Jelly 2 Reduced Sugar 2 Low-Carb Spreads Dickensons Sugar Free Preserves, Strawberry

1 pkt 1 pkt 1t 1t 1 pkt 1 pkt

1/4 t 1 pkt 1/10 t

0.0 1.0 4.8 4.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 6.0 1.0 4.0 0.0 0.0

1 pkt 1 pkt 1 pkt 1t 1t 1 pkt

1 T 7.0 1 T 13.5 1 T 12.9 1 T 6.0



Fifty50 Low Glycemic Fruit Spreads, Sugar Free 1T Apricot 1 1T Blackberry 1 1T Strawberry 1 1T Grape 1 1T Orange Marmalade 1 1T Raspberry 1 Hero Sugar Free Swiss Preserves Black Cherry 1T Raspberry 1T Strawberry 1T La Nuba Low Carb Fruit Spreads 1T Blueberry 1 1T Cherry 1 1T Four Fruits 1 Polaner Sugar Free w/ Fiber Apricot 1T Concord Grape 1T Grape 1T Peach 1T Seedless Blackberry 1T Seedless Raspberry 1T Strawberry 1T Smuckers Sugar Free Preserves 1T Apricot 1 1T Boysenberry 1 1T Orange Marmalade 1 1T Seedless Blackberry 1 1T Strawberry 1 Contains: 1sugar alcohols

1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

Steels Fruit Spreads Agave Red Raspberry 2 Agave Strawberry 2 Agave Wild Blueberry 2 Walden Farms Fruit Spreads Apricot Apple Butter Blueberry Grape Orange Raspberry Strawberry

1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T 1T

2.5 3.0 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Syrups Chocolate Syrups (see page 28) Corn Syrup 1T Fruit Syrups (see page 28) Honey 1T Molasses 1T Pancake Syrup Alis All Natural Sugar Free 2 1T Maple 1T Maple-Flavored 2 1T Maple, Reduced Calorie 1, 2 1T Smuckers Sugar Free Breakfast Syrup 1 1T Steels Maple Flavor Syrup 1 3T Walden Farms Pancake Syrup 1 1/4 C Smart Sweet Xylitol Honey 1 1T Steels Honey Flavor Spread 1 1 T

16.9 17.4 15.0 0.0 13.4 13.9 6.5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

added sugar

added sugar 53


Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

egetables are essential to the Atkins Diet. Many of them can be eaten either raw or cooked, so we provide carb counts both ways. For those that must be cooked, we often provide Net Carb counts both ways to help you in planning meals. A comparable amount of raw and cooked vegetables almost always yields a different carb count because cooking breaks down the fibers, decreasing the volume. Four cups of raw spinach might yield a quarter cup of cooked spinach, but a vegetable like carrots wont shrink as much in cooking. The carb count is also impacted by whether a vegetable is sliced or dicedhalf a cup of the former will typically have a lower carb count than the latter. Mashing further compresses vegetables, usually raising the carb count for a comparable amount. Check the list of ingredients in creamed or other frozen or prepared vegetables dishes to find hidden carbs from added sugars, flour and other ingredients.
Net Amount Carbs

Foundation Vegetables Alfalfa Sprouts (see Sprouts, below) Artichoke Hearts, canned 1 ea 1/2 C Hearts, frozen Hearts, marinated 4 ea Medium, steamed 1 ea

1.0 2.7 4.0 4.0

Arugula, raw Asparagus Canned Fresh, steamed Frozen, steamed White, cooked Avocado Florida Hass Bamboo Shoots, sliced, canned Beans Fava, steamed Green, raw Green, steamed Haricots Verts, frozen Yellow Wax, canned Yellow Wax, raw Beet Greens, steamed Bok Choy (Pak Choy) Raw Steamed, sliced Broccoli Florets, fresh, steamed Florets, raw Frozen, chopped, steamed Broccoli Rabe Raw, chopped Steamed

1C 4 ea 6 ea 1/2 C 1/2 C
1/2 ea 1/2 ea

0.4 0.7 1.9 0.3 1.5 3.6 1.3 1.0 12.1 2.1 2.9 1.5 2.0 1.3 1.8 0.3 0.4 1.8 0.8 2.2 0.1 0.8

