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Script development

By:Hemal, Gledi and Ravi

A good synopsis is made when its written in present tense and describes what the audience will see on the big screen, for example it wouldn'tt be written like Romeo falls deeply in love with Juliet instant it would be written like Romeo sees Juliet. The writer checks the key element of the script which should be in the place also which major event should happen at the most effective stages of the story.

Common Understanding
Common Understanding is vital between the writer and the producer especially when it comes to picking the genre and the target audience and also the budget.

Step Outline
The step outline are descriptive ideas on all of the scenes that could potentially make up the script. Ever action is detailed also showing which scenes will break. Each step describes the plot event and development of the main character.

First Drafts
When writing the first draft the writer must know how to tell a story visually also to show the places rather then people talk about them. The first draft of the film script is not always about just the dialogues but it also contains the action for the scenes and events which will be seen on the screen.

When the writer and producer are happy with the first it is then sent to the financers who would have there own ideas for the draft. Script editors are people who help writers with various problems that can come up during the writing process sometimes story editors are needed.

Final Draft
Once the director/producer and writer are all happy with the script it then becomes a final draft. Then it is taken to the next stage production. Writers Fee: The writers fee is the amount of money the writer is paid after the final draft and then wont take any further involvement in the project the writer might also be entitled to a percentage of the producers net.

Sales Treatment
The final stage of the script development process is the creation of a sales treatment. The producer who often works with the director will write a Sale treatment which is based on the final draft script. A sale treatment is designed to sell the film to potential financiers.

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