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Curso de Turismo


Prof Marco Ocke

Pag 1

Curso de Turismo



MEIOS DE TRANSPORTE ............................................................. 3 LOCALIZAO ............................................................................. 5 RESTAURANTE ............................................................................. 7 ADJETIVOS DESCRITIVOS............................................................ 9 COMPARATIVOS E SUPERLATIVOS ........................................... 11 FORMAS DE PAGAMENTO ......................................................... 15 ADJETIVOS QUANTITATIVOS..................................................... 17 VERBOS MODAIS ........................................................................ 19

Pag 2

Means of Transportation
A- Leia o itinerrio abaixo e circule os meios de transporte mencionados. Day 1 Depart at Heathrow Airport. Day2 Arrive in Amsterdam. Day 3 Take the shuttle bus to Visit the Grand Palace. Day 4 Cross the border by train to Wineland; explore in the afternoon. Day 5 Take the boat down the river to Isbruck, then a short bus journey to Venice; afternoon sightseeing in Bantey Bay on a sailboat. Day 6 Early morning ferry ride to Lugano Lake Day 7 Fly to Vientiane, in the capital. Day 8 Morning mini van journey to Rome. Day 9 Road trip to Maggiore, a wonderful sight. Day 10 Early morning flight over Mount Phytom to see the sunrise Day 11 Speedboat trip to Park Beng. Day 12 Another boat trip to cross the Mekong back into Maggiore. Day 13 Fly to Paris in the morning. Night flight to London. Day 14 Arrive Heathrow Airport. B- Nomeie os pargrafos de 1 a 4 com os meios de transporte apropriados e em seguida faa uma lista com as principais caractersticas de cada um.

Car Traveling - Air Transport - Rail Transportation - Water Transportation

1-_____________________________ is by far the most effective transport mode. Notably because of prices, only 12.5% of the tourists travel by plane. It has revolutionized the geographical aspect of distances; the most remote areas can now be attained, any journey around the world can be measured in terms of hours of traveling. With jets that can reach up to 1950 km/hr, international tourism is no longer an ongoing adventure. Businesspeople are among the biggest users of airline facilities.

2- -_____________________________ is usually an independent mean of transport. The driver decides where, when and how he is going to get to a destination. It is the only transportation mode that does not require transfers, in the sense that the whole journey, from door to door can be achieved without even stopping. It is the dominant mode in the world tourism (77% of all

Pag 3










independence, etc. Tourists will often rent vehicles to journey within their destinations.

3- _____________________________ is mainly concentrated towards short journeys of about a week. Cruising has become a significant tourist industry; big cruisers are like floating resorts where guests can enjoy luxury and entertainment while moving towards their multiple destination. The principal geographic locations of the main cruise lines are the Caribbean, the Mediterranean and South China/Pacific Ocean. This industry is characterized by a high level of market concentration with a few companies, such as Carnival and Princess.

4- _____________________________ is also another option, it was the dominant form of mass public transport before the car age in the developed economies, and still remains the main travel mode in less developed economies. Even if trains are very fast, the network is not too flexible, pre-established routes have to be followed. The railway network usually reflects more the commercial needs of the national economy then the holiday tourist flow which can make it a second choice as a traveling mode. The railway systems of several countries, notably in Europe, have seen massive investments for long-distance routes and high-speed engines.

Pag 4

Location of Places

At the airport
A: Excuse-me, where is the duty free shop? B: Its on the third floor A: On the third floor? B: Yes, its in the middle of the hall; its across from the bank. A: Thanks

As preposies de localizao so:


A: I need to go to Rental Car. How do I get there? B: The Rental Car? Let me see. Go straight for two blocks and turn right. Walk to the traffic light. Then, turn left and walk until you get to the post office, turn left again. The Rental Car is on the corner. You cant miss it. A: Thanks.

