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Evaluation Ben Snellgrove Thea Stallwood

The transformation between our two videos wasnt as good as we hoped. The colours we used on our actors were good as they matched, allowing us to easily fade the videos together. However, we failed to match up the background images, and therefore you can easily see the cut between the two. The characters we used went well together if we could have maybe perfected the transformation between them. Using similar colour clothes on the characters allowed a potential better fade between the two, which we unfortunately werent able to complete. If I was to do this film again, I would definitely try to make sure that the background of the characters matched to allow the videos to flow into oneanother. With our original video, we were able to do this, along with the character switch. In conclusion, if I was to do this video again, I would try to make sure that the transformation between the two videos was perfect, to allow them to be in sync with eachother.

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