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Pathologies of the stomatognathic system



generic or unspecific stomatognathic system, including the mouth, teeth, jaws and pharynx affect our whole system mouth without leaving a number of sequels and physical and psychological disorders in the lives of those affected. All the pathologies of this system are linked to key parts for our lives; there are the importances of reading this document that will leave impressed and eager to care for their stomatognathic system.


ankylosis is bony fusion, fibrous or cartilaginous surfaces that form the joint: the temporal fossa-condyle. Ankylosis may occur in the growth phase or after completion of this, affecting jaw function and facial aesthetics sometimes. The damage that can occur in this disease are not just functional or aesthetic, but also psychological.


Cleft lip and palate develop in the early stage of pregnancy when the sides of the lip and palate do not fuse together as they should. A child can have cleft lip, cleft palate or both. Cleft lip and cleft palate together are more common in boys than in girls. It is also important to know that most babies born with a cleft are otherwise healthy with no other birth abnormalities.


Gingivitis isa form of periodontal disease that occurs cuandouna inflamacine infeccindestruyen the supporting tissue of the teeth, including the gingiva (gums), the periodontal ligaments Ylos tooth sockets (alveolar bone). Swollen gums hurt, swell and bleed easily. Gingivitis is a very common ailment and can occur at any time after the development of dentition.


Periodontitis (gum disease) occurs when gingivitis spreads structures supporting the teeth, is one of the main causes of loosening of teeth in adults and is the leading in the elderly.

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