Word List Asking and Giving Directions

How do I get to ...? What's the best way to ...? Where is ...? Go straight on (until you come to ...). Turn back./Go back. Turn left/right (into ...-street). Go along .... Cross ... Take the first/second road on the left/right It's on the left/right. straight on opposite near next to between at the end (of) (just) around the corner traffic lights crossroads, junction

Pag 5

1- What's the best way to the post office? Fiil in the gaps.(Use the map for orientation.)

turn right / turn left / across from / go straight

Excuse me, where is the post office, please? ___________ at the next corner. Then _____________ until you come to the traffic lights. ___________there. The post office is ___________the cinema.

2- Fill in the words below correctly. (Use the map for orientation.) continue, end, excuse, get, left (2x), opposite from, right, second, straight on, thank, turn, welcome

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

________ me, how do I ____ to the cinema? Go ____________. Turn _______ at the corner. Then take the _______ road on your _______. ________ to the ______ of the road. _______ left there. The cinema is on your ______, ______ the castle. ________ you very much. You're __________.

Pag 6

At the restaurant
Conversation 1 Going out for dinner! Sandy: Say, do you want to go out for dinner tonight? Bob: Sure. Where would you like to go? Sandy: Well, what do you think of Indian food? Bob: I love it, but Im not really in the mood for it today. Sandy: Yeah. Im not either. Its a bit spicy. Bob: How do you like Japanese food? Sandy: Oh, I like it a lot. Bob: I do too and I know a nice Japanese restaurant near here. Its called Kazan. Sandy: Great, Ive always wanted to go there. Bob: Awesome! Lets go. 1- Where are Sandy and Bob going for dinner? a- Indian Restaurant b- Japanese Restaurant 2- Does Bob enjoy Indian food? a- Yes, he loves it. b- No, he prefers Japanese food. 3- What does Sandy think of Indian food? a- She thinks its healthy. b- She thinks its spicy. Conversation 2 Ordering a Meal Waiter: May I take your order? Customer: Yes. Id like a hamburger and a large order of French fries, please. Waiter: All right. And would you like a salad? Customer: Yes. Ill have a mixed green salad. Waiter: Ok. What kind of dressing would you like? We have tomato, Italian and French. Customer: Italian, please. Waiter: Would you like anything else? Customer: Yes. Id like a large soda, please. Grammar Focus & Expressions What would you like to eat? Id like a hamburger Ill have a small salad. What kind of dressing would you like? Id like Italian, please. Ill have French. What would you like to drink? Id like large soda. Ill have coffee. Would you like anything else? Yes, please. Id like some water. No, thank you. That will be all. Pag 7

Complete this conversation. Waitress: What _________ you like to order? Customer: I _________ have the fried chicken. Waitress: ___________ you like rice or potatoes? Customer: Potatoes, please. Waitress: Ok, and what will you ___________ to drink? Customer: I _________ have a large coke. Waitress: Would you ___________ anything else? Customer: No, thats all.

appetizers and openers (antepastos e entradas) soups (sopas) salads (salads) main course / main dish ( prato principal) side order / side dish (acompanhamentos) sauces / dressing (molho) desserts (sobremesas) beverages (bebidas)

oil and garlic sauce juice mixed nuts fruit salad chicken turkey

seafood salad beans vegetables soup tonic water rice consomm

peanuts fish ice cream tomato sauce French fries sparkling water

soda pork chicken salad red wine bchamel sauce beer

potato salad dry tomato onion soup baked potato steak pie




main course

side order




Pag 8

ADJECTIVES Adjetivos so usados para descrever nomes ou pronomes. Eles acrescentam novas idias a eles. Costumamos dizer que o adjetivo modifica o significado do nome ou do pronome. Observe os exemplos: 1234menina bonita beautiful girl uma casa bonita e confortvel a big and comfortable house Naes Unidas United Nations Fundo Monetrio Nacional (FMI) International Monetary Fund

Regra: Como voc pode perceber, em ingls, o adjetivo vem antes do substantivo. BE CAREFUL

Adjetivos no tm forma singular ou plural nem masculino ou feminino. Adjetivos se mantm invariveis. Nunca adicione S no final de um adjetivo. NOT: difficults books

Adjetivos tambm podem ser aplicados no final das frases para descrever um substantivo. Example: My doctor is excellent.