3 oz
1/2 C 1/2 C 1/2 C 1/2 C 1/2 C 1/2 C 1/2 C

1 oz
1/2 C 1/2 C 1/2 C 1/2 C 1/2 C

5 oz

Broccoower, steamed 1/2 C Broccolini, fresh, steamed 3 ea Brussels Sprouts, steamed 1/2 C Cabbage Chinese, raw, shredded 1/2 C Chinese, steamed, 1/2 C shredded Green/White, 1/2 C raw, shredded 1/2 C Green/White, steamed 1/2 C Napa, raw 1/2 C Napa, steamed 1/2 C Red, raw, shredded Red, steamed, shredded 1/2 C 1/2 C Savoy, raw, shredded Savoy, steamed, 1/2 C shredded 1/2 C Cardoon, steamed Cauliower 1/2 C Florets, frozen 1/2 C Florets, raw 1/2 C Steamed, chopped Celery Raw 1 stalk 1/2 C Steamed, diced Celery Root (Celeriac) 1/2 C Raw, grated 1/2 C Steamed, diced 1/2 C Chard, Swiss, steamed 1/2 C Chayote, steamed

1.0 1.9 3.5 0.4 0.7 1.1 2.7 0.3 0.4 1.8 3.3 1.1 1.9 2.1 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.0 1.8 5.8 3.6 1.8 1.8

Chicory Greens 1/2 C Raw 1/2 C Steamed Collard Greens, steamed 1C Coleslaw w/ Dressing, 1/2 C deli style 1 1/2 ea Cucumber, medium, raw 1/2 C Cucumber, raw, sliced Daikon (see Radishes, below) Dandelion Greens, 1/2 C steamed Eggplant 1/2 C Chinese, broiled 1/2 C Italian, broiled 1/2 C Japanese, cooked 1/2 C Endive, raw 1/2 C Endive, braised Escarole 1/2 C Raw, chopped 1/2 C Steamed Fennel 1/2 C Raw Cooked 1/2 bulb Garlic Minced 2T Raw 1 clove Roasted 1 clove Jicama Cooked, sliced 2 oz 1/2 C Raw, chopped

0.1 0.1 2.0 6.6 4.7 1.6

1.8 2.3 2.3 2.3 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 1.8 2.5 5.3 0.9 0.9 5.0 2.6

Contains added sugar 55


VEGETABLES continued

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Kale 1/2 C Raw, chopped 1/2 C Steamed 1/2 C Kohlrabi, steamed Leeks Cooked, chopped 4 oz 1/2 C Raw, chopped Lettuce Boston or Bibb, raw, chopped 1C Iceberg, raw, shredded 1C Mesclun (Mixed Salad Greens), raw 1C Romaine, raw, shredded 1C Romaine Hearts, raw 1C Mung Beans (see Sprouts, below) Mushrooms 1/4 C Button, cooked 1/2 C Button, raw, sliced 1/2 C Chanterelle, fresh 1/2 C Cremini, Brown 1/2 C Enoki (Straw), fresh Portobello, cooked 4 oz Shiitake, cooked, sliced 1/4 C Mustard Greens, steamed 1/2 C Nopales (Cactus Pads), cooked 1/2 C Okra 1/2 C Cooked Pickled 2 ea

3.0 2.4 4.6 7.5 5.5

0.6 1.3 2.0 0.6 1.0

2.4 0.8 0.8 1.6 1.7 2.6 1.0 0.1 1.0 1.8 1.0

Olives Black, canned 5 ea Black, oil cured 5 ea Black, salt cured 5 ea Green, almond stuffed 5 ea Green, canned 5 ea Green, garlic stuffed 5 ea Green, pimento stuffed 5 ea Onions 1/4 C Cooked, chopped Pearl, cooked, chopped 1/2 C 2/3 C Pearl, frozen Red, raw, chopped 2T White, raw, chopped 2T 1/2 C White, raw, chopped 1/2 C Vidalia, raw, chopped Palm, Hearts of, canned 1 ea Parsley (see Condiments & Seasonings) Snow/Snap Peas in Pod Cooked 4 oz 1/2 C Fresh, chopped Peppers, Bell Green, chopped, cooked 1/4 C 1/2 C Green, chopped, raw 1/4 C Red, chopped, cooked 1/2 C Red, chopped, raw Peppers, Chile (also see Condiments & Seasonings) Banana, fresh 2 oz

