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Lesson 6











__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

All of the words in this lesson are

ar words. The letters ar in each
of them sounds like the ar in
part and art.

Practice! Rewrite your list words in the spaces below.
















Synonyms: Synonyms are words which mean the same or almost the
same. For example: little small, pretty beautiful, wealthy rich.
Find synonyms from the list words to match the words below, and write
them in the blanks.
painter - _________________ baggage - _____________________
warning - _________________ map -


dangerous - _______________ neck warmer - _________________

swamp - __________________

Suffixes: A suffix is an ending that can be added to words in order to

create new words.
Add the suffixes shown below to create new words.
charm + ed - __________ hard + en - __________ harm + ed - ___________
+ ing ____________

+ er - ____________

+ ful - __________

+ er - ___________

+ ly - ____________

+ ing - __________

What suffixes (endings) did you add? Write them in the space below,
as well as any more that you can think of.

Use the clues to find the list words and write them in the blanks.
a) Words that contain the word art:
______________, ______________, ______________
b) Words that contain a three letter words which names a part of
the body: _______________, ______________
c) Words that contains a word which is something you can drive:
______________, ______________
Complete the following story by filling in the blanks with the proper
words from the list.









___________ on the television when an __________ began to beep on

her super sleuth watch. The message read: A very rare, beautiful, silk
____________ has been stolen from the citys ____________ mayor
while she was aboard the ____________ ship, the S.S. Britannica.
Sandra remembered that the mayor had just been given a beautiful
scarf as a gift from a famous, visiting _____________.


grabbed her hat, a ____________ of the harbor, and ran for the door.
At docks where the cargo ships park, Sandra noticed that the water
wasnt clean. This looks more like a _____________ than an ocean,
she said quietly to herself. Just then, she saw a ____________ that
looked as though it was sick. I wonder if one of the ships is leaking its
________________ chemicals into the water. Hmmm, I will have to
come back to this! I have a scarf to find! No sooner had she said
these words, when another message flashed across her watch, False

alarm. The mayors scarf has been found. Great, Sandra exclaimed,
Now I can solve the mystery of the leaky ship! And off she went.

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