No use o adjetivo depois de um substantivo. NOT: an apple red

1) Escolha a melhor traduo para: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) medium-sized businesses underdeveloped countries healthy and prosperous industry Communist countries cultural barriers new demand basic procedures ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) barreiras culturais ) nova demanda ) pases comunistas ) negcios de mdio porte ) pases subdesenvolvidos ) procedimentos bsicos ) indstria salubre e prspera

2) Qual seria a melhor traduo para: a) b) c) d) e) foreign culture specialized training new jobs unsatisfactory results socio-political dimension -

Pag 9

Colocao adjetiva Para descrever um substantivo com mais de um adjetivo, deve-se obedecer seguinte ordem: 1. Opinion Example: an interesting book, a boring lecture 2. Dimension Example: a big apple, a thin wallet 3. Age Example: a new car, a modern building, an ancient ruin 4. Shape Example: a square box, an oval mask, a round ball 5. Color Example: a pink hat, a blue book, a black coat 6. Origin Example: some Italian shoes, a Canadian town, an American car 7. Material Example: a wooden box, a woolen sweater, a plastic toy A wonderful old Italian clock. (opinion - age - origin) A big square blue box. (dimension - shape - color) A disgusting pink plastic ornament. (opinion - color - material) Some slim new French trousers. (dimension - age - origin)

NOTA: No se aplica mais de trs adjetivos antes de um substantivo

Exerccio Coloque os adjetivos em ordem de acordo com a tabela acima: book interesting - small Spanish picture modern - ugly rectangular opinion old - boring American apple ripe - green delicious house beautiful - modern small

Pag 10


COMPARATIVES 1. De modo geral, para adjetivos curtos, com uma ou duas slaba, acrescenta-se er ao adjetivo. Exemplos: cold - colder (mais frio). old - older (mais velho). warm warmer ( mais quente). cheap cheaper ( mais barato). 2. Para comparar dois substantivos acrescenta-se er ao adjetivo mais a palavra than (que/do que). Exemplos: cold - colder than (mais frio que/do que). Ex: New York is colder than San Diego. old - older than (mais velho que/do que). Ex: This hotel is older than the museum. warm warmer than (mais quente que/do que). Ex: Today the water is warmer than yesterday. cheap cheaper than (mais barato que/do que). Ex: Going abroad is cheaper than traveling in Brazil. 3. Para adjetivos monosslabos e disslabos que terminam em y, troca-se o y por ier. Exemplos: heavy heavier (mais pesado) noisy noisier (mais barulhento) 2. Para adjetivos longos, com trs ou mais slabas, usa-se more antes do adjetivo. Exemplos: Expensive - more expensive (mais caro). Living in the city is more expensive than living in the country. Comfortable- more comfortable (mais confortvel). You car is Nice, but my car is more comfortable. NOTA: Alguns adjetivos modificam-se quando formam o comparativo. Good - better than (melhor que/do que) / Bad worse than (pior que/do que)

Pag 11

Use os comparativos nas frases abaixo seguindo os exemplos: Exemplo 1: The restaurant is big but the conference room is bigger. a) The Royal Hotel is good but the Regency Hotel is ________________. b) The luxury suite is comfortable but the duplex suite is ___________________. c) The double room is cheap but the single room is _______________________. d) The lounge is beautiful but the garden is _____________________________. e) The restaurant is expensive but the cocktail bar is ______________________. Exemplo 2: The meeting room is smaller than the conference room. (small) a) The lobby is ____________________ the restaurant. (large) b) The Brazilian coast is _____________________ the Australian coast. (beautiful) c) Air travel is much ___________________ road travel. (fast) d) Our staff is _________________ any other in this region. (good) e) The mini-van is _________________ the station wagon. (bad) SUPERLATIVES 1. Em geral, para adjetivos curtos, com no mximo duas slabas, use primeiro the e acrescente est ao adjetivo. Exemplos: cheap - the cheapest (o mais barato) small the smallest ( o menor) 2. Quando o adjetivo monosslabo ou disslabo e termina em y, mude a terminao para iest. Exemplos: dirty the dirtiest (o mais sujo) ugly the ugliest (o mais feio) 2. Para adjetivos longos, com trs ou mais slabas, voc deve usar primeiro the most seguido do substantivo. Exemplos: beautiful the most beautiful ( o mais bonito) interesting the most interesting (o mais interessante)