0.7 0.7 0.7 2.5 0.1 5.0 0.1 4.3 9.2 5.0 1.5 1.5 6.1 6.1 0.7

2.7 2.4 1.6 2.2 1.6 3.0


Jalapeo, fresh Pumpkin Canned, mashed Canned Pumpkin Pie Mix 1 Cooked, mashed Radicchio, raw Radish Black Daikon, raw, 7-in Daikon, grated Daikon, sliced, cooked Red/White, raw Rhubarb (see Fruit) Sauerkraut, drained Scallions, raw Scallions, cooked Shallots, raw, chopped Sorrel Greens, steamed Spaghetti Squash, baked Spinach Baby Creamed, frozen Fresh, steamed, chopped Frozen, steamed Raw, chopped Sprouts Alfalfa, raw Mung Bean, raw Sunower Seed, raw

1 ea
1/2 C 1/3 C 1/2 C

0.5 6.4

17.0 4.7 1/2 C 0.7

1/2 C 1/4 ea 1/2 C 1/2 C 10 ea 1/2 C 1/2 C 1/2 C

1.3 2.1 1.4 0.7 1.6 1.2 2.4 5.5 3.4 0.2 2.0 0.7 2.0 1.2 1.0 0.4 0.0 2.2 1.0

1/2 C 1/4 C 1/2 C 1/2 C 1/2 C 1/2 C

1/2 C 1/2 C

1 oz

Summer Squash 1/2 C Patty Pan, steamed 1/2 C Yellow, raw, sliced Yellow, steamed, sliced 1/2 C Zucchini, raw, chopped 1/2 C Zucchini, steamed, sliced 1/2 C 1/2 C Taro Leaves, steamed 1/2 C Tomatillo, fresh, chopped Tomatoes Cherry/Grape 10 ea 1/4 C Cooked Green (unripe), chopped 1/2 C Plum or Roma 1 ea 1/4" sl Slice Small 1 ea Sun-Dried, in oil 5 pieces Yellow 1 sm Tomato Products (also see Sauces & Marinades) 1/4 C Canned, diced, in juice Canned, whole, in juice 1/2 C Paste, canned 2T Pure, canned 2T 1/2 C Stewed, canned Turnips White, steamed, cubed 1/2 C White, steamed, mashed 1/2 C Turnip Greens 1/2 C Frozen, cooked 1/2 C Fresh, steamed

1.5 1.3 2.6 1.4 1.5 1.5 2.6 4.6 4.3 3.6 1.7 0.7 2.5 2.6 1.9

2.0 3.6 4.9 2.2 6.6 2.4 3.5 1.3 0.6

Contains added sugar 57


VEGETABLES continued

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Water Chestnuts, canned, sliced Watercress, raw, chopped Starchy Vegetables Beets Steamed, sliced Canned, drained Burdock Root, steamed Carrots Fresh, steamed, sliced Frozen, sliced Raw Raw, shredded Cassava (Yuca) Cooked, mashed Corn Canned Canned, Cream Style Kernels Cut from Cob On the Cob Jerusalem Artichoke Cooked, diced Raw Parsnips, steamed, sliced Peas Fresh, shelled Frozen Potato Baked w/ Skin

