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19th September 2013


David is being a thinker

About David
By David

David was born in Gangnam on June 2, 2003. However, he moved to Hong Kong when he was six years old with his sisters Esther and JK, and his awesome parents. He does not have a pet although he is hoping to get one before Christmas. When he grows up, even though he plays tennis like a pro, he wants to be a golfer. David Thursday, 19 September, 2013 10:23:49 AM Hong Kong Standard Time doesnt think anybody knows except Ty.

David loves to play the drums and a little guitar. He also loves to watch action movies, especially the ones with Bruce Willis and John Travolta. In grade 5 he is looking forward to making new friends, having a fun time and being a good golfer.

David Lim

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