Pag 12

NOTA: good and bad tambm mudam no superlativo. good (bom) - the best (o/a melhor) bad (mau) - the worst (o/a pior) 1) Use o superlativo, seguindo o modelo: Exemplo: The church is very old. Its the oldest building in town. a) Money is important, but its not ________________________ thing in life. b) Ibis is an expensive hotel, but Mercury is _________________________ hotel in So Paulo. c) The film was very bad. I think its _________________________ film Ive ever seen. d) Ronaldinho is a very good player. He was elected _________________ player in the world. e) English is an easy language. Its ____________________ language for me. 2) Escolha a alternativa correta: 1- Papyrus was used _____________________ than paper. a) early b) earlier c) more early d) earlier

2- Shes sure the __________________ girl in town. a) prettiest b) prettier c) pretty d) most pretty

3- Today his mother is _________________ than usually. a) sad b) more sad c) sadder d) saddest

4- Today my sister is __________________ person in the world. a) happier b) the most happy c) happiest d) the happiest

5- Helen is _______________________ of all those people. a) the most generous generous 6- Dogs are ___________________ animals that I know. a) the more faithful b) the most faithful c) most faithful d) more faithful b) most generous c) the more generous d) more

Pag 13


The Coldest and the Windiest

Antarctica is the most southern continent in the world. It is like nowhere else on earth. It is much larger than Europe, and nearly twice the size of Australia. It is an icy plateau with the South Pole at its center. Antarctica is the coldest and the windiest place in the world, even colder and windier than the North Pole. In the summer, the sun shines for twenty four hours a day, but in the winter its completely dark for about three months. Very few plants grow there, but there is some wildlife, including whales, seals, and penguins. Today, a few scientists work in Antarctica, but they only spend fairly short periods there. Many scientists in Antarctica are studying the ozone layer. The ozone layer is getting thinner and thinner worldwide. The biggest hole is over Antarctica, where the weather is getting warmer. Scientists think that this cold and lonely place can teach us a lot about the earth and how to keep it safe.

1- Assinale Verdadeiro ou falso:

A Europa menor que a Antrtica. O Plo Norte o lugar mais frio e tambm o lugar onde h mais ventos no mundo. Na Antrtica, nunca escurece no vero. H alguns animais na Antrtica, mas poucas plantas. O clima est ficando cada vez mais frio na Antrtica.

2- Identifique no texto os adjetivos que esto na forma comparativa.

3- Identifique no texto os adjetivos que esto na forma superlativa.

Pag 14


Escolha o local apropriado onde ocorrem as conversa (a-d) listadas abaixo. Travel Agency / Bar / Currency Exchange / Hotel

a- __________________________ A I'd like to change some Canadian dollars. Is the exchange rate the same as yesterday? B Yes, it is. A: And whats the commission? B: It's two per cent. A: OK, can I change two hundred dollars, please?

b- _______________________ C Good morning. I 'd like to settle my bill now. D Yes, sir. How would you like to pay? C Do you take travelers checks? D I'm afraid not. We only take credit cards or cash. C Ill pay by credit card, then. Is Visa OK? D Visa is fine. What's your room number? c- ___________________________ E Can we have the bill, please? F Yes, thats 27.50 altogether. E OK. Here's fifty. Sorry, I don't have anything smaller. F No problem. E Can I have a receipt, please? F Sure. Here's your change, and your receipt. d- ______________________ G So, the total price is 1,500 - that includes flights, hotel vouchers, and insurance. H Thats fine. G I need to take a ten per cent deposit now. H OK, here's my credit card.