1/4 C 1/2 C

3.4 0.1

1/2 C

6.8 1/2 C 4.3 1/2 C 12.1

1/2 C 1/2 C

1 med 1/2 C
1/2 C 1/2 C

4.1 3.0 4.1 3.7 37.4

14.9 1/2 C 21.7 1/2 C 12.6 1 med 19.6

1/2 C

13.8 1/2 C 11.9 1/2 C 10.2

1/2 C 1/2 C 1/2 sm

6.8 7.0 13.1

French Fries, frozen 2 10 ea 1/2 C Hash Browns, frozen 2 Hash Brown 2 ea Toaster Patties 1 Mashed from Flakes, 1/2 C prepared 2 Scalloped, from Mix 1, 3 1/2 C 1/2 C Steamed, diced 1/2 C Steamed, mashed Rutabaga 1/2 C Cooked, cubed 1/2 C Cooked, mashed Winter Squash 1/2 C Acorn, baked, cubed 1/2 C Acorn, baked, mashed Butternut, baked, cubed 1/2 C Butternut, 1/2 C steamed, mashed Hubbard, 1/2 C steamed, mashed 1/2 C Turban, baked Sweet Potato 1/2 med Baked 1/2 C Candied 1 1/2 C Steamed, cubed 1/2 C Steamed, mashed Taro, cooked, sliced 1/2 C Yams, canned, mashed 1/2 C Yautia (Arracache), sliced, cooked 1/2 C


Net Amount Carbs

22.3 10.2 15.1 10.6 10.9 14.2 15.2 5.9 8.3 10.4 7.6 7.5 8.5 4.2 4.0 9.9 28.9 14.3 17.4 19.5 24.6 26.2

e recommend vegetarians begin Atkins in Phase 2 so they can start with a higher number of daily grams of Net Carbs. That makes it easier to get enough vegetable protein. This section deals only with protein substitutes for animal products. Hundreds of other foods suitable for vegetarians are included in Nuts & Seeds, Legumes, Vegetables and other categories. The following list includes foods from several of the major brands that specialize in vegetarian products. Some items, like tofu, are very low in carbs, but the numbers can jump when an item has been marinated in certain sauces or seasoning. Also, some vegetarian products contain ingredients youre better off avoiding, particularly added sugar, starches and soybean or vegetable oil. Most tempeh products include grains in addition to soybeans, making them unsuitable for the two earlier phases of Atkins.
Net Amount Carbs

Naked Chikn Cutlet Turky Burger 2 Turky Roast 2 Seitan Upton Naturals Crumbles Beef Style 2 Chorizo Style 2 Italian Sausage Style 2 WestSoy Organic Chicken Style 2 Cubed 2 Ground 2 Strips 2 Shiritaki Soy Noodles Tempeh Lifeline Organic Flax 2 Garden Veggie 2 Soy 2 Three Grain 2 Marinated Cubes Tempeh-tations Classic BBQ 1, 2 Ginger Teriyaki 1, 2 Zesty Lemon 1 WestSoy Five Grain 2 Plain Soy 2

1 ea 1 ea 4 oz

3.0 4.0 5.0

2 oz 2 oz 2 oz
1/3 C 1/3 C 1/3 C 1/3 C 1/2 C

7.0 7.0 7.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0

4 oz 4 oz 4 oz 4 oz

5.0 3.0 4.0 7.0

Eggplant Burgers (Dominex) 1, 3 Quorn Chikn Tenders 2 Classic Burger 1, 2 Garlic & Herb Breaded Chikn Cutlet 1, 2, 3, 4

1 ea


3 oz 1 ea

5.0 3.0

3 oz 12.0 3 oz 13.0 3 oz 4.0 2.7 oz 10.0 2.7 oz 6.0


1 ea 19.0

May contain added sugar 2May contain trans fats 3Contains rened grains

Contains: 1added sugar 2grains and/or starches 3soybean/vegetableoil

breading 59



Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs


Tempeh & Tofu Bacon Lightlife Tempeh Fakin Bacon Strips 1, 2 Lightlife Soy Smart 1, 2 Morningstar Farms 2, 3 Yves Meatless Canadian Bacon 1, 2 Tofu Extra Firm Firm Regular Silken, Firm Silken, Soft Tofu, Baked WestSoy Organic Asian Teriyaki 1 Italian Garlic Herb 1, 2 Mexican Jalapeo Roma Tomato Basil 1 Thai Sesame Peanut 1 Zesty Lemon Pepper 1 White Wave Italian Roma Tomato Basil 1 Thai Wild Wood Organics SprouTofu Aloha 1 Royal Thai 1

