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Fill in the blanks-
1. Heterotrophs are classified based on their_______ habits.
(eating )
2. __________ is an example of Saprophagous animals.
3. ___________ animals obtain food and shelter from host.
4. The process of taking in food is called _________.
5. The process of utilization of absorbed nutrients is called ____________
Fill in the blanks-
1. The teeth , which are in front and used for biting, are ___________.
2. Tongue identifies tastes with the help of __________________.
(taste buds)
3. The ________ teeth are replaced by _______ set of teeth.
(milk ; permanent)
4. _____________ is the hardest substance in our body.
Answer in one word-
1. This is digested in the mouth ______________
2. This increases the surface area of intestine for absorption________
3. The digestive juice secreted by liver cells-___________
4. The acid secreted in the stomach _____________
(hydrochloric acid)
5. The grass eating animals ______________
Practice time
Tick the correct answer :
1. The largest gland in the human body is
(a) Adrenal gland (b) Pituitary gland
(c) Pancreas (d) Liver
2. Breakdown of complex insoluble organic compounds into simple soluble
molecules is
(a) Digestion (b) Absorption
(c) Assimilation (d) Egestion
3. This organ in humans begins with mouth and ends with anus
(a) Stomach (b) Alimentary canal
(c) Foodpipe (d) Oesophagus
Practice time
Tick the correct answer :
4. Pseudopodia help in the ingestion of food in
(a) Amoeba (b) Earthworm
(c) Paramecium (d) Snake
5. Digestion of food inside the food vacuole occurs in
(a) Hydra (b) Cockroach
(c) Amoeba (d) Birds
6. In humans, the teeth used for tearing are
(a) Molars (b) Premolars
(c) Incisors (d) Canines
Practice time
Match the columns
Column A Column B
1. Proteins(a) food vacuole
2. Starch (b) hydrochloric acid
3. Gall bladder (c) amino acids
4. Amoeba (d) ruminant
5. Cow (e) mouth
6. Stomach (f) bile juice

1(c) 2(e) 3(f)

4( a) 5(d) 6( b)
Practice time
Very short answer type questions:
1. Which digestive enzyme is present in saliva? What is its role?
Ans- Salivary amylase. It digests starch into maltose.
2. Which teeth have broad and flat surface? What is their function?
Ans- Premolars and Molars. They are used for grinding and chewing the
3. Name the digestive juice secreted by the pancreas.
Ans- Pancreatic juice
4. Name the two organs where absorption of digested food takes place.
Ans- Small intestine and large intestine
Practice time
Very short answer type questions:
5. Which part of stomach in ruminants temporarily stores partially chewed food?
Ans- Rumen
6. What is cud??
Ans- The partially digested food which is taken back into the mouth from
stomach for re-chewing by the ruminants is called cud.
7. Why is cellulose not digested in man?
Ans – Because the caecum , where cellulose is digested, is reduced and non-
functional in man, and also cellulose digesting bacteria are absent in it.
Short answer type questions
1. How does amoeba capture food?
Amoeba captures food by pushing finger – like pseudopodia around the
food and engulfing it.

2. What is the role hydrochloric acid in the stomach?

Hydrochloric acids kills bacteria that enter in our stomach along with food
and water.
It also makes food acidic for the action of digestive enzymes secreted by
gastric glands.
Short answer type questions:

3(a)Which movements are produced in the wall of alimentary canal?

• Peristaltic movements.

• (B) How they are produced?

• They are produced by a series of contraction and relaxation of muscles of
alimentary canal.

• (C) What is their role in digestion?

• These movements help the food move along and churn the food into a fine
paste to mix well with the digestive juices.
Short answer type questions:

4. How does bile juice help in digestion of food?

Bile juice makes the food alkaline and helps in the digestion of fat by
5(a). Why are cows and buffaloes called ruminants?
Because the part of their stomach is called as rumen is specialized to store
half chewed food.
5(b) .Where does digestion of cellulose takes place?
In Caecum.
Short answer type questions:
6. Name the parts of the ruminant stomach. Which of these represents the true
• Rumen , Reticulum , Omasum and Abomasum are the parts of a ruminant
• Abomasum is the true stomach.

