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com Digestive System (B)

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Match the digestive part with its correct description / function. Write the letter before the number.

A. Pancreas E. Gullet or Esophagus I. Teeth
B. Salivary Glands F. Large Intestines J. Gall Bladder
C. Small Intestines G. Stomach K. Tongue
D. Liver H. Peristalsis

_________ 1. This is where the final digestion, more digestive juices are added to
breakdown food further. Our blood then carries the digested food substances
to different parts of the body.
_________ 2. This pushes the food to the teeth for better chewing.
_________ 3. This tube connects the mouth to the stomach.
_________ 4. Produces bile that is necessary for the breakdown of fats.
_________ 5. Undigested food moves here and most water is removed from food. The
undigested food is then passed out of the body as waste through an opening
in the anus.
________ 6. Food is grinded to smaller bits and pieces for easier swallowing.
________ 7. A series of muscle contractions that squeezes the food down to the stomach.
________ 8. This chemically digests food and makes it into simple sugar for pliable, soft
and easy swallowing.
________ 9. This crushes the food and mixes it with digestive juices. After 2-4 hours, food
looks like a "thick soup." This also releases acid to kill the germs in food
and to digest complex proteins into simple proteins.
________ 10. Stores bile and releases it to breakdown fatty foods. - Gall Bladder
_________ 11. Produces and releases enzymes like insulin for regulating blood sugar. Digestive System (B)
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Answer Key:
1. C 6. I 11. A
2. K 7. H
3. E 8. B
4. D 9. G
5. F 10. J

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