Pag 15

Complete as definies (1-10) com os vocbulos abaixo. Todas as palavras esto presentes nos dilogos do exerccio 3.
cash credit card travelers check bill change receipt commission Insurance deposit

exchange rate

1 The _________________is extra money that you pay for a service. 2 A _________________ is a piece of paper that shows how much you must pay. 3 A _______________ is a sum of money which is the first payment for something. 4 ________________ is money in the form of notes or coins. 5 ________________ is money you pay to protect yourself against something bad happening. 6 A ________________ is a piece of paper that shows how much you have paid. 7 A __________________ is a check you can exchange for foreign money. 8 A _________________ is a plastic card you can use to pay for things 9 _________________ is the money you get back if you pay more than something costs. 10 The _________________ is the value of one currency compared to another.

Who says these things, the customer (C) or the person (P) serving them? Write C or P next to each statement. 1 Can I have a receipt, please? 2 How would you like to pay? 3 Can you tell me the exchange rate for Canadian dollars? 4 Do you take traveler's checks? 5 Here's your change, and your receipt. 6 We only take credit cards or cash. 7 Can we have the bill, please? 8 I need to take a ten per cent deposit. 9 Can I change two hundred dollars, please? 10 Thats 27.50 altogether. 11 The total price is 1,500. 12 And what's the commission? 13 Is Visa OK?

Pag 16

MUCH, MANY, (a) FEW, (a) LITTLE Os adjetivos quantitativos so formas usadas antes de substantivos. Importante, porm, o fato da diferena entre substantivos contveis e incontveis. So adjetivos quantitativos usados apenas antes de substantivos contveis no plural: MANY muitos, muitas FEW / A FEW - poucos, poucas SOME alguns, algumas Ex: many friends / many people / few cars / a few countries. Expresses: a lot of, plenty of, a great deal of, a good deal of, a lot of. So adjetivos quantitativos usados apenas antes de substantivos incontveis no plural: MUCH muito, muita LITTLE pouco, pouca A LITTLE um pouco Ex: much time / much luck / little money / a little time. Expresses: a lot of, plenty of, a great deal of, a good deal of OBS: * So considerados incontveis no singular os seguintes substantivos: NEWS (notcia, notcias; INFORMATION (informao); ADVICE (conselho); FURNITURE (moblia); PROGRESS (progresso); knowledge(conhecimento); TIME(tempo); MONEY(dinheiro). Complete as frases utilizando much ou many. 1- We must hurry. We dont have _____________ time. 2- I didnt take ___________ photos when I was on holiday. 3- _____________ people do not like flying. 4- Shes very quiet. She doesnt talk _____________. 5- Tom has taken ___________ trips by bus. Complete as frases utilizando a little ou a few. 1- We dont have any money, but Tom has _____________. 2- Ive traveled ___________ years ago. 3- This city is small and _____________ tourists come here. 4- She doesnt speak much English. Only _____________ words. 5- Would you like more coffee? Yeah, but just ___________, please.

Pag 17


I hate my hometown. For one thing, there are too many cars, and there is too much smog, especially at rush hour. The air pollution is terrible. This problem is particularly bad downtown in the business district. Too many people drive their cars to work. I think there should be more police officers at busy intersections. They could stop traffic jams. We also need fewer parking garages downtown. The city spends too much money building them. Its easy to park, so too many people drive to work. On the other hand, the city doesnt spend much money on public transportation. There arent enough subway lines, and the train system needs a lot of improvements.

1- Transcreva os adjetivos quantitativos presentes no texto.

2- Por que o autor detesta sua cidade natal?

3- Por que o autor contra a construo de garagens no centro da cidade?

4- Como o sistema de transporte pblico nesta cidade?

Pag 18


Can, could e may (forma mais polida/formal) podem ser usados para fazer um pedido, solicitar alguma coisa ou pedir permisso para fazer alguma coisa. Ex: Can I leave five minutes earlier today? May I come in? Could you help me with this box? Could you say that again? Can I use your cell phone?

1) Could you repeat that? 2) Could you close the door? 3) Can I have some beer? 4) May I go to the bathroom? 5) Can I leave a message? 6) Can we schedule a meeting for Friday? 7) Could we pay in one lump sum? 8) Could you forward the report to me? 9) May I have another piece of cake?