7. What are Saprophagous animals? Give their examples.

• Animals that eat dead and decaying matter of plants and animals present in
the soil are called Saprophagous animals e.g. Earthworms.
Short answer type questions:
8. What is assimilation? How are different nutrients assimilated?
• Assimilation is utilization of absorbed nutrients by the body cells for energy
and synthesis of new substances.
Different nutrients are assimilated in following ways-
• Glucose is used to release energy in the cells.
• Amino acids are used to build new substances for the cells.
• Fats are stored in the fatty tissues in various parts of the body.
9. How is cellulose digested in ruminants?
• In ruminants, cellulose is digested with the help of cellulose- digesting bacteria
which are found in the caecum part of their Alimentary canal.
E. Long answer type questions
1. List the steps involved in the process of nutrition. Explain them with reference to amoeba.
Answer- Steps involved in the process of nutrition are- ingestion, digestion,
absorption, assimilation and egestion.
Ingestion- Amoeba pushes finger- like pseudopodia around its food and engulfs it.
Digestion- the engulfed food is digested inside the food vacuole.
Absorption – the digested food diffuses into the surrounding cytoplasm.
Assimilation- the absorbed food is used for energy, growth and repair.
Egestion- the undigested food is expelled from the body surface at any point.
E. Long answer type questions
2. Define digestion. Describe role of saliva, bile juice and pancreatic juice in
Answer- Digestion is the process of breaking down food into simple soluble
molecules by the action of digestive enzymes.
 Role of saliva in digestion- saliva moistens the food and makes the chewed food
slippery for easy swallowing. It contains enzyme salivary amylase which digests
starch into maltose.
 Role of bile juice in digestion- it makes the food alkaline and helps in the
digestion of fats.
 Role of pancreatic juice in digestion- it helps in the digestion of proteins and
E. Long answer type questions
3. (a) What happens to the following during digestion?
i) Starch ii) proteins iii) fat
Answer- i) Starch is converted into maltose which in turn changes into glucose.
ii) Proteins breaks into amino acids
iii) Fats break into fatty acids and glycerol.
3. (b) What is the fate of these nutrients after digestion?
Answer- The nutrients in their simpler forms are absorbed by small intestine and are passed to
all the cells of body through blood. Inside the cells , they are assimilated for the following
ii) Glucose is used as fuel for getting energy.
iii) Amino acids are used for building new living material for growth or repair of cells.
iv) Fatty acids and glycerol are stored as fat in the fatty tissue of various parts of the body.
E. Long answer type questions
4. Give functions of stomach.
Answer - Stomach has following functions:-It churns food into fine paste called Chyme and
mixes the digestive juices with it.
It secretes hydrochloric acid which kills bacteria that come along with food and makes the food
acidic for the action of enzymes.
The chemical digestion of proteins starts in the stomach.

5. How is small intestine best adapted for absorption of digested food?

Answer – The lining of small intestine is very thin which allows rapid entry of substances. Its
inner wall contains numerous finger-like projections called villi which increase the surface area of
intestine to about five times for the absorption of digested food. The villi are richly supplied with
blood vessels to carry away absorbed nutrients.
E. Long answer type questions
6. How many types of teeth are found in man? What are their functions? How would you
take care of your teeth?
Answer – Four different types of teeth are found in man. These are :
(a) Incisors for biting the food
(b) Canines for tearing the food
(c) Premolars and
(d) Molars for grinding and chewing the food
Care of teeth can be taken by:
 Avoiding sticky and starchy foods, sweets, ice creams, etc.
 Brushing teeth twice a day.
 Rinsing mouth after eating food and massaging teeth
 Eating raw food such as carrot, radish, fruits for self cleaning of teeth.
E. Long answer type questions
6(a) Label the parts 1-10 of human digestive system shown in the diagram.

1. Salivary gland
2. Buccal cavity
3. Liver
4. Stomach
5. Pancreas
6. Caecum
7. Small intestine
8. Large intestine
9. Rectum Human digestive system
10. Anus
E. Long answer type questions
6(b) Write the functions of parts labelled 2, 4, 5 and 8 in the diagram.
 Functions of Buccal cavity- In this part, food is chewed and masticated by teeth into a fine
paste. It is moistened and starch is converted into maltose with the help of saliva.
 Functions of stomach- It churns food into a fine paste called Chyme. It mixes hydrochloric
acid and digestive juice to the food. Food is partially digested in the stomach.
 Functions of pancreas- It releases the pancreatic juice which helps in the digestion of
carbohydrates, fat and proteins.
 Functions of large intestine- It absorbs water and salts from undigested food.
F . HOTS Questions
1. The caecum is well –developed in herbivores but not in man. Why?
Answer – In herbivores, caecum contains cellulose digesting bacteria. These bacteria are not
found in the caecum of man. Hence, it is nonfunctional and is not well developed.

2. Why does a piece of chapatti taste sweeter after it is chewed for some time?
Answer – It is because the enzyme, salivary amylase in saliva changes starch of chapatti
into maltose which is sweet in taste.
Thank you

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