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Amelia Carver, Carolina Menezes, Debora Leal, Julia Musso, Juliette Wanyiri, Lucas Torres


So Jos dos Campos, SP Population: 4000-5000 inhabitants Main characeristics: rural zoning most of the housing is illegal due to density zoning most of the houses are not connected to a sewage system most families fit C, D and E classes rapidly moving towards urbanisation

Most of the houses in Bairro dos Freitas are not connected to a sewage treatment system. These houses usually dump their waste in unlined pit latrines or directly in the river. Untreated sewage can lead to soil and water contamination which in turn can contribute to the spreading of diseases and ecological distress.

How can we improve the sanitation situation in Bairro dos Freitas?

We chose to direct our efforts into designing a blackwater treatment system for an NGO in Bairro dos Freitas which is preoccupied with the irregular growth of the community and is striving to be a reference in sustainability and set an example to the residents of the area. Our hope is that the our project will be used as a demonstration of alternative methods of sewage treatment that can serve as inspiration for community members to rethink their current sanitation situation and consider implementing a scaled/adapted version of our design in their homes.

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