3 ea 6.0 1 sl <1.0 2 ea 1.5 3 sl 1.0

4 oz 4 oz 4 oz 4 oz 4 oz

1.5 1.7 1.8 2.6 3.2

2 oz 2 oz 2 oz 2 oz 2 oz 2 oz 2 oz 2 oz 2 oz

2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 0.0

Savory Teriyaki Tofu Hot Dogs Lightlife Tofu Pups 1, 2 Morningstar Farms 1, 2 Yves Veggie Cuisine 1, 2 Tofu Sausage Lightlife Gimme Lean 1, 2 Smart Sausages, Chorizo Style 2, 3 Italian Style 1, 2, 3 Morningstar Farms Breakfast Patties 1, 2, 3 Hot & Spicy 2 Tofurky Beer "Brats" 2 Kielbasa 2 Veggie Burgers Dr. Praegers 2 Franklin Farms Original 1, 2 Gardenburger Original 1, 2 Lightlife Veggie Protein 1, 2 Morningstar Farms Grillers Original 1, 2 Spicy Black Bean 1, 2 Veggie Cheese Galaxy Nutritional Foods Cheddar Shreds 2

3 oz 2.0 3 oz 10.0 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1.0 2.0 2.0

2 oz 1 link 1 link 1 ea 1 ea 3.5 oz 3.5 oz

4.0 4.0 6.0 1.8 2.4 3.0 4.0

Cheddar Slices 2 Mozzarella Shreds 2 Swiss Slices 2 Parmesan, Grated Veggie Crumbles Lightlife Smart Ground Beef, Original 1 Tofurky Chorizo Style Tofurky Ground Beef Style Veggie Luncheon Meats Lightlife Smart Deli Baked Ham 1, 2 Chick'n Style Strips 2 Pepperoni 1, 2 Roast Turkey 2, 3 Wings, Buffalo 1, 2 Wings, Honey BBQ 1, 2 Bologna Tofurky Deli Slices Bologna 4 Oven Roasted 2 Peppered 2 Pepperoni 4 Roast Beef 2

1 sl
1/3 C

1 sl 2t

3.0 3.0 2.0 1.0

1/3 C 1/3 C 1/3 C

3.0 1.0 4.0

1 ea 9.0 1 ea 7.0 1 ea 13.4 1 ea 14.0 1 ea 1 ea 2.6 8.6

4 sl 3.0 3 oz 4.0 13 sl 1.0 4 sl 3.0 4 ea 2.0 4 ea 12.0 4 sl 3.0 3 sl 5 sl 5 sl 8 sl 5 sl 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 4.0

3 oz 10.0 3 oz 12.0

1 oz


Veggie Meatballs Gardenburger Mama Mia 1, 2 5 ea 3 oz Morningstar Farms 1, 2 See footnotes on page 60.

3.3 5.0

lthough high-carb items dominate the menu, most fast food and casual dining chain restaurants do offer some Atkinsfriendly choices. This may involve ditching the white flour bun for a naked burger a regular Big Whopper logs in at 51 grams of Net Carbs, compared to 3 minus the bun. At some burger places, you can order your burger wrapped in lettuce leaves. Opt for grilled, broiled, roasted or broastedchicken that is neither battered nor breaded. Most chain restaurants offer detailed nutritional data online. Some allow you to subtract the bun and/or various condiments and immediately see the nutritional impact. The new Atkins Mobile App includes a dining out guide with a restaurant finder that enables you to find menu items within your selected Net Carb range. Here are a few acceptable options at 14 national chains, but they should give you an idea of what other chains also offer. No matter where you dine, watch out for salad dressings, which may be full of sugar or corn syrup. Your best bets are usually vinaigrette, blue cheese or buttermilk ranch dressing. Sauces may also include added sugar and/or white flour, cornstarch or other refined grains. Weve omitted pizza chains from the listings because other than baked chicken wings with Buffalo sauce, their offerings are inherently high in carbs. Starbucks beverages are listed on page 13.

