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Chapter 5 Kenya, East Africa Arnold just happened to know the man in charge of the missionary group called

the Faith Christian Fellowship International or FCF Int. We had decided at that point that we should charge 5 USD per dose of MMS. It didn t matter that Africans couldn t afford to pay that amount, because we were planning to get the money from one of the humanitarian sources. However, that still wasn t going anywhere. Finally, it occurred to me that we could offer to make a large charitable donation to FCF Int. I told Arnold and he thought it was a valid idea. Arnold offered to give them $200,000 worth of MMS if they would furnish the money to send me to their missions to train their people in how to use OS-82. (That s what we were calling MMS at that point. The name has changed a number of times.) Since we had set the price of a dose at 5 USD, we could make $200,000 worth for about $50. Let me just reiterate here that it was my idea. The 2,000 people treated in Guinea, the 5,000 people treated in Sierra Leone, and the 75,000 people treated in Uganda and Kenya have all been cured as a direct result of my ideas. Yes, Arnold helped, but he didn t come up with the ideas, nor did he contact the people in Guinea or Sierra Leone. I did all of it without any financing from Arnold. And still, everything had to be done his way, because that is the way the donors wanted it done (at least that s what he always told me). I wouldn t have minded doing it his way if something was actually getting done, but it wasn t. Regardless, the offer impressed FCF Int. and they decided to go ahead and send me to both Kenya and Uganda. For some reason, Arnold never allowed me to talk to the head of the FCF

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