( ( ( ( (

) Posso sentar aqui? ) Posso anotar seu pedido? ) Posso comer mais um pedao de bolo? ) Seria possvel efetuar um pagto. nico? ) Poderia fechar a porta?

( (

)Voc poderia me encaminhar o relatrio? ) Poderia abrir a porta, por favor?

( 1 ) Poderia repetir? ( ) Posso ir ao banheiro? ) Posso falar com a Chris, por favor? ) Posso tomar um pouco de cerveja? ) Posso deixar um recado? ) Poderia me passar o controle? ) Posso fazer uma pergunta? ) Poderia esperar um momento? ) Podemos marcar uma reunio p/ sexta?

10) May I please have the remote control? ( 11) May I take your order? 12) May I ask a question? 13) Can I sit here? 14) Could you open the door, please? 15) Can I speak to Chris, please? 16) Could you wait a moment, please? ( ( ( ( ( (

Pag 19


Presente Passado Indica Can Could Capacidade Habilidade May Must Have to Might Had to

Traduo Exemplos Poder Joe can drive a car Joe could drive a car It may snow tomorrow You must follow the law You have to vote when you are 16 You should study more You ought to study more Joe lives in England He should speak English He ought to speak English

Probabilidade Poder Dever (obrigatrio) Dever

Should Should Conselho Ought to Ought to Concluso lgica

Dever Deveria

Junto s frases seguintes, escreva o nmero correspondente idia indicada pelo verbo modal na lista: Lista 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Obrigao/necessidade Recomendao/conselho/sugesto Possibilidade/impossibilidade Concluso lgica/suposio Probabilidade Probabilidade mais remota Capacidade/incapacidade - habilidade/inabilidade Permisso mais formal Permisso mais informal You should take a taxi or a bus, sir. You may get there on time if you leave three hours earlier. You can get an iron by dialing 7 on the dial of your room telephone. Can I help you? I, sorry, maam, unfortunately I cant help you now. Yes, we can make arrangements for that. May I help you? You have to take a bus three hours before your flight. You must dial the housekeepers office number. Could you wait a moment, please? Computers cant think. If you leave now, you may catch your plane on time. If you leave now, you might catch your plane on time. The housekeeper took your shirt 5 min. ago. She must be ironing it now. You cant be serious. You must be joking! The housekeeper may get an iron for you. The Laundromat might still be open now. John has been living in Greece for 10 years. He must speak Greek well now.

________ a. ________ b. ________ c. ________ d. ________ e. ________ f. ________ g. ________ h. ________ i. ________ j. ________ k. ________ l. ________ m. ________ n. ________ o. ________ p. ________ q. ________ r. ________ s.

Pag 20

Visiting New York: Tourist tips A: What should people do to make their visit to New York City safe and pleasant? B: I think the biggest mistake people make is to try to do too much in a short time. Theres so much to see and do that you need to have a plan. Its best to start planning before you get here. So, you have information about hotels, restaurants, sightseeing and so on. Visitors can use our website to get the information to start planning before they come here.

A: How safe is New York city to tourists? B: New York is a much safer place than many people think, but id doesnt mean that people have to be careful. Tourists in New York ought to be careful just like in any big city in the world. For students, I would say to travel in groups. If you get lost, it is easier as a group to find your way. You really shouldnt go out on your own, you should find someone to go with you. Another thing to remember is: dont be afraid to ask for directions. Even if your English isnt perfect. people usually stop to ask for directions, and it is not only foreign people, Americans visitors also find their way around. You will find New Yorkers very friendly.

A: Is there any other advice you can give visitors? B: Another thing to remember is not to leave anything valuable in your car if you have one. You shouldnt leave suitcases on the backseat. New York is an wonderful city, tourists can see fantastic musicals, take a walk at central park, enjoy Italian and Chinese food, go shopping at the fabulous department stores. All I can say is that most people have a great time when they come to New York.

1- Identifique os modals que indicam sugesto /conselhos/ possibilidade.

2- O que o turista deve fazer antes de chegar a Nova Iorque?

3- O que a entrevistada diz com relao segurana em Nova Iorque?

4- Quais atividades os turistas podem fazer em Nova Iorque?

Pag 21

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