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eLearning Bootcamp Module

Care of the Client with CHF

All Students use this PP file for instructions first and second week

Course Outline:
1. Signs and symptoms of CHF
2. Assessment Principles
3. Target Populations
a. Adults
b. Pediatrics
c. Geriatrics
4. Medications – Effects and side effects
5. Action potential of medications
a. In the heart
b. In the lungs
c. In the kidneys
6. Medication Administration

Learning Activity Videos:

1. Congestive Heart Failure
2. Signs and Symptoms CHF PowerPoint
3. CHF Patho
4. CHF management/patho
5. Picture of infant with Congenital Heart Defect
6. Women and Heart disease #1 & 2
7. Guest lecture ACEi/ARB combination or monotherapy video discussion -for pts with
renal disease
8. Diuretic Action on the Kidney
9. Medications Administration

1. Week one and two Quiz CHF
2. Marnie’s Document

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