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e Fair Project Id
Life Science: Habitats/Environment (34)
Do mice prefer wood chips or shredded
newspaper for bedding?
Do crickets chirp in different ways
due to changes in temperature?
Why do spiders build webs
at different slants?
Which patterns make the best camouage?
Does temperature affect the time it takes
for a mealworm pupa to become an adult?
Does the type of food a mealworm
eats affect the time it takes to become
an adult?
Do different bird species prefer certain
types of seeds?
Does water temperature affect the time
it takes for brine shrimp eggs to hatch?
Does water temperature affect the length
of time it takes for a tadpole to become
a frog?
Do ants return to their mound at the
same time every day?
Will ants swim to get to a food source?
Do ant lions catch more insects in bright
light or dim light?
How do cats and dogs choose a place
to sleep?
Are moths more attracted to certain
colors of light?
Are ies more attracted to honey or meat?
Are bees more attracted to one color
of ower than another?
How is a persons memory affected
by a quiet versus a noisy environment?
How is a persons reading speed affected
by a warm versus a cold environment?
Learning AZ All rights reserved.

Science Fair Project Ide
Life Science: Habitats/Environment (34)
Does original seed depth inuence how
long it takes for a plant to reach the
surface of the soil?
Do beans grow taller in one type of soil
than another?
Do beans grow tallest in the sun, partial
shade, or full shade?
Do beans grow taller if given different
amounts of water?
Does putting food coloring in water affect
how tall a bean plant will grow?
How fast do carnations absorb different
colors of dye?
Which houseplants are best adapted
to cold and hot temperatures?
How long can different
houseplants live without light?
How long can different houseplants
live without water?
Do some types of seeds require more
water to sprout than other seeds?
Do cacti absorb more water than
other plants?
Does the amount of water given to a plant
affect the number of seeds it produces?

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