Contains: 1added sugar 2grains and/or starches 3soybean/vegetableoil 4breading 60



Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Net Amount Carbs

Applebees Classic Wings w/ Classic Buffalo Sauce Appetizer New York Strip Steak w/o sides Seasonal Berry & Spinach Salad Shrimp 'N Parmesan Sirloin Steak & Grilled Shrimp Combo w/o sides Topper of Grilled Onions Topper of Sauted Garlic Mushrooms Arbys Grand Turkey Club w/o roll Ham, Egg & Cheese w/o biscuit Roast Beef Sandwich w/o roll Roast Chopped Farmhouse Salad w/ Buttermilk Ranch Dressing Sausage, Egg & Cheese w/o biscuit

1 serv


12 oz <1.0 1 serv 1 serv 1 serv 1 serv 1 serv 1 serv 1 serv 1 serv 9.0 5.0 2.0 5.0 3.0 9.0 5.0 1.0

Chicken Gumbo Cream of Broccoli & Cheese Soup Peppercorn Dressing Tuna Salad Yankee Pot Roast Burger King BK Broiler Chicken Breast Patty Whopper Patty Carls Jr. Blue Cheese Dressing Low-Carb Charbroiled Chicken Club w/o bun Charbroiled Chicken Salad w/o croutons Chicken Stars House Dressing Low-Carb Six-Dollar Burger (in lettuce leaves) Famous Star Burger Cheese w/o bun Chick-Fil-A Chargrilled Chicken Garden Salad Southwest Chargrilled Salad Chilis Chicken Enchilada Soup

1 serv 11.0 1 serv 13.0 3/4 oz 1.0 1 serv 3.0 1 serv 10.0

1 ea 1 ea

4.0 0.0

Classic Sirloin Grilled Chicken Salad Grilled Salmon w/ Garlic & Herbs Margarita Grilled Chicken Monterey Chicken Southwest Chicken & Sausage Soup Spicy Garlic & Lime Grilled Shrimp

1 serv 7.0 1 serv 18.0 1 serv 0.0 1 serv 4.0 1 serv 11.0 1 C 12.0 1 serv 4.0

Grilled Asparagus Grilled Shrimp Grilled Norwegian Salmon Outback Special Steak Seared Ahi Tuna Subway Big Philly Cheesesteak Salad Chipotle Steak & Cheese Salad Double Chicken Salad Steak & Bacon Melt Salad Black Forest Ham Salad TGI Fridays Bacon & Bleu Sirloin Ginger-Lime Slaw Grilled Chicken Cobb Salad Grilled Salmon w/ Longostino Lobster Tomato Mozzarella Salad Wendys Bacon Portobello Melt w/o bun Garden Sensations BLT Salad Son of Baconator w/o bun Ultimate Chicken Grill w/o bun

1 serv 1 serv 1 serv 6 oz 1 serv

1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 5.0

1 serv 12.0 1 serv 11.0 1 serv 6.0 1 serv 12.0 1 serv 8.0

2 oz 1 serv

1.0 6.0

Hardees Low Carb Thickburger, 1/3 lb 8.0 in Lettuce Low Carb Charbroiled Chicken Club, in Lettuce 1 serv 12.0 KFC Grilled Chicken, Breast or Thighs 1 ea Creamy Ranch Dipping Sauce 2 T

1 serv 14.0 4 ea 12.0 2 oz 3.0 1 serv 1 serv 8.0 8.0

1 serv 1 serv

6.0 5.0

0.0 1.0

1 serv 10.0 1 serv 1 serv 5.0 4.0

1 serv 1 serv

9.0 3.0

Blimpies Beef Stew 1 serv 16.0 Blue Cheese Dressing 1.5 oz 1.0 Buffalo Chicken Salad 1 serv 6.0 Buttermilk Ranch Dressing 1.5 oz 1.0 Chicken Caesar Salad 1 serv 3.0

1 serv


McDonalds Chicken Fillet 1 serv 2.0 Hamburger Patty 1 ea 0.0 Premium Bacon Ranch Salad w/ Grilled Chicken 1 serv 10.0 Premium Caesar Salad w/ Grilled Chicken 1 serv 10.0 Outback Steakhouse Classic Wedge Blue Cheese Salad Entre

1 serv


1 serv 13.0 1 C 12.0

1 lge 10.0 1 serv 4.0 1 serv 6.0

1 serv 14.0





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