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Science Fair Approved Topics for 5th Grade

 How does the temperature change during the day? What time of day is usually the
warmest? Can you construct your own thermometer to keep your own records?
 Do preservatives stop bread mold from growing?
 What fabrics make good insulators?
 How can you remove salt from water?
 Which foods contain starch?
 Which sense organ can detect the greatest variety of sensory information?
 In which liquids will an ice cub float?
 How does specific gravity vary with minerals?
 What metals and/or/materials will rust?
 How does the color of an object affect how warm it gets?
 Where is the best place to position solar heating units?
 Can the wind be used to make electricity in the area where we live?
 Is a solar collector a feasible way to heat water?
 Are there solid particles in the air we breathe?
 What kinds of soil or rock make the best water filter?
 What materials are biodegradable?
 How does root position affect plant growth?
 What is the composition of soils in your area?
 At what temperature does condensation start?
 How does rainfall affect erosion in different types of soil?
 What effect does the depth of a planted seed have on the plant’s growth?
 What effects will colored light bulbs have on the plant’s growth?
 What factors affect sound wave frequency?
 What factors affect leaf decay?
 What kind of soil holds the best water?
 Why do some soils dry faster than others?
 How does the tail affect the flight of a kite?
 How does our vision affect our taste?
 How do metals compare in density and buoyancy?
 What is the best wing shape for flight?
 How is light affected passing through water?
 Do oil additives reduce friction on engine parts?
 What are the effects of salts on the freezing point of water and other liquids?
 What are the effects of caffeine on a person’s blood pressure?
 Does the packing material affect how well a raw egg is protected?
 Does the type of insulation material affect how long heat is retained?
 Does the type of liquid affect melting time?
 Does the type of adhesive tape affect the sticking strength?
 Does light affect germination time for seeds?
 Does the weight of an object affect drop time?
 Does the amount of water affect how long it takes to boil?
 Does temperature of soda affect the length of time its bubbles remain?
 Does the number on dice affect how many times it is rolled?
 Does the type of clear liquid - water, alcohol, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide – affect speed
of evaporation?
 Will different music affect a plants growth?
 Would vinegar, lemon juice, soapy water, or tap water work better in cleaning stains off
different types of coins?
 Does the size of a balloon affect how loud it pops?
 How does water pollution affect